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Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
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[Death on the Elbe] M04 - Odkrycie Kart

Démarré par Rigel, 14 Février 2023 à 10:45:26

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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[Death on the Elbe] M04 - Odkrycie Kart - 23.02.2023 09.03.2023- 2100CET

NATO vs Warsaw pact

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h20 -> Briefing on map
21h30 -> Mission start !


Silesia, February 1980

Silesia, February 1980
Despite the absolute battering received by the NATO force's northern group, an offensive that was being prepared by the US to decide the confict, comprised of units equipped with the latest armoured vehicles fresh off the lines, took the soviets by suprise in the south. Supported by elements of the Canadian army, now almost completely integrated in american command, and by breakthrough elements of the French army, the NATO spearhead managed to push all the way through east germany and are now fighting to get a foothold in Poland.

This offensive forced the northern front forces from the warsaw pact to retreat to more tenable positions, after their own offensive drained them of combat power significantly. Despite this, a stalemate in this upcoming battle would most likely break the NATO forces' back, as nothing short from a massive success will give them a chance of winning the conflict.

A soviet mechanised unit stationed in czechoslovakia, backed up by czechoslovak troops themselves, are the first sent in to make sure that NATO's plan is foiled through a swift counterattack of the most advanced elements. At the same time, a group of polish mountaineers recovering from the recent soviet attacks in the norths found themselves in the middle of the action, and are trying to hold on to an important town.

An unexpected solar storm hitting the earth and jamming all communications and electronics prevented this counteroffensive taking place two weeks ago, but now a czech scientist found out how to shut down these solar storms so the warsaw pact can barely wait to deal the final blow to the advancing nato forces.

Informations générales/General informations

  • hon . HQ units are forbidden from using any assets not assigned to them, including small arms and vehicles, but excluding fixed weapons such as HMGs.
  • hon . Rambo rules apply to the IFVs. The 2 SPG9 UAZs and the TOW Jeep have to be incorporated as part of the polish and french squads respectively (rambo rules applying. 2pt deduction if broken)
  • hon . Reserve trucks for the mechanised divisions are mainly for reserve players maxing out players fitting in a vehicle. Please make an effort to not used them unless absolutely needed (1pt deduction if i feel like it)
  • hon . There will be a capture zone that will be revealed after 1 hour of game time.
  • hon . The two GRADs and the 2 SPGs can be found at the "Soviet Artillery" marker. The two fuel trucks and engineering strykers can be found at the "NATO Supply" marker.
  • hon . Equipment boxes are available at the spawn.
  • hon . For the second attempt at the mission, soviet and american spawns have been moved 1km west while czech and canadian spawns have been moved 1km east. The capzone will also be moved from where it was on the first attempt.
  • hon . For any doubts regarding discrepancies found in the post or the mission please don't be afraid to contact me or phk/li]


Tacmap Detail
Soviet Artillery
NATO Supply
Soviet Plans
Mig-29 Electronics


Common Objectives
  • Secure the zone (Will appear after 1 hour of gametime) (3 pts)

BLUEFOR Objectives
  • Obtain soviet plans (3 documents). (4 pts)
  • Destroy enemy GRADs (BM-21). (1 pt)
  • Destroy enemy SPGs (2s3). (2 pts)
  • Prevent destruction of all your fuel and engineering vehicles. (3 pts)
  • Domination bonus - You win points if the enemy squad has fewer than 8 people alive at the end of the game. (3 pts)

REDFOR Objectives
  • Retrieve the Mig-29 electronics (2 items). (4 pts)
  • Destroy enemy fuel trucks. (1 pt)
  • Destroy enemy engineering vehicles. (2 pts)
  • Prevent destruction of all your artillery vehicles. (3 pts)
  • Domination bonus - You win points if the enemy squad has fewer than 8 people alive at the end of the game. (3 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:



NATO Forces

1st North American Mech Division - HQ   - LAV-C2       
 - US Officer
 - US 2IC
 - US Medic
 - US Engineer
 - US Team leader

1st NA Mech Division - Alpha - LAV-25
 - Canadian Section Leader
 - Canadian Fireteam Leader
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Heavy AT
 - Canadian AT Assist
 - Canadian Crewman
 - Canadian Crewman
 - Canadian Mortar
 - Canadian Mortar Assist LAT

1st NA Mech Division - Bravo - LAV-25
 - Canadian Section Leader
 - Canadian Fireteam Leader
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Heavy AT
 - Canadian AT Assist
 - Canadian Autorifleman
 - Canadian Crewman
 - Canadian Crewman
 - Canadian Grenadier  LAT

1st NA Mech Division - Charlie - LAV-25
 - Canadian Section Leader
 - Canadian Fireteam Leader
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Heavy AT
 - Canadian Autorifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Crewman
 - Canadian Crewman
 - Canadian Grenadier  LAT

1st NA Mech Division - Delta - LAV-25
 - US Squad leader
 - US Team leader
 - US AT (Carl Gustav)
 - US Marksman
 - US MG
 - US Medic
 - US Crewman
 - US Crewman
 - US AT (Super Dragon)

1st NA Mech Division - Echo - LAV-25
 - US Squad leader
 - US Team leader
 - US AT (Carl Gustav)
 - US Marksman
 - US MG
 - US Medic
 - US Crewman
 - US Crewman
 - US Explosive specialist

1st NA Mech Division - Foxtrot - M113A2 (M2)
 - US Squad leader
 - US MG
 - US Team leader
 - US Marksman
 - US Medic
 - US Engineer + Explosive specialist
 - US AT (Carl Gustav)
 - US AT (Super Dragon)

1st NA Mech Division - Golf - M113A2 (M2)
 - US Squad leader
 - US MG
 - US Team leader
 - US Marksman
 - US Medic
 - US Engineer + MG Asst.
 - US AT (Carl Gustav)
 - US MG

1st NA Mech Division - Mike - Truck
 - Canadian Section Leader
 - Canadian Fireteam Leader
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Heavy AT
 - Canadian Rifleman

1st NA Mech Division - Lima - Truck
 - Canadian Section Leader
 - Canadian Fireteam Leader
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Grenadier  LAT
 - Canadian Medic
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman

+ Reserve Trucks

15ème Division d'Infanterie - HQ - Mutt Jeep (Transport) 
 - French Commander
 - French Commander

15ème Division d'Infanterie - Henri - M113A3 (M2)
 - French Squad leader
 - French Medic
 - French Grenadier
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Asst. Autorifleman
 - French Heavy AT (M67 90mm)
 - French Light AT
 - French Light AT
 - French Autorifleman

15ème Division d'Infanterie - Isabelle - M113A3 (M2) 
 - French Squad leader
 - French Medic
 - French Grenadier
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Asst. Autorifleman
 - French Heavy AT (M67 90mm)
 - French Light AT
 - French Autorifleman
 - French Autorifleman

15ème Division d'Infanterie - Jean - M113A3 (M2) 
 - French Squad leader
 - French Medic
 - French Grenadier
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Asst. Autorifleman
 - French Heavy AT (M67 90mm)
 - French Light AT
 - French Autorifleman
 - French Heavy AT Asst.

+ Mutt Jeep (TOW) to be attached to one of the squads (NOT HQ).       

Canadian reserves
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman
 - Canadian Rifleman

US Reserves
 - US Rifleman
 - US Rifleman
 - US Rifleman
 - US Rifleman
 - US Rifleman
 - US Rifleman

French Reserves
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman
 - French Rifleman

Warsaw Pact Forces

721st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment - HQ - PRP-3
 - Soviet Side Leader
 - Soviet Senior Sergeant
 - Soviet 2ic
 - Soviet Medic
 - Soviet Engineer

721st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment - November - BMP2
 - Soviet Squad Leader
 - Soviet Senior Sergeant
 - Soviet Autorifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman AT
 - Soviet Medic
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Marksman
 - Soviet Explosive Specialist

721st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment - Oscar - BMP2
 - Soviet Squad Leader
 - Soviet Senior Sergeant
 - Soviet Autorifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman AT
 - Soviet Medic
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Marksman
 - Soviet Rifleman Heavy AT

721st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment - Papa - BMP2
 - Soviet Squad Leader
 - Soviet Senior Sergeant
 - Soviet Rifleman AT
 - Soviet Medic
 - Soviet Rifleman LAT
 - Soviet AT Assist
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Rifleman Grenadier

721st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment - Quebec - BMP2
 - Soviet Squad Leader
 - Soviet Senior Sergeant
 - Soviet Autorifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman AT
 - Soviet Medic
 - Soviet Rifleman LAT
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Rifleman

721st Guards Motor Rifle Regiment - Romeo - BMP2
 - Soviet Squad Leader
 - Soviet Senior Sergeant
 - Soviet Autorifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman AT
 - Soviet Medic
 - Soviet Rifleman LAT
 - Soviet AT Assist
 - Soviet Crewman
 - Soviet Crewman

57th Motor Rifle Regiment - Sierra - BTR-80
 - Czechoslovakia Squad Leader
 - Czechoslovakia Senior Sergeant
 - Czechoslovakia Medic
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman AT
 - Czechoslovakia Autorifleman
 - Czechoslovakia MG
 - Czechoslovakia Engineer + MG Assist
 - Czechoslovakia Heavy AT

57th Motor Rifle Regiment - Tango - BTR-80
 - Czechoslovakia Squad Leader
 - Czechoslovakia Senior Sergeant
 - Czechoslovakia Medic
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman AT
 - Czechoslovakia Autorifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Engineer + Explosive Specialist
 - Czechoslovakia Senior Sergeant
 - Czechoslovakia Autorifleman

57th Motor Rifle Regiment - X-Ray - Truck
 - Czechoslovakia Squad Leader
 - Czechoslovakia Senior Sergeant
 - Czechoslovakia Medic
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman AT
 - Czechoslovakia Medic
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman

57th Motor Rifle Regiment - Yankee - Truck
 - Czechoslovakia Squad Leader
 - Czechoslovakia Senior Sergeant
 - Czechoslovakia Medic
 - Czechoslovakia Autorifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Medic
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman

+ Reserve Trucks

25th Mechanized Regiment - HQ - UAZ Transport
 - Polish Mountaineer Commander
 - Polish Mountaineer 2ic

25th Mechanized Regiment - Victor - BRDM-2
 - Polish Mountaineer Squad Leader
 - Polish Mountaineer Sergeant
 - Polish Mountaineer Breacher
 - Polish Mountaineer Medic
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman AT
 - Polish Mountaineer Autorifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman AT Asst.
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman MG Asst.
 - Polish Mountaineer Autorifleman

25th Mechanized Regiment - Whiskey - MT-LB
 - Polish Mountaineer Squad Leader
 - Polish Mountaineer Sergeant
 - Polish Mountaineer Breacher
 - Polish Mountaineer Medic
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman LAP
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman AT
 - Polish Mountaineer Autorifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Autorifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman AT Asst.

25th Mechanized Regiment - Uniform - MT-LB
 - Polish Mountaineer Squad Leader
 - Polish Mountaineer Sergeant
 - Polish Mountaineer Breacher
 - Polish Mountaineer Medic
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman LAP
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman AT
 - Polish Mountaineer Autorifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman AT Asst.
 - Polish Mountaineer Breacher

+ 2 UAZ SPG-9s

Soviet Reserves
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman
 - Soviet Rifleman

Czechoslovak Reserves
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman
 - Czechoslovakia Rifleman

Polish Reserves
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman
 - Polish Mountaineer Rifleman