27 Juillet 2024 à 10:09:53


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[ Public TvT ] Trouble in Ticino - 26.05.2022

Démarré par Rigel, 10 Mai 2022 à 22:38:42

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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[ Public TvT ] Trouble in Ticino - 26.05.2022 - 2100CET + BONUS 30MIN MISSION

Italian Army vs Swiss Army

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

SITAC/Historical Context

Ticino, sometimes in the 70s
French Goes Here

Ticino, sometimes in the 70s
After the second world war, upwards of half a million italians emigrated to switzerland, mainly from the rural parts of neighbouring northern italy, in hopes of improving their situation. While initially very open to immigration, with work permits and accellerated routes for citizenship made available to italians, the public perception shifted heavily during the 1960s, as heavy competition drove salaries down for the poorer elements of swiss society while driving profits through the roof for those already wealthy.

This culminated in the federal election of 1971 where a coalition of anti immigration and anti italian parties was elected into power, with policies advocating for open violence against italian immigrants. Anti italian death squads were reported to be roaming the major industrial cities, and an escalation of attacks between the two sides made the situation incredibly precarious. After having been taken over by the italians, the canton ticino has been turned into a post apocalyptic looking place (weird that).

As fatalities piled up on both sides, both the swiss goverment and the italian government were preparing for an intervention with their respective armies, to appease increasing cries for support by each side. The italian top brass approved a limited invasion with the aim of capturing most of the territory south of the alpine watershed. The swiss army didn't mind ticino being turned into a wasteland by their own people (they are neutral), but will not accept an invasion, and has mobilised in kind.

Informations générales/General Informations
xx.To get the "water reservoirs" objective points, both water reservoires need to be in the same state (either connected or disconnected).[/b]
xx.To connect or disconnect the water theres a 10 second action on both laptops under the reservoir. Status of both reservoirs will be shown on the laptop's screen (OK if connected and ERR if disconnected)[/b]
xx.GULASH RESERVOIR WILL BE LOCKED AFTER 60 MINUTES OF GAMETIME (it will be impossible to connect it or disconnect it past this point). It will still be possible to change the esseker reservoir up to the end of the game.
xx.The crates tampering must be done in subsequent order by the same person. The order of the crates goes from northmost to southmost crate. If the person doing it dies, another one has to start from the beginning.
xx.First time tampering of a crate will take 90 seconds and will raise smoke (for all 4 crates). Re-tampering will only take 45. It is impossible to undo the tampering.
xx.Artillery pieces will be undestructible until they have been "recovered" by bluefor, after which it will be possible to destroy them. Recovering coordinates will be done via a 30 seconds action.
xx.You can tell if an artillery piece has been recovered if the parabola on the back of it has disappeared, which means it can be destroyed by redfor.
xx.More notes possibly to come.
xx.To request a significant rebalancing of the mission, you gotta commit your squad to the side that gets weaker as a result of the balancing.
xx.For any doubts regarding discrepancies found in the post or the mission (ESPECIALLY WITH REGARDS TO TIMING PLEASE I DON'T WANNA MESS IT UP LIKE LAST TIME) don't be afraid to contact me


Tac Map
Esseker Map
Bluefor Slots
Redfor Slots
Esseker Reservoir
Italian artillery
Terminal Status Example (Shown on laptops)
Weapons Crates (numbered for order)

Italian Objectives
  • Both Water Reservoirs Connected (OK) - (2 pts) (READ BLUE NOTES)
  • Capzone Captured - at least 2 people in the zone (3 pts)
  • Recovered coordinates from artillery #1 (within 60 mins) - (2 pts) (READ PURPLE NOTES)
  • Recovered coordinates from artillery #2 (within 60mins) - (2 pts)
  • Swiss weapon crates tampered (within 50 mins) - (3 pts) (READ RED NOTES)
  • Supremacy - more than 5 bluefor alive (2 pts)

Swiss Objectives
  • Both Water Reservoirs Disconnected (ERR) - (3 pts) (READ BLUE NOTES)
  • Capzone Captured - at least 2 people in the zone (3 pts)
  • "Recovered" artillery destroyed - (1 pts) (READ PURPLE NOTES)
  • "Recovered" artillery destroyed - (1 pts)
  • Swiss weapon crates not tampered (within 50 mins) - (2 pts) (READ RED NOTES)
  • Supremacy - more than 5 redfor alive (2 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup
  • Comment synchroniser vos addons avec Arma3sync
  • How to sync your addons with Arma3sync

Modset: [OFCRA] Vous ne pouvez pas voir les fichiers joints de cette section.

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA

IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours



Italian Army(75 slots)

Command - 19th
 - Side Leader | Beretta BM-59 - nasa
 - 2ic | Beretta BM-59

Ardesio - CE
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | Beretta BM-59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59

Bergamo - Umbral
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - AT Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + Breda Folgore 80
 - Marksman | Beretta BM-59
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59

Clusone - FAWR
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - AT Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + Breda Folgore 80
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades

Dalmine - FAWR
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - AT Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + Breda Folgore 80
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades

Entratico - FORECON
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades

Fuipiano - BG
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - AT Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + Breda Folgore 80
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | Beretta BM-59

Gazzaniga - 19th
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades

Isola di Fondra - 19th
 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | Beretta BM-59
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades

 - Squad Leader | Beretta BM-59
 - Medic | Beretta BM-59
 - Machine Gunner | Beretta MG 42/59
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - AT Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + Breda Folgore 80
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Team Leader | Beretta BM-59 + AT Rifle Grenades

+ reserves

- 4 transport trucks
- 10 Transport Jeep (4 seats)
- 6 HMG Jeeps (3 seats)

Swiss Army(75 slots)

Command (Southern spawn) - OFCRA
 - Side Leader | SIG SG 510 - Flip4Flap
 - 2ic | SIG SG 510

Avry (Esseker spawn) - OFCRA
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman AT | SIG SG 510 + M47 Dragon
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Autorifleman | SIG SG 510-3
 - Rifleman (AR Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | FN Stg58 FAL

Belfaux (Esseker spawn) - FJB49
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Autorifleman | SIG SG 510-3
 - Rifleman (AR Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman AT | SIG SG 510 + M47 Dragon
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Autorifleman | SIG SG 510-3

Cressier (Esseker spawn) - CZ
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Autorifleman | SIG SG 510-3
 - Rifleman (AR Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | FN Stg58 FAL
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

Dompierre (Southern spawn)
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman AT | SIG SG 510 + M47 Dragon
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Autorifleman | SIG SG 510-3
 - Rifleman (AR Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

Echarlens (Southern spawn) - EDEN
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman AT | SIG SG 510 + M47 Dragon
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Machine Gunner | Rheinmetall MG3
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | FN Stg58 FAL
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

Fribourg (Southern spawn) - WT
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Machine Gunner | Rheinmetall MG3
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | FN Stg58 FAL
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

Gruyères (Esseker spawn) - GH
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Machine Gunner | Rheinmetall MG3
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | FN Stg58 FAL
 - Rifleman AT | SIG SG 510 + M47 Dragon
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

Hauteville (Southern spawn) - IBC
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Machine Gunner | Rheinmetall MG3
 - Rifleman (MG Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Marksman | FN Stg58 FAL
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Rifleman (Explosives) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

Lully (Southern spawn) - FE
 - Squad Leader | SIG SG 510
 - Team Leader | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman AT | SIG SG 510 + M47 Dragon
 - Medic | SIG SG 510
 - Autorifleman | SIG SG 510-3
 - Rifleman (AR Asst.) | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | SIG SG 510 + AT Rifle Grenades

+ reserves

- 2 unarmed M113 (southern spawn)
- 3 unarmed M113 (southern spawn)
- 2 M113 (M240) (southern spawn)
- 1 command M113 (southern spawn)

  • OFCRA (Fr/English)
    • Flip5Flap
  • CZ - ~5 Pax
  • IBC - ~7 Pax
  • WT - ~7 Pax
  • GH - 4-6 Pax
  • EDEN - ~7 Pax
  • FJB49 - 6-7 Pax
  • FE - ~5 Pax
  • FORECON - 5 Pax
  • FAWR - 9-14 Pax
  • BG - ~7 Pax
  • Umbral - >6 Pax
  • CE - 5-8 Pax
  • 19th - 10-15 Pax
  • MISC / Lonewolves
    • Zombi


Salut !
Si il y a une place de lonewolf dispo, je suis preneur :) (peu importe le côté et la langue).


Citation de: Zombi le 25 Mai 2022 à 15:09:56Salut !
Si il y a une place de lonewolf dispo, je suis preneur :) (peu importe le côté et la langue).

Salut Zombi, coté Red/OFCRA du coup alors si cela te va ! ;)