06 Octobre 2024 à 06:07:24


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
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Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[Public TvT - 30/06/2022] Chapel Incident

Démarré par VeXen, 03 Juin 2022 à 15:00:25

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[Public TvT] Chapel Incident
+ 1x Small Mission (30 minutes)

Polish Armed Forces vs Army of the Czech Republic

Date : 30/06/2022

Open to anyone ! Ouvert à tous le monde !

[Date & hour - Timezone CEET]

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting 
21h15 -> Briefing on map
21h30 -> Mission start !

Contexte / Backstory

Pielgrzymów, Polish-Czech boder 2020

Pielgrzymów, Polish-Czech boder 2020
Polish troops guarding the frontier as part of coronavirus measures took up positions by a chapel on the Czech side of the border. The chapel lies 30 metres inside Czech territory.  Local Czechs tried to solve this issue, but with no effect.  After diplomatic intervention of Czech embassy, Polish government answered that chapel belongs to Poland and Polish troops will stay there. After Czech's objection to UN Polish troops pushed even further and took local presbitery. For Czechs there was only one solution- war. Now, Poles are waiting for their general with reinforcements while Czechs are preparing their attack...

Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Tactical Map
Spoiler: montrer

Important notes

  • Chapel is indestructable
  • Presbitery forces are WITHOUT vehicles
  • BOTH teams have Darter UAV for reconnaissance
  • Czech grenade launcher has no ammo
  • Polish general mustn't change his hat

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common objectives
  • Capture city near chapel (4 pts)
  • Capture presbitery (50 mins)  (4 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • General is alive (1 pts)
  • General inside chapel (1h20mins) (1pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (2 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Kill the general (2 pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 bluefor PAX alive (2 pts)

Configuration & technical setup
➔ Comment faire pour synchroniser ses addons et participer à une partie OFCRA ? (Modset + repo Armasync) - How to ? Basically all the technicals intel you need to know to play with us (our repo/modset + armasync configuration) [/b]

"[OFCRA] Chapel Incident  - Public TvT"   (A3Sync repository https://repo.ofcra.org/.a3s/autoconfig)

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@ofcra_essentials   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2688071833
@polish_armed_forces   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2098564124
@polish_armed_forces_ace_compat   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2081411913
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@vet_unflipping   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703187116

Règles / Rules

  • Vol de radio interdit // Stealing radios is prohibited
  • Vol d'uniformes (chapeau, vêtement, gilets) interdit // Stealing uniforms (hats, cloth, vest) is prohibited
  • Utiliser les explosifs pour les placer sur les véhicules et s'en servir comme véhicules bélier/suicides est strictement interdit // Using the explosives to trap the vehicles and use them as suicide bombers is strictly forbidden
  • Tout autre moyen de communication que TFAR est strictement interdit // You can only use TFAR for communication ingame
  • L'usage du chat In game est strictement limité aux problèmes techniques // Chat text is authorized only for technicals problem
  • Respect de la hiérarchie militaire - chef de camp et chef de groupe selon ordre et mission //   Respect the hierarchy, orders and chains of command
  • Aucune IA, merci de désactiver les slots qui resteront libre // NO AI units. Please close the unused slots
  • Obligation d'avoir au moins un squad leader si l'on veut prendre un slot dans un groupe (exception pour le riflemen) // You need at least one squad leader in a group to take any other slot (except for rifleman slot)
  • Marqueurs sur carte autorisés // Markers on map are authorized
  • Lonewolf strictement interdit // No lonewolf

Apprenez-en plus a propos des règles ici // Learn more about the rule here : https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/regles


Polish Army
Polish Command
 - Generał-WT
 - 2iC- WT

Husarz 1 (Presbitery)
 - Squad Leader- GH
 - Rifleman- GH
 - Medic- GH
 - AT- GH
 - HMG- GH
 - Team leader- GH
 - Marksman- GH
 - Team leader- GH

Husarz 2
 - Squad Leader- FORECON
 - Rifleman- FORECON
 - Medic- FORECON
 - Team leader- FORECON
 - Marksman- FORECON
 - Team leader- FORECON

Husarz 3
 - Squad Leader- WT
 - Rifleman- WT
 - Medic- WT
 - AT- WT
 - HMG- WT
 - Team leader- WT
 - Marksman- WT
 - Team leader- WT

Husarz 4
 - Squad Leader- FJB49
 - Rifleman- FJB49
 - Medic- FJB49
 - AT- FJB49
 - HMG- FJB49
 - Team leader- FJB49
 - Marksman- FJB49
 - Team leader- FJB49

Husarz 5
 - Squad Leader - RBEP
 - Rifleman - RBEP
 - Medic - RBEP
 - AT - RBEP
 - Team leader - RBEP
 - Marksman - RBEP
 - Team leader - RBEP

Husarz 6
 - Squad Leader- EDEN
 - Rifleman- EDEN
 - Medic- EDEN
 - Team leader- EDEN
 - Marksman- EDEN
 - Team leader- EDEN

Husarz 7
 - Squad Leader- 19th
 - Rifleman- 19th
 - Medic- 19th
 - AT- 19th
 - HMG- 19th
 - Team leader- 19th
 - Marksman- 19th
 - Team leader- 19th

Husarz 8
 - Squad Leader
 - Rifleman
 - Medic
 - AT
 - HMG
 - Team leader
 - Marksman
 - Team leader

Pawlacz (SF)
 - Squad Leader- 19th
 - Rifleman- 19th
 - Medic- 19th
 - Rifleman AT-19th
 - HMG- 19th
 - Team Leader-19th
 - Marksman- 19th
 - Rifleman- 19th

4x Tumak
1x UKM Tumak
2x WKM Tumak
2x M-ATV
4x Star 1466

Army of Czech Republic
Krtek Command
 - Side Lead- CZ/SK
 - 2iC- CZ/SK

Krtek 1
 - 1: Squad Leader- CZ/SK
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- CZ/SK
 - 3: Team Leader- CZ/SK
 - 4: Autorifleman- CZ/SK
 - 5: Team Leader- CZ/SK
 - 6: Marksman- CZ/SK
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- CZ/SK

Krtek 2
 - 1: Squad Leader- BG
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- BG
 - 3: Team Leader- BG
 - 4: Autorifleman- BG
 - 5: Team Leader- BG
 - 6: Marksman- BG
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- BG

Krtek 3
 - 1: Squad Leader- OFCRA
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- OFCRA
 - 3: Team Leader- OFCRA
 - 4: Autorifleman- OFCRA
 - 5: Team Leader- OFCRA
 - 6: Marksman- OFCRA
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- OFCRA

Krtek 4
 - 1: Squad Leader- FAWR
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- FAWR
 - 3: Team Leader- FAWR
 - 4: Autorifleman- FAWR
 - 5: Team Leader- FAWR
 - 6: Marksman- FAWR
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- FAWR

Krtek 5
 - 1: Squad Leader- CE
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- CE
 - 3: Team Leader- CE
 - 4: Autorifleman- CE
 - 5: Team Leader- CE
 - 6: Marksman- CE
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- CE

Krtek 6
 - 1: Squad Leader- CE
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- CE
 - 3: Team Leader- CE
 - 4: Autorifleman- CE
 - 5: Team Leader- CE
 - 6: Marksman- CE
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- CE

Pepik 1 (BRDM)
 - 1: Crewman- CZ/SK
 - 2: Crewman- CZ/SK
 - 3: Crewman- CZ/SK

Krtek 7
 - 1: Squad Leader-FE
 - 2: Combat Life Saver-FE
 - 3: Team Leader-FE
 - 4: Autorifleman-FE
 - 5: Team Leader-FE
 - 6: Marksman-FE
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)-FE

Krtek 8
 - 1: Squad Leader
 - 2: Combat Life Saver
 - 3: Team Leader
 - 4: Autorifleman
 - 5: Team Leader
 - 6: Marksman
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)

Pepik 2 (SF)
 - 1: Squad Leader- IBC
 - 2: Combat Life Saver- IBC
 - 3: Team Leader- IBC
 - 4: Autorifleman- IBC
 - 5: Team Leader- IBC
 - 6: Marksman- IBC
 - 7: Rifleman (AT)- IBC

1x Land Rover (special)
2x Land Rover (M2)
1x BRDM-2
6x Land Rover
1x T810 (PK)
1x UAZ-469