28 Avril 2024 à 05:27:32


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[ Public TvT ] Eiserner Vorhang

Démarré par 19th Nasa, 13 Juillet 2020 à 00:02:22

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

Événements liés

19th Nasa

[Public TvT]Eiserner Vorhang  - 23/07/2020 - 2100CEST

NATO vs Russian Army

Date & hour - Timezone CEST (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Sitac / Backstory
Après la chute des groupes de combat avancés de L'OTAN au sein des pays de la Baltique et spécifiquement en Lettonie, c'était une question de temps avant que la Pologne ne tombe elle aussi. Cependant, le succès des russes est peut-être arrivé un peu trop vite, et ils se retrouvent dans le besoin de se regrouper et de réarmer. C'est l'occasion parfaite pour les forces de l'OTAN, assiégées, de se regrouper et de rassembler leurs forces dans une petite ville de campagne à la frontière allemande, où ils attendent maintenant l'offensive russe.

After the breaking of the NATO forward battlegroups across the Baltics and especially in Latvia it was only a matter of time till Poland fell. However the fruits of success tumbled too quickly into the Russian mouths and after Poland they found the need to regroup and rearm. This was the perfect gift to the beleaguered NATO forces who at once gatherd their strength at the border towns of germany, waiting for the Russians to strike. 

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Hon / The mission is Red attack Blue Defend - capture and secure.
  • Les uniformes sont simples: Bruns pour la Russie, Vert pour l'OTAN / Uniforms for dummies. Russia is brown, Nato is green.
  • Les deux équipes disposent de Véhicules de combat d'infanterie. / Both teams have IFV's
  • Des caisses d'armes sont disséminées à différents endroits de la carte, trouvez les pour obtenir un petit  avantage! / Crates of arms are located on the map in hidden locations, find them to get a secret advantage!
  • Les munitions HE ont été retirées des blindés. Mais si vous êtes repérés, ils sont toujours très dangereux! Réfléchissez et planifiez vos déplacement pour éviter des pertes! / The IFV's have had their HE shells removed but if you get spotted, they are still very deadly. Think smart and move accordingly to avoid losses !


NATO Radar and Flack

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common objectives
  • Capturer la FOB de l'OTAN / Capture the NATO FOB (2pts)
  • Suprématie / Supremacy (1pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Protéger le radar// Protect the Radar (1pts)
  • Protéger le Flack // Protect the Flack (1pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Détruire le radar // Destroy the Radar (1pts)
  • Détruire le Flack // Destroy the Flack (1pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Règles spécifiques à la mission / Specific mission rules:
  • Les IAs ne seront pas tolérées dans les véhicules, peu importe la raison. // No IAS will be allowed to be used (vehicles or infantry squads) - for any reasons.
  • Hon. // You are not allowed to ace pick up and move the destroy objectives

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: [OFCRA]Eiserner Vorhang - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository
  • ace
  • ace_compat_rhs
  • ace_compat_bwmod
  • acex
  • bwmod
  • cba_a3
  • cup_terrain_core
  • niarms_core
  • niarms_g3
  • niarms_mp5
  • ofcra
  • rhsafrf
  • rhsgref
  • rhssaf
  • rhsusaf
  • tfar
  • rosche
  • redd_tank_vehicles

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours

19th Nasa

Slot list

Nato - 50PAX

Bluelead - 2PAX
  • German Side Leader  - [FJB49 Pogo]
  • Portuguese 2iC -

Anklam - 6PAX
  • German Squad Leader - [FJB49]
  • German Fireteam Leader - [FJB49]
  • German Rifleman AT - [FJB49]
  • German Rifleman AT - [FJB49]
  • German Medic - [FJB49]
  • German MG - [FJB49]

Schwedt - 6PAX
  • German Squad Leader - [FJB49]
  • German Fireteam Leader - [FJB49]
  • German Rifleman AT - [FJB49]
  • German Rifleman AT - [FJB49]
  • German Medic - [FJB49]
  • German Marksman - [FJB49]

Pasewalk - 6PAX
  • German Squad Leader - [UKaZ]
  • German Fireteam Leader - [UKaZ]
  • German Rifleman AT - [UKaZ]
  • German Rifleman AT - [UKaZ]
  • German Medic - [UKaZ]
  • German Grenadier - [UKaZ]

Dubrovnik - 6PAX
  • Croatian Squad Leader -
  • Croatian Fireteam Leader -
  • Croatian Rifleman AT -
  • Croatian Rifleman AT -
  • Croatian Medic -
  • Croatian Autorifleman -

Zagora - 6PAX
  • Croatian Squad Leader -
  • Croatian Fireteam Leader -
  • Croatian Rifleman AT -
  • Croatian Rifleman AT -
  • Croatian Medic -
  • Croatian Demmo -

Evora - 6PAX
  • Portuguese Secton Leader - [19th]
  • Portuguese Fireteam Leader - [19th]
  • Portuguese Rifleman AT - [19th]
  • Portuguese Rifleman AT - [19th]
  • Portuguese Medic - [19th]
  • Portuguese AT - [19th]

Porto - 6PAX
  • Portuguese Secton Leader - [19th]
  • Portuguese Fireteam Leader - [19th]
  • Portuguese Rifleman AT - [19th]
  • Portuguese Rifleman AT - [19th]
  • Portuguese Medic - [19th]
  • Portuguese MG - [19th]

Krupp - 3PAX
  • German Crew Commander - [FJB49]
  • German Crew - [FJB49]
  • German Crew  - [FJB49]

  • Marder 1a5
  • Fuchs x7

Redlead - 2PAX
  • Russian Side leader - [OFCRA PHK]
  • Russian 2iC - [B.L] Rigel

Armata- 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader - [6eme BAP]
  • Russian Fireteam Leader - [6eme BAP]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [6eme BAP]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [6eme BAP]
  • Russian Medic - [6eme BAP]
  • Russian Autorifleman - [6eme BAP]

Vodnik - 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader -
  • Russian Fireteam Leader -
  • Russian Rifleman AT -
  • Russian Rifleman AT -
  • Russian Medic -
  • Russian Marksman -

Umansko-Berlinskaya - 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader - [1erRCC]
  • Russian Fireteam Leader - [1erRCC]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [1erRCC]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [1erRCC]
  • Russian Medic - [1erRCC]
  • Russian MG - [1erRCC]

Suvorov  - 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader - [CSF]
  • Russian Fireteam Leader - [CSF]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [CSF]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [CSF]
  • Russian Medic - [CSF]
  • Russian Grenadier - [CSF]

Novorossiysk  - 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader - [OFCRA]
  • Russian Fireteam Leader - [OFCRA]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [OFCRA]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [OFCRA]
  • Russian Medic - [OFCRA]
  • Russian Autorifleman - [OFCRA]

Yevpatoriya- 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader - [DTB / Lonewolves]
  • Russian Fireteam Leader - [DTB / Lonewolves]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [DTB / Lonewolves]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [DTB / Lonewolves]
  • Russian Medic - [DTB / Lonewolves]
  • Russian MG - [DTB / Lonewolves]

Gronzy- 6PAX
  • Russian Section Leader - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Fireteam Leader - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Rifleman AT - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Medic - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Demmo - [D/2/506]

Kantemirovskaya- 3PAX
  • Russian Crew Commander -
  • Russian Crew -
  • Russian Crew -

Govorov- 3PAX
  • Russian Crew Commander - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Crew - [D/2/506]
  • Russian Crew - [D/2/506]

  • Tiger x 7
  • BMP-3 x 2
  • Ural
  • D-30(smokes only)

  • OFCRA (Fr/English)
    • Phk4900
    • Flip4flap
    • MrWhite350
    • Prophet
    • Merdy
    • Madwolf (probable)
  • 19th - 10-15 PAX
  • D/2/506 - 10 PAX
  • 6BAP - 4-7 PAX
  • BL - 1+ PAX
  • CSF - 7 PAX
  • FJB49 - 14 PAX
  • UKaZ- 3-4 PAX
  • DTB - 3 PAX
  • 1erRCC - 6/8 PAX
  • CZ/SK- 2 PAX
  • LITCON - 2 PAX (with FJB49)
  • MISC / Lonewolves
    • Rick_hunter_2
    • Flèche


Le 1er R.C.C répond présent en  :redfor:  pour l'escouade Umansko-Berlinskaya   :cool2:




Définition Officielle: Opérations Tactiques d'Extraction et d'Assaut
Définition Officieuse 1: On T'Encule Aussi
Définition Officieuse 2: Danse Tahitienne (si si)


19th Bluefor Portuguese. Evora and Porto. 10-15 players




Hello !

Pour la DTB nous serons 3 !

Pour ce qui est de l'équipe ou autre, faites au mieux :)





Jon Random