24 Janvier 2025 à 03:55:19


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[Public TvT] Wraith of NORDBAT

Démarré par 19th Nasa, 22 Juillet 2024 à 07:38:05

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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19th Nasa

[Public TvT] Wraith of NORDBAT - 01.08.2024 - 2100CET

United Nations vs Jugoslovenska Narodna Armija

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Sitac / Backstory
Bosnia, 1995
Trigger-Happy, Autonomous, and Disobedient. NORDBAT was the United Nations force comprising of Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. They gained a reputation for responding to acts of aggression with untampered violence, annoying both their own governments and the United Nations. So when the JNA came for captured Bosnians that the United Nations arrested for breaking the peace, the only response was firepower. 

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Toutes les informations ne sont pas documentées ici, il appartient à chaque camp de procéder à une reconnaissance. / Not all information is documented here, it is up to each side to make a reconnaissance.
  • Hon. / Both teams have splintered spawns. for the United Nations the Swedish response spawn in the south and the Norwegians are alone holding the UN safe zone
  • Hon. / At the UN safe zone the CV90 has no fuel but is otherwise fully operational
  • Hon. / The Swedes in the south have a fuel truck which can refuel the CV90
  • Hon. / The Radios are limited but provided to all Squad, Group and Team leaders
  • Hon. / For camos, they are similar BUT the United Nations have blue helmets WHICH THEY CANNOT REMOVE
  • Hon. / The Bosnians are damage immune but at the Sawmill, they can be shot
  • Hon. / The UN cannot move the Bosnians out of the UN Safezone until the JNA do, at which they can move them back


Overview map
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
UN Safezone
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Bosnian prisoners
Spoiler: montrer
Norwegian CV90
Spoiler: montrer

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common Objectives
  • Capture UN Safezone - Red Capzone (6 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Keep Norwegian CV90 alive by 35mins (4 pts)
  • Side Lead inside Sawmill at 65mins (3 pts)
  • Bosnians inside the UN Safezone at 60mins (1 pts each(8 max)

Redfor Objectives
  • Destroy Norwegian CV90 by 35mins (4 pts)
  • Side Lead inside Sawmill at 65mins (3 pts)
  • Bosnians shot at the Sawmill by 60mins (1 pts each(8 max)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Règles spécifiques à la mission / Specific mission rules:
  • Hon / Assigned vics can be taken by anyone in the same Platoon when leaving spawn
  • Aucune IA ne sera tolérée dans les véhicules / No AI in vehicule at all

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: Wraith of NORDBAT - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: brokengrenade.cz
Port: 3302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours

19th Nasa

Blue Side Lead - Land Rover
 - NORDBAT Side Lead - AK5 AFDF + ODB Phobos
 - NORDBAT Side 2iC - AG3

Astrid Platoon HQ - Land Rover
 - Swedish Platoon Commander - AK5
 - Swedish Medic - AK5
 - Swedish Platoon 2iC - AK5
 - Swedish Doctor - 870

Astrid 1-1 - with 1-2 in Pbv 302
 - Swedish Group Commander - AK5 AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish MG Assist - AK4 AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish MG - Ksp58 AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL AFDF + ODB

Astrid 1-2 - Pbv 302
 - Swedish Vehicle Commander - M/45 AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish Vehicle Gunner - M/45 AFDF + ODB
 - Swedish Vehicle Gunner - M/45 AFDF + ODB

Astrid 2-1 - with 2-2 in Pbv 302
 - Swedish Group Commander - AK5 TAASB
 - Swedish MG Assist - AK4 TAASB
 - Swedish MG - Ksp58 TAASB
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 TAASB
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL TAASB
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL

Astrid 2-2 - Pbv 302
 - Swedish Vehicle Commander - M/45 TAASB
 - Swedish Vehicle Gunner - M/45 TAASB
 - Swedish Vehicle Driver - M/45

Astrid 3-1 - with 3-2 in Pbv 302
 - Swedish Group Commander - AK5 23PzD
 - Swedish MG Assist - AK4 23PzD
 - Swedish MG - Ksp58 23PzD
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 23PzD
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL 23PzD
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL 23PzD

Astrid 3-2 - Pbv 302
 - Swedish Vehicle Commander - M/45 23PzD
 - Swedish Vehicle Gunner - M/45 23PzD
 - Swedish Vehicle Driver - M/45 23PzD

Boras Platoon HQ - Land Rover
 - Swedish Platoon Commander - AK5
 - Swedish Medic - AK5
 - Swedish Platoon 2iC - AK5
 - Swedish Doctor - 870

Boras 1-1 - Land Rover
 - Swedish Group Commander - AK5 PLH
 - Swedish MG Assist - AK4 PLH
 - Swedish MG - Ksp58 PLH
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 PLH

Boras 1-2 - Land Rover(.50)
 - Swedish Deputy Group Commander - AK5 PLH
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 PLH
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL PLH
 - Swedish Rifleman AT - AK5 PLH

Boras 2-1 - Land Rover
 - Swedish Group Commander - AK5 19th
 - Swedish MG Assist - AK4 19th
 - Swedish MG - Ksp58 19th
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 19th

Boras 2-2 - Land Rover(.50)
 - Swedish Deputy Group Commander - AK5 19th
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 19th
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL 19th
 - Swedish Rifleman AT - AK5 19th

Boras 3-1 - Land Rover
 - Swedish Group Commander - AK5 GH
 - Swedish MG Assist - AK4 GH
 - Swedish MG - Ksp58 GH
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 GH

Boras 3-2 - Land Rover(.50)
 - Swedish Deputy Group Commander - AK5 GH
 - Swedish Medic - AK5 GH
 - Swedish Grenadier - AK5GL GH
 - Swedish Rifleman AT - AK5 GH

Chiffrere Platoon HQ
 - Norwegian Platoon Commander - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Platoon 2iC - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Doctor - 870 1WR

Chiffrere 1-1
 - Norwegian Group Commander - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian MG Assist - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian MG - MG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian MG Assist - AG3 1WR

Chiffrere 1-2
 - Norwegian Deputy Group Commander - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Marksman - AG3 1WR
 - Norwegian Rifleman AT - AG3 1WR

Chiffrere 2-1
 - Norwegian Group Commander - AG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian MG Assist - AG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian MG - MG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian MG Assist - AG3 Norwood reaper

Chiffrere 2-2
 - Norwegian Deputy Group Commander - AG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian Marksman - AG3 Norwood reaper
 - Norwegian Rifleman AT - AG3 Norwood reaper

Chiffrere 3-1
 - Norwegian Group Commander - AG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian MG Assist - AG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian MG - MG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian MG Assist - AG3 EDEN/ISS

Chiffrere 3-2
 - Norwegian Deputy Group Commander - AG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian Medic - AG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian Marksman - AG3 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian Rifleman AT - AG3 EDEN/ISS

Chiffrere 4 - CV90(no fuel)
 - Norwegian Vehicle Commander - MP5 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian Vehicle Gunner - MP5 EDEN/ISS
 - Norwegian Vehicle Driver - MP5 EDEN/ISS
Red Side Lead - Pickup(M2)
 - JNA Side Leader - M70 FLG Depso
 - JNA Side 2iC - M70

Avala Platoon HQ - Pickup(M2)
 - JNA Platoon Leader - M70
 - JNA Medic - M70
 - JNA Platoon 2iC - M70
 - JNA Doctor - IZh18

Avala 1-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70 PPC
 - JNA Medic - M70 PPC
 - JNA MG - M84 PPC
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL PPC
 - JNA MG Assist + Demo - Vz58 PPC

Avala 1-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS PPC
 - JNA Medic - PM63 PPC
 - JNA Marksman - CZ550 PPC
 - JNA Spotter - PPSh PPC

Avala 2-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70
 - JNA Medic - M70
 - JNA MG - M53
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL
 - JNA MG Assist - Vz58

Avala 2-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS
 - JNA Medic - PM63
 - JNA Marksman - M76
 - JNA Spotter - ERO

Avala 3-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70 Squad Ops
 - JNA Medic - M70 Squad Ops
 - JNA MG - FN MAG Squad Ops
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL Squad Ops
 - JNA MG Assist - Vz58 Squad Ops

Avala 3-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS 19th
 - JNA Medic - PM63 19th
 - JNA Spotter - SKS 19th
 - JNA Marksman - M24 19th

Beograd Platoon HQ - Pickup(M2)
 - JNA Platoon Leader - M70
 - JNA Medic - M70
 - JNA Platoon 2iC - M70
 - JNA Doctor - IZh18

Beograd 1-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70
 - JNA Medic - M70
 - JNA MG - M84
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL
 - JNA MG Assist - Vz58

Beograd 1-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS
 - JNA Medic - PM63
 - JNA Marksman - CZ550
 - JNA Spotter - PPSh

Beograd 2-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70 FJB49
 - JNA Medic - M70 FJB49
 - JNA MG - M53 FJB49
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL FJB49
 - JNA MG Assist - Vz58 FJB49

Beograd 2-2 - Pickup(Raketaš)
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS 19th
 - JNA Medic - PM63 19th
 - JNA Demo - M3A1 19th
 - JNA Demo - M3A1 19th

Beograd 3-1 - Pickup(SPG9)
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70 FOG
 - JNA Medic - M70 FOG
 - JNA AT Assist - M92 FOG
 - JNA AT Assist - M92 FOG

Beograd 3-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS FJB49
 - JNA Medic - PM63 FJB49
 - JNA Marksman - M76 FJB49
 - JNA Spotter - SKS FJB49

Valjevo Platoon HQ - Pickup(M2)
 - JNA Platoon Leader - M70
 - JNA Medic - M70
 - JNA Platoon 2iC - M70
 - JNA Doctor - IZh18

Valjevo 1-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70  OFCRA
 - JNA Medic - M70  OFCRA
 - JNA MG - M84  OFCRA
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL  OFCRA
 - JNA MG Assist - Vz58  OFCRA

Valjevo 1-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS
 - JNA Medic - PM63
 - JNA Marksman - CZ550
 - JNA Spotter - PPSh

Valjevo 2-1
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70
 - JNA Medic - M70
 - JNA MG - M53
 - JNA Grenadier - M70GL
 - JNA MG Assist - Vz58

Valjevo 2-2 - Pickup(Raketaš)
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS
 - JNA Medic - PM63
 - JNA Demo - M3A1
 - JNA Demo - M3A1

Valjevo 3-1 - Pickup(SPG9)
 - JNA Squad Leader - M70 WT
 - JNA Medic - M70 WT
 - JNA AT Assist - M92 WT
 - JNA AT Assist - M92 WT

Valjevo 3-2
 - JNA Team Leader - AKMS WT
 - JNA Medic - PM63 WT
 - JNA Marksman - M76 WT
 - JNA Spotter - SKS WT