02 Mai 2024 à 22:59:04


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Ziki_CZ

Thanks for the game, it was a nice evening with lots of fun!  :plusun:

Hello, in the mission I found a small unbalance thing.
SMAW launchers have HEDP (3x multipurpose), but the other side has only one PG7VL (HEAT) and two PG7LR (tandem HEAT) rockets.
These russian PG7VL/R are inappropriate against the infantry, unlike HEDP for SMAW.
And also against light armored targets (in today's mission are UAZs and HMMWVs.) When, even though HEDP is miss the target, it is able to neutralized a light vehicle with fragments and area damage.
Citation de: Flip4Flap le 09 Juillet 2017 à 16:00:54

Hell Ziki and thank you for the update:

So just to be sure:

CZ+CSEC+43VPR+MOR (all together) = 14 guys (CZ native language - English speaking ingame)

RU OF + REC (all together) = 5 guys (Russian native language? - English speaking ingame)

Tell me if I'm wrong  8-)

Yes, more specified in the private message.
Hi gentlemens!
I have the promised participation of the following number of people:
CZ: I, 6 from CSEC, 3 from 43.vpr, 4 from MOR (I still wait for the exact number from MOR. Apparently they'll bring someone back from Argentine CTU.)
RU: 5 from OF (+REC)
Hello, I put together an expedition group of Czech clans (CSEC, 417.RCT, MORclan). And we'd like to take the squad Lima.