17 Mai 2024 à 21:00:09


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Piecemaker_187

BT has about 8 players signed up to attend this event so far. I'll be the point of contact for our group.

Definitely attending
Player: Piecemaker_187
Player: Norse_Harold
Player: omL
Player: PissedoffGuy
Player: BulletProof_187
Player: |ToK| Alper
Player: |ToK| Kaan

Maybe attending
Player: TheMasterofBlubb

Slotting as Bluefor (AAF)

Can you provide us with additional free slot in a squad for the last minute join.
BT has 3 to 5 players signed up to attend this event so far. I'll be the point of contact for our group.

Definitely attending
Player: TheMasterofBlubb
Player: Piecemaker_187
Player: PissedoffGuy

Maybe attending
Player: Norse_Harold
Player: BulletProof_187

Can you provide us with additional free slot in a squad for the last minute join.