[Public TvT] Battle of Balaclava - 22.08.24 - 2100CET

Démarré par wombat, 05 Juillet 2024 à 18:01:27

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[Public TvT] Battle of Balaclava - 22.08.24 - 2100CET

British, French & Turkish vs Russia

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Sitac / Backstory

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!" he said.
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
  Someone had blundered.
  Theirs not to make reply,
  Theirs not to reason why,
  Theirs but to do and die.
  Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
  Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
  Rode the six hundred.

Flashed all their sabres bare,
Flashed as they turned in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
  All the world wondered.
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right through the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reeled from the sabre stroke
  Shattered and sundered.
Then they rode back, but not
  Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
  Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell.
They that had fought so well
Came through the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of hell,
All that was left of them,
  Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
the wild charge they made!
  All the world wondered.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
  Noble six hundred!

      -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1854)

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Toutes les informations ne sont pas documentées ici, il appartient à chaque camp de procéder à une reconnaissance. / Not all information is documented here, it is up to each side to make a reconnaissance.
  • Russian Artillery has no artillery computer.
  • Russian Artillery has logistics script to reload.
  • Russian Artillery can not fire West of the Line towards the Blue spawns. Unless Russian troops are fired on from behind it.
  • The banner objectives can only be defaced by standard Arma Action. This takes 4 seconds.
  • There are Helicopters that in the North and Centre forts that only unlock after 1 hour
  • Russia has extra ammo crates in the star forts and the castle.
  • Russia SPG 9 Squad leaders have Laser Marker that will show target on their local map.


Overview map
Spoiler: montrer
Objectives map
Spoiler: montrer
British - Blue
Spoiler: montrer
French - Blue
Spoiler: montrer
Turks - Blue
Spoiler: montrer
Russia - Red
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
North / Center Star fort
Spoiler: montrer
South Castle
Spoiler: montrer

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common Objectives:
  • Capture South Castle at 90 min [1 point]
  • Leader in South Castle at 90 min [1 point]

Blue Objectives:
  • Deface Banner 1 before 10 min [1 point]
  • Deface Banner 2 before 20 min [1 point]
  • Deface Banner 3 before 30 min [1 point]
  • Deface Banner 4 before 60 min [1 point]

Red Objectives:
  • Hold North fort at 60 min [2 points]
  • Hold Centre fort at 60 min [2 points]

Règles/ Rules

  • Russian Artillery can not fire West of the Line towards the Blue spawns. Unless Russian troops are fired on from behind it.

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: See Discord - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: brokengrenade.cz
Port: 3302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours


 - Commander - L85A2 - [1WR Fonz]
 - 2iC - L85A2 - [1WR]

Chasseur 1 - 2*VLTT P4 PATSAS
 - Squad Leader - HK416 - [C-ARMA]
 - EOD - HK416 - [C-ARMA]
 - Medic - HK416 - [C-ARMA]
 - Team Leader - HK416 - [C-ARMA]
 - Rifleman - HK416 - [C-ARMA]
 - Rifleman - HK416 - [C-ARMA]

Chasseur 2 - 2*VLTT P4 PATSAS
 - Squad Leader - HK416 - [14th]
 - EOD - HK416 - [14th]
 - Medic - HK416 - [14th]
 - Team Leader - HK416 - [14th]
 - Rifleman - HK416 - [14th]
 - Rifleman - HK416 - [14th]

Turkish Engineer - M113 M2, M113
 - Squad Leader - HK416
 - Team Leader / Repair - HK416
 - Medic - HK416
 - EOD - HK416
 - Explosives Specialist - HK416
 - Explosives Specialist - HK416
 - Explosives Specialist - HK416
 - Repair Specialist - HK416

Light Platoon Lead - Jackal
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [ODB]
 - EOD - L85A2 - [ODB]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [ODB]
 - Sharpshooter - L86A2 LSW - [ODB]

Light 1 - 2*Jackal
 - Squad Leader - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Medic - L85A2
 - Grenadier - L85A2

Light 2 - Bulldog GPMG
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [FOG]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [FOG]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [FOG]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [FOG]
 - Autorifleman - L110A3 LMG - [FOG]

Light 3 - Bulldog GPMG
 - Squad Leader - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Medic - L85A2
 - Grenadier - L85A2

Light 4 - 2*Jackal
 - Squad Leader - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Medic - L85A2
 - Autorifleman - L110A3 LMG

Light 5 - 2*Jackal
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [PPC]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [PPC]
 - Autorifleman - L110A3 LMG - [PPC]

Heavy Platoon Lead - Chieftain
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [1WR]
 - EOD - L85A2 - [1WR]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [1WR]

Heavy 1 - Bulldog GPMG
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Grenadier - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]

Heavy 2 - Bulldog GPMG
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [Norwood Reaper]
 - Autorifleman - L110A3 LMG - [Norwood Reaper]

Heavy 3 - Bulldog HMG-RWS
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [1WR]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [1WR]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [1WR]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [1WR]
 - Grenadier - L85A2 - [1WR]

Heavy 4 - Bulldog HMG-RWS
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Autorifleman - L110A3 LMG - [RBEP]

Heavy 5 - Bulldog HMG-RWS
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Medic - L85A2 - [RBEP]
 - Autorifleman - L110A3 LMG - [RBEP]

Warrior Lead (Heavy Platoon Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L85A2 - [PPC]
 - Crew - L85A2 - [PPC]

Warrior 2 (Heavy Platoon Spawn)
 - Vehicle Leader - L85A2 - [PPC]
 - Crew - L85A2 - [PPC]

Heavy Reserve
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2

Light Reserve
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2
 - Rifleman - L85A2

French Reserve
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416

Turks Reserve
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
 - Rifleman - HK416
Command - UAZ
 - Commander - AK74 Flip4Flap
 - 2iC - AK74

Platoon Resources.
 Available per platoon.
 To be allocated by Platoon leads/ Main command

- KamAZ
- 3 * DShKM
- 20 * Toe Popper AP Mines
- 20 * Tripwire flares
- 1 AT Mine
- 2 * Satchel Charge with 1* Firing Device
- 3 * RPG-18

North Platoon Lead
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [FJB49]
 - Medic - AK74 - [FJB49]
 - Spotter - AK74 - [FJB49]
 - Marksman - SVDM - [FJB49]

North SPG9 1 (Forward Spawn, No Reserves) - 2*SPG9, 1* Tigr
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]
 - Medic - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]
 - Gunner - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]
 - Gun Lead - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]

North SPG9 2 (Forward Spawn, No Reserves) - 2*SPG9, 1* Tigr
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]
 - Medic - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]
 - Gunner - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]
 - Gun Lead - AK74 - [PLH + OPS]

North Artillery - D30 + Ammo Truck
 - Artillery Lead - AK74 - [TAASB]
 - Artillery Crew - AK74 - [TAASB]

North 1
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [FJB49]
 - Medic - AK74 - [FJB49]
 - Spotter - AK74 - [FJB49]
 - AT- AK74+RPG - [FJB49]
 - AutoRifleman - RPK74 - [FJB49]

North 2
 - Squad Lead - AK74
 - Medic - AK74
 - Grenadier - AK74/GP25
 - Spotter - AK74
 - AT- AK74+RPG

North 3
 - Squad Lead - AK74
 - Medic - AK74
 - Spotter - AK74
 - AT- AK74+RPG
 - AutoRifleman - RPK74

Centre Platoon Lead
 - Squad Lead - AK74
 - Medic - AK74
 - Spotter - AK74
 - Marksman - SVDM

Centre SPG9 1 - 2*SPG9, 1* Tigr
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [TAASB]
 - Medic - AK74 - [TAASB]
 - Gunner - AK74 - [TAASB]
 - Gun Lead - AK74 - [TAASB]

Centre SPG9 2 - 2*SPG9, 1* Tigr
 - Squad Lead - AK74 [WT]
 - Medic - AK74 [WT]
 - Gunner - AK74 [WT]
 - Gun Lead - AK74 [WT]

Centre Artillery - D30 + Ammo Truck
 - Artillery Lead - AK74 - [WT]
 - Artillery Crew - AK74 - [WT]

Centre 1
 - Squad Lead - AK74 -
 - Medic - AK74 -
 - Spotter - AK74 -
 - AT- AK74+RPG -
 - AutoRifleman - RPK74 -

Centre 2
 - Squad Lead - AK74
 - Medic - AK74
 - Grenadier - AK74/GP25
 - Spotter - AK74
 - AT- AK74+RPG

Centre 3
 - Squad Lead - AK74
 - Medic - AK74
 - Spotter - AK74
 - AT- AK74+RPG
 - AutoRifleman - RPK74

South Platoon Lead
 - Squad Lead - AK74 -
 - Medic - AK74 -
 - Spotter - AK74 -
 - Marksman - SVDM -

SouthSPG9 1 - 2*SPG9, 1* Tigr
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [GH]
 - Medic - AK74 - [GH]
 - Gunner - AK74 - [GH]
 - Gun Lead - AK74 - [GH]

SouthSPG9 2 - 2*SPG9, 1* Tigr
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [GH]
 - Medic - AK74 - [GH]
 - Gunner - AK74 - [GH]
 - Gun Lead - AK74 - [GH]

South Artillery - D30 + Ammo Truck
 - Artillery Lead - AK74 - [OFCRA]
 - Artillery Crew - AK74 - [OFCRA]

South 1
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [STC]
 - Medic - AK74 - [STC]
 - Spotter - AK74 - [STC]
 - AT- AK74+RPG - [STC]
 - AutoRifleman - RPK74 - [STC]

South 2
 - Squad Lead - AK74 - [STC]
 - Medic - AK74 - [STC]
 - Grenadier - AK74/GP25 - [STC]
 - Spotter - AK74 - [STC]
 - AT- AK74+RPG - [STC]

South 3
 - Squad Lead - AK74  [OFCRA]
 - Medic - AK74  [OFCRA]
 - Spotter - AK74  [OFCRA]
 - AT- AK74+RPG  [OFCRA]
 - AutoRifleman - RPK74  [OFCRA]

North Reserve
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74

Centre Reserve
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74

South Reserve
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74
 - Rifleman - AK74