07 Mai 2024 à 20:04:02


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


Enhanced Movements

Démarré par Davanseth, 31 Octobre 2014 à 09:57:40

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


Arma: Enhanced Movement

Bad Benson
This is a pre-alpha version of the addon. I sadly had to rush it to meet the deadline of the contest (and uploaded a broken version so could've spared me that). This goes especially for the animations. I literally made all 12 anims in less than two days so bare with me while I'll slowly polish every single one over the next weeks.

I'm going to update it very frequently from now on. I'm using the pre-alpha term, eventhough the features I planned for the first release are all there, for the following reasons. The thing I'm trying to do is pretty ambitious considering the engine I'm doing it in .

So naturally there will be some quite obvious but expected issues for now (look below for more info). So I'm not comfortable calling this even alpha. This goes, clipping etc. aside, also for data issues in the main game like missing roadway lods on a lot of objects. That for example is the reason you can climb on a vehicle but will get stuck on it in the most hated anim, the falling anim . I'm working on ways to fake roadway lods to allow climbing on everything, period.

Detection is very loose atm because i'm still experimenting with different settings/methods. I will soon deploy more exploit prevention (climbing through walls etc. can happen) to make this useable in PvP some day.

There is also a lite version of my earlier interaction key adventures in there. While there are also more elaborate addons doing the same available, I still like to have everything I personally like and am able to achieve myself in my own addon. So if for example a server allows my climbing addon but not someone's action menu replacement I still have a key to open doors, climb ladders etc.
That being said I will soon add a check for said addons that will deactivate my own system to allow best possible combination with other addons.

one context sensitive key to:
- jump
- climb on/over and step onto obstacles..note: these actions are not allowed while a rocket launcher is in your hands or you are 60% (might change) fatigued
one context sensitive key to:
- open doors/hatches and perform any close by actions (no get in yet)
- climb ladders
- access the gear of any object (vehicles, ammoboxes, etc.)
- access gear of group members (experimental...no use yet)



Pas mal, c'est vrai que ça manque un peut, et c'est même étonnent que pour A3 bis ne l'ait pas fait directement.