[Recrutement] Soldat Redfor Rigel

Démarré par Rigel, 12 Septembre 2020 à 17:21:18

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


Demande de recrutement pour le soldat Rigel

Camp souhaité :Redfor
Age du candidat :22 ans
Expérience d'ARMA 3 :I've been playing with you guys since 2016 and through the good and the bad i loved the journey. Time for the next step.

A condensed history would be:
Playing since the alpha, being an active player in the 2rgt since 2015, being squad leader and various other roles since around 2016 and making missions since 2015
And i am top 10 in the stats for kills  :afro:  :afro:
Autre(s) activitée(s) :I'm no longer part of the BL, i'm now a full time 19th retard and play random games.
Pourquoi l'OFCRA :I want to contribute to the ofcra project after playing for all this years, now that I no longer pay into the italian group.

And i kinda want to contribute by creating missions if thats ok
Complément :i love ofcra

J'approuve le règlement intérieur de l'OFCRA.  I approve the ruleset for ofcra bois
J'accepte les conditions d'encadrement en qualité de Stagiaire.  I accept the conditions of something as a training boi



19th Nasa

kieran was right, welcome to ofcra

porco dio





Benvenuto y grazie Rigel, l'OFCRA c'est devenu la Légion étrangère dites-moi!


a foreign legion in true french fashion. Also merci a tous :thumbsup: !