08 Février 2025 à 20:58:24


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[BiA Gaming] Carrier Strike 3

Démarré par 19th Nasa, 03 Juin 2024 à 07:42:05

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

Événements liés

19th Nasa

[Public TvT] Carrier Strike 3 - 19.09.2024 - 2100CET


Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Sitac / Backstory
Qimei, 117Km off mainland Taiwan, 2025
The war goes well for us. Our Marines have secured bridgeheads on mainland Taiwan. While we would have hoped the resistance would have been supressed by now, it is of no concern. As a man falls in Taipei, two more board a transport off the coast of Quanzhou. The Fujian Carrier Group has been as heavily involved in this conflict as any of the vessels in the Peoples Liberation Army Navy.

At the start of the conflict it inflicted a strike so brutal in nature that the oversized Japanese fleet could do nothing for the foreseeable future in this war other than lick it own wounds.

After it sailed to Okinawa to prevent the once coward and now traitor Jin Jie from selling himself and the motherland to the Americans. Here the carrier air group performed a feat never achieved before in this war as they secured air superiority over American territory.

However, these feats of the Carrier Group were not enough. Reports have reached PLA Command of some Anglo plot to strike at our steady supply's to the frontlines in Taiwan. As we speak two carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth II and USS Nimitz steam towards Qimei. We abandoned this island due to the sheer amount of Taiwanese automated defence turrets placed alongside the EW which threatened to infect any of our systems which came close to networking with the island. We understand the Anglo intention is to secure the island and mount anti ship missiles. Fujian will be joined once again by Shandong and will make haste to engage and eliminate this new threat, secure the island and then report back here to take up CAS duties over Taiwan. See it is done, out.   

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Toutes les informations ne sont pas documentées ici, il appartient à chaque camp de procéder à une reconnaissance. / Not all information is documented here, it is up to each side to make a reconnaissance.
  • Hon. / There are LOTS of air assets, to stop people dying at spawn Jets have a 4 minute post warmup lock. Be Quick
  • Hon. / Both sides will need to lit many vehicles to the shore, use Advanced Sling Loading not vanilla loading and test before hand
  • Hon. / Both sides have MANPADS but they also have one Heavy AA asset in the form of the Avenger or the HQ-6
  • Hon. / The Taiwanese defences were seto to auto mode at the start of the war, if you want to swap them to your side you need to interact with the Drone Terminal
  • Hon. / After secure airfield objective has been completed it will unlock a Jet which can be used by any PILOT class still alive in the mission
  • Hon. / If you protect at least one AA launcher on the airfield closet your spawn, the opposite airfield will be struck by two missiles fried by friendly destroyers
  • Hon. / The Vipers have had their cannon ammo removed as to make it on par with the PLA equivalent. Also because armed turret gameplay on helicopters is undesirable for infantry
  • Hon. / If you have any issues with the mission lmk before


Overview map
Spoiler: montrer
NATO Forces
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Isla Pera Airport
Spoiler: montrer
Tagua Air Base
Spoiler: montrer
Taiwanese Trojan upload point
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common Objectives
  • Capture Bocachico at 70mins - Purple Capzone (4 pts)
  • Capture Tagua Air Base at 50mins - red Capzone (3 pts)
  • Capture Isla Pera Airport at 50mins - Red Capzone (3 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Destroy the AA Launchers at Tagua Air Base by 50mins (1 pts each - max 3)
  • Upload Taiwanese Trojan at end of the game (3 pts)
  • Side Lead alive at 75mins (1 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Destroy the AA Launchers at Isla Pera Airport by 50mins (1 pts each - max 3)
  • Prevent Taiwanese Trojan upload at end of the game (3 pts)
  • Side Lead alive at 75mins (1 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Règles spécifiques à la mission / Specific mission rules:
  • Hon / Assigned vics can be taken by anyone in the same Platoon when leaving spawn
  • Aucune IA ne sera tolérée dans les véhicules / No AI in vehicule at all

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: Goose Green - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: brokengrenade.cz
Port: 3302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours

19th Nasa

Nimitz USMC Side Lead
 - USMC Side Leader(M27) - [19th Lollo]
 - USMC Side 2iC(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Rifleman AA(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Medic(M27)

QE2 Air Defence - Avenger
 - USMC Squad Leader(M27) - [GH]
 - USMC Crewman(M27) - [GH]
 - USMC Crewman(M27) - [GH]

QE2 Rifle Platoon Lead
 - RM Platoon Leader(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Platoon 2iC(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Rifleman AA(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Medic(L403A1) - [GH]

QE2 Rifle A
 - RM Section Leader(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Team Leader(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Medic(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Rifleman AT(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RN Autorifleman(L110A2) - [19th]
 - RM Ammo Carrier(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Marksman(M110) - [19th]
 - RM Demo(L403A1) - [19th]

QE2 Rifle B
 - RM Section Leader(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Team Leader(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Medic(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Rifleman AT(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RN Autorifleman(L110A2) - [1WR]
 - RM Ammo Carrier(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RM Marksman(M110) - [1WR]
 - RM Demo(L403A1) - [1WR]

QE2 Rifle C
 - RM Section Leader(L403A1) - [TAASB]
 - RM Team Leader(L403A1) - [TAASB]
 - RM Medic(L403A1) - [TAASB]
 - RM Rifleman AT(L403A1) - [TAASB]
 - RN Autorifleman(L110A2) - [TAASB]
 - RM Ammo Carrier(L403A1) - [TAASB]
 - RM Marksman(M110)
 - RM Demo(L403A1)

QE2 Rifle D
 - RM Section Leader(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Team Leader(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Medic(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RM Rifleman AT(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RN Autorifleman(L110A2) - [19th]
 - RM Ammo Carrier(L403A1)
 - RM Marksman(M110)
 - RM Demo(L403A1) - [GH]

QE2 M Squadron
 - SBS Squadron Leader(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Team Leader(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Medic(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Rifleman LAT(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Demo(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Sapper(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Rifleman LAT(L403A1) - [RBEP]
 - SBS Sapper(L403A1) - [RBEP]

QE2 Monarch - Black Wasp II
 - RN Pilot(L403A1) - [19th]

QE2 Vampire - AH-1Z (no gun)
 - USMC Helicopter Pilot(M27) - [TAASB]
 - USMC Helicopter Crew(M27) - [TAASB]

QE2 Regal - Merlin
 - RN Helicopter Pilot(L403A1) - [1WR]
 - RN Helicopter Crew(L403A1)

QE2 Royal - Merlin
 - RN Helicopter Pilot(L403A1) - [19th]
 - RN Helicopter Crew(L403A1)

QE2 Regent - Merlin
 - USMC Helicopter Pilot(M27) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - RN Helicopter Crew(L403A1)

QE2 Vehicles
 - 4x MTVR Truck
 - 1x MTVR Repair
 - 1x MTVR Refuel
 - 2x M1220(Nerfed CROWS)

Nimitz Rifle Platoon Lead
 - USMC Platoon Leader(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Platoon 2iC(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Rifleman AA(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Medic(M27) - [BiA]

Nimitz Rifle A
 - USMC Squad Leader(M27) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - USMC Team Leader(M27) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - USMC Medic(M27) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - USMC Rifleman AT(M27) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - USMC Autorifleman(M249) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - USMC Ammo Carrier(M27)
 - USMC Marksman(M38) - [ISS/EDEN]
 - USMC Demo(M27) - [ISS/EDEN]

Nimitz Rifle B
 - USMC Squad Leader(M27) - [STC]
 - USMC Team Leader(M27) - [STC]
 - USMC Medic(M27) - [STC]
 - USMC Rifleman AT(M27) - [STC]
 - USMC Autorifleman(M249) - [STC]
 - USMC Ammo Carrier(M27) - [STC]
 - USMC Marksman(M38) - [STC]
 - USMC Demo(M27) - [STC]

Nimitz Rifle C
 - USMC Squad Leader(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Team Leader(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Medic(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Rifleman AT(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Autorifleman(M249) - [BiA]
 - USMC Ammo Carrier(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Marksman(M38) - [BiA]
 - USMC Demo(M27) - [BiA]

Nimitz Rifle D
 - USMC Squad Leader(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Team Leader(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Medic(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Rifleman AT(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Autorifleman(M249) - [BiA]
 - USMC Ammo Carrier(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Marksman(M38) - [BiA]
 - USMC Demo(M27) - [BiA]

Nimitz 1st Raider
 - MARSOC Squad Leader(MCX) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Team Leader(MCX) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Medic(MCX) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Rifleman LAT(MCX) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Autorifleman(MK48) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Breacher(MCX) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Rifleman LAT(MCX) - [BiA]
 - MARSOC Autorifleman(MK48) - [BiA]

Nimitz Maverick - Black Wasp II
 - USAF Pilot(M27) - [BiA]

Nimitz Viper - AH-1Z (no gun)
 - USMC Helicopter Pilot(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Helicopter Crew(M27) - [BiA]

Nimitz Godfather - MV-22
 - USMC Helicopter Pilot(M27) - [19th]
 - USMC Helicopter Crew(M27) - [19th]

Nimitz Venom - UH-1Y
 - USMC Helicopter Pilot(M27) - [BiA]
 - USMC Helicopter Crew(M27) - [BiA]

Nimitz Vehicles
 - 4x MTVR Truck
 - 1x MTVR Repair
 - 1x MTVR Refuel
 - 2x M1220(Nerfed CROWS)
PLAN Side Lead
 - PLAN Marine Side Leader(QBZ97) - [FJB49 Pogo]
 - PLAN Marine 2iC(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Rifleman AA(QBZ97) - [PLH]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [PLH]

Fujian Air Defence - HQ-6 (AP only)
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Crewman(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Crewman(QBZ97) - [PPC]

Fujian Rifle Platoon Lead
 - PLAN Marine Platoon Leader(QBZ97) - [FJB49]
 - PLAN Marine Platoon 2iC(QBZ97) - [FJB49]
 - PLAN Marine Rifleman AA(QBZ97) - [FJB49]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [FJB49]

Fujian Rifle A
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [PPC]

Fujian Rifle B
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [ODB]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [ODB]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [ODB]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [ODB]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97)
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [OFCRA+716]

Fujian Rifle C
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [OFCRA+716]

Fujian Rifle D
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [Norwood reaper]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [Norwood reaper]

Fujian Flood Dragons Two - 2x SDV/1x Rhib
 - PLAN SOF Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF Team Leader(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF AT(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF Demo(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF Medic(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF Demo(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF Demo(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]
 - PLAN SOF AT(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]

Fujian Jet Dragon - J15
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [Ops+PLH]

Fujian Jet Sentinel - Z19
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97) - [BiA]

Fujian Jet Junk - Z8L
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [PPC]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97)

Fujian Jade Junk - Z8L
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97) - [OFCRA+716]

Fujian Jasmine Junk - Z8L
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [FJB49]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97) - [BiA]

Fujian Vehicles
 - 4x SX2220 Truck
 - 1x Repair Truck
 - 1x Refuel Truck
 - 2x CSK182(Nerfed CROWS)

Shandong Rifle Platoon Lead
 - PLAN Marine Platoon Leader(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Platoon 2iC(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Rifleman AA(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [BiA]

Shandong Rifle A
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [WT]

Shandong Rifle B
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [FOG]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [FOG]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [FOG]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [FOG]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [FOG]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [FOG]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97)
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88)

Shandong Rifle C
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [BiA]

Shandong Rifle D
 - PLAN Marine Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Team Leader(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine AT(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine AutoRifleman(QJB97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Demo(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Medic(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Ammo Carrier(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Marine Marksman(QBU88) - [BiA]

Shandong Flood Dragons One - 2x SDV/1x Rhib
 - PLAN SOF Squad Lead(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF Team Leader(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF AT(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF Demo(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF Demo(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF Medic(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF Demo(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN SOF AT(QBZ97) - [BiA]

Shandong Jade Dragon - J15
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [BiA]

Shandong Jade Sentinel - Z19
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [BiA]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97) - [BiA]

Shandong Jade Lancer - Ka-60 (Minigun)
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [WT]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97)

Shandong Jet Lancer - Ka-60 (Minigun)
 - PLAN Pilot(QBZ97) - [FJB49]
 - PLAN Crew(QBZ97) - [FJB49]

Shandong Vehicles
 - 4x SX2220 Truck
 - 1x Repair Truck
 - 1x Refuel Truck
 - 2x CSK182(Nerfed CROWS)
