19 Avril 2024 à 13:38:13


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Sujets - VeXen

[Public TvT] Chapel Incident
+ 1x Small Mission (30 minutes)

Polish Armed Forces vs Army of the Czech Republic

Date : 30/06/2022

Open to anyone ! Ouvert à tous le monde !

[Date & hour - Timezone CEET]

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting 
21h15 -> Briefing on map
21h30 -> Mission start !

Contexte / Backstory

Pielgrzymów, Polish-Czech boder 2020

Pielgrzymów, Polish-Czech boder 2020
Polish troops guarding the frontier as part of coronavirus measures took up positions by a chapel on the Czech side of the border. The chapel lies 30 metres inside Czech territory.  Local Czechs tried to solve this issue, but with no effect.  After diplomatic intervention of Czech embassy, Polish government answered that chapel belongs to Poland and Polish troops will stay there. After Czech's objection to UN Polish troops pushed even further and took local presbitery. For Czechs there was only one solution- war. Now, Poles are waiting for their general with reinforcements while Czechs are preparing their attack...

Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Tactical Map
Spoiler: montrer

Important notes

  • Chapel is indestructable
  • Presbitery forces are WITHOUT vehicles
  • BOTH teams have Darter UAV for reconnaissance
  • Czech grenade launcher has no ammo
  • Polish general mustn't change his hat

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common objectives
  • Capture city near chapel (4 pts)
  • Capture presbitery (50 mins)  (4 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • General is alive (1 pts)
  • General inside chapel (1h20mins) (1pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (2 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Kill the general (2 pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 bluefor PAX alive (2 pts)

Configuration & technical setup
➔ Comment faire pour synchroniser ses addons et participer à une partie OFCRA ? (Modset + repo Armasync) - How to ? Basically all the technicals intel you need to know to play with us (our repo/modset + armasync configuration) [/b]

"[OFCRA] Chapel Incident  - Public TvT"   (A3Sync repository https://repo.ofcra.org/.a3s/autoconfig)

@ace   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057
@ace_compat_rhs_afrf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773131200
@ace_compat_rhs_gref   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884966711
@ace_compat_rhs_saf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2174495332
@ace_compat_rhs_usaf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773125288
@ace_extension_placeables   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866772689
@acr_a3   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=432400996
@acr_a3_rhs   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831914878
@advanced_rappelling   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341
@advanced_sling_loading   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497
@advanced_towing   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639837898
@advanced_urban_rappelling   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=730310357
@backpack_on_chest   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820924072
@breaching_charge   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314910827
@brush_clearing   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889104923
@cba_a3   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997
@cup_terrains_core   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184
@cup_terrains_maps_2   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981964169
@des_elevator   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708665067
@enhanced_movement   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405
@enhanced_soundscape   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825179978
@grad_trenches   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1224892496
@knock_on_vehicles   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906748433
@ofcra_essentials   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2688071833
@polish_armed_forces   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2098564124
@polish_armed_forces_ace_compat   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2081411913
@polish_armed_forces_rhs_compat   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2081414245
@rhsafrf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103
@rhsgref   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391
@rhssaf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843632231
@rhsusaf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117
@splendid_smoke   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770418577
@sweet_marker_system   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=324952672
@tfar   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801
@tfar_animations   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141020863
@vet_unflipping   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703187116

Règles / Rules

  • Vol de radio interdit // Stealing radios is prohibited
  • Vol d'uniformes (chapeau, vêtement, gilets) interdit // Stealing uniforms (hats, cloth, vest) is prohibited
  • Utiliser les explosifs pour les placer sur les véhicules et s'en servir comme véhicules bélier/suicides est strictement interdit // Using the explosives to trap the vehicles and use them as suicide bombers is strictly forbidden
  • Tout autre moyen de communication que TFAR est strictement interdit // You can only use TFAR for communication ingame
  • L'usage du chat In game est strictement limité aux problèmes techniques // Chat text is authorized only for technicals problem
  • Respect de la hiérarchie militaire - chef de camp et chef de groupe selon ordre et mission //   Respect the hierarchy, orders and chains of command
  • Aucune IA, merci de désactiver les slots qui resteront libre // NO AI units. Please close the unused slots
  • Obligation d'avoir au moins un squad leader si l'on veut prendre un slot dans un groupe (exception pour le riflemen) // You need at least one squad leader in a group to take any other slot (except for rifleman slot)
  • Marqueurs sur carte autorisés // Markers on map are authorized
  • Lonewolf strictement interdit // No lonewolf

Apprenez-en plus a propos des règles ici // Learn more about the rule here : https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/regles
[Public TvT - 14/04/2022] Pacification of Bydgoszcz - 14.04.2022 - 2100CET

Polish Armed Forces vs Bydgoszcz Pope's Guard

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Sitac / Backstory
5 avril 2022 - Pologne
Contrairement aux informations officielles, Jean-Paul II n'est pas mort en 2005. Il s'est caché à Bydgoszcz déguisé en prêtre local jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Malheureusement, son secret a été découvert par l'Agence de sécurité intérieure. Maintenant, pour protéger son secret, il fait appel à ses fidèles auditeurs pour défendre cette ville.
Le prêtre et les fidèles organisèrent un coup d'État et prirent l'autorité sur Bydgoszcz. L'armée insurgée défend les frontières de la région nouvellement créée. Maintenant, l'armée polonaise a envoyé des forces spéciales pour détruire le train ennemi avec des fournitures étrangères et réinstaller l'autorité gouvernementale sur la ville. Pendant ce temps, les habitants de Bydgoszcz tentent de proclamer à nouveau Jean-Paul II comme pape et de rassembler des chrétiens du monde entier pour combattre en son nom.

5 April 2022 - Poland
Contrary to official information, John Paul II did not die in 2005. He has been hiding in Bydgoszcz in disguise as a local priest until today.
Unfortunately, his secret was discovered by the Internal Security Agency. Now, to protect his secret, he called upon his faithful listeners to defend this city.
The priest and the faithful organized a coup and took over the authority over Bydgoszcz. The insurgent army defends the borders of the newly created region. Now, Polish army has sent special forces to destroy enemy train with foreign supplies and reinstall government authority over the city. Meanwhile, people of Bydgoszcz try to proclaim John Paul II once more as a pope and gather Christians from across the world to fight in his name.

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Seul le JTAC peut utiliser des ordinateurs portables et détruire le pont./ Only JTAC can use laptops and destroy bridge.
  • Après avoir atteint l'objectif de l'hôpital pour enfants, l'enfant disparaître. / After doing Children's Hospital objective, child disappears.
  • JTAC ne peut interagir qu'avec des ordinateurs portables ouverts / JTAC can interact only with open laptops
  • Si le train a survécu à la 1ère tentative de destruction, il peut être détruit au point de pont 20 minutes après le début de la mission/ If train survived 1st destroy attempt, it can be destroyed at bridge point after 20min from start of the mission.
  • Si le train survit à la 2e tentative, le MRAP/M2, le drone darter et le terminal de drone apparaissent à Blocks of Flats / If train survive 2nd attempt, MRAP/M2, darter drone and drone terminal spawns at Blocks of Flats
  • Après 40 min de mission les JTAC deviendront sans valeur pour REDFOR / After 40 min of the mission JTAC will become worthless for REDFOR
  • L'interaction avec l'ordinateur portable prend 1 minute / Laptop interaction takes 1 min
  • Après s'être assis 20 minutes à l'église, de la fumée blanche apparaîtra dans le clocher de l'église / After sitting 20 mins in Church, white smoke will spawn in church tower
  • Après s'être assis 20 minutes à l'église, de la fumée blanche apparaîtra dans le clocher de l'église / Governor and Pope have to be ALIVE to do City Hall, Hospital and Church objective


Tac Map
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
Governor, pope, JTAC
Spoiler: montrer
Child in Hospital
Spoiler: montrer
Normal slots
Spoiler: montrer
SF vs Pope's Guard
Spoiler: montrer
MRAP teleport area
Spoiler: montrer
Destroyed train
Spoiler: montrer
Destroyed bridge
Spoiler: montrer

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common objectives
  • The Blocks of flats are under control (3 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Kill the pope (5pts)
  • Destroy the train at station (15 mins) (4pts)
  • Destroy the bridge (40 mins)(2 pts)
  • Governor in zone for 15 minutes (4 pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (3 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Children happily blessed 15 minutes (4 pts)
  • Kill the governor (4 pts)
  • Kill the JTAC (40mins) (4 pts)
  • Pope in church for 20 mins (4 pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (3 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Règles spécifiques à la mission / Specific mission rules:
  • Aucune IA ne sera tolérée dans les véhicules / No AI in vehicule at all

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: [OFCRA] Vous ne pouvez pas voir les fichiers joints de cette section. - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository

@3cb_factions http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1673456286
@ace http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057
@ace_compat_rhs_afrf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773131200
@ace_compat_rhs_gref http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884966711
@ace_compat_rhs_saf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2174495332
@ace_compat_rhs_usaf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773125288
@ace_extension_placeables http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866772689
@advanced_rappelling http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341
@advanced_sling_loading http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497
@advanced_towing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639837898
@advanced_urban_rappelling http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=730310357
@backpack_on_chest http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820924072
@breaching_charge http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314910827
@brush_clearing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889104923
@cba_a3 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997
@cup_terrains_core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184
@cup_terrains_maps_2 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981964169
@des_elevator http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708665067
@enhanced_movement http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405
@enhanced_soundscape http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825179978
@grad_trenches http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1224892496
@knock_on_vehicles http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906748433
@multiplay_uniforms http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779520435
@ofcra_essentials http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2688071833
@polish_armed_forces http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2098564124
@polish_armed_forces_ace_compat http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2081411913
@polish_armed_forces_rhs_compat http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2081414245
@rhsafrf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103
@rhsgref http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391
@rhssaf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843632231
@rhsterracore http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2288691268
@rhsusaf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117
@simple_armbands http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2778578325
@splendid_smoke http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770418577
@sweet_marker_system http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=324952672
@tac_vests http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779568775
@tfar http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801
@tfar_animations http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141020863
@vet_unflipping http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703187116

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours
Mission is on the server. Test your mods.

    [Public TvT] The Last Bastion - 07/10/2021 - 2100CEST

    German Army vs Allies

    Date & hour - Timezone CEST (Euro)

    21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
    21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
    21h30 -> Mission start !

    SITAC/Historical Context

    Pologne, 14 juillet 1944
    Les raids de nuit et de jour en parachute sur les tours radar se sont transformés en un grand échec logistique. L'aéroport américain le plus proche était à 700 km à l'ouest, le ciel grouillait d'avions allemands, sur les 10 avions américains envoyés, seuls 2 sont revenus, des radars puissants ont une portée de détection jusqu'à 400 km. L'Allemand a réussi à abattre l'avion remorquant le planeur, il n'a donc pas réussi à atteindre la cible et s'est écrasé à quelques kilomètres de la cible, il y avait une division aéroportée dans le planeur, des soldats spécialement entraînés qui ont été envoyés pour faire de la reconnaissance au sol avant l'arrivée du général Georg Patton et de sa division blindée. La division de Georg Patton a réussi à prendre le contrôle de l'aéroport près du village de Gora, qui est désormais devenu la base la plus proche des tours radar. D'après les rapports des partisans locaux, un officier allemand important qui a été envoyé pour commander la tour a eu un accident, il est toujours vivant quelque part à côté du site d'écrasement, les Américains doivent s'assurer que l'officier sera mort jusqu'à la fin de la mission. Un autre élément lourd est un mois plus tôt, Hitler a envoyé le général Rommel et sa division en Pologne pour concevoir et protéger une nouvelle ligne de fortifications près de Staszów. Les Allemands s'attendent à une attaque de la tour radio par les Alliés qui veulent à tout prix prendre le relais.

    Poland, July 14, 1944
    Night and day parachute raids on the radar towers turned into great logistical failure. Nearest American airport was 700km to the west, the sky was swarming with German planes, out of the 10 American planes sent, only 2 returned, powerful radars have a detection range up to 400km. The German managed to shoot down the plane towing the glider, so it did not manage to reach the target and crashed a few kilometers from the target, there was an airborne division in the glider, specially trained soldiers who were sent to do ground reconnaissance before the arrival of General Georg Patton and his armored division. Georg Patton's division managed to take over the airport near the village of Gora, which has now become the nearest base to radar towers. From the reports of the local partisans an important German officer who was sent to command the tower had an accident, he is still alive somewhere next to the crash site, the Americans are to make sure that the officer will be dead till the end of the mission. An additional heavy element is a month earlier sent General Rommel and his division to Poland to design and protect a new line of fortifications near Staszów. The Germans expect an attack on the radio tower by the Allies at any cost want to take over.

    Informations générales/General Informations
      • Je ne recommande pas de traverser les champs de mines :D //I do not recommend driving through the minefields: D
      • Les avions n'ont pas d'équipement lourd //Planes do not have heavy equipment
      • La division aéroportée est indiquée sur la carte uniquement pour les alliés //The special squad is marked on the map only for the Allies
      • Le site de l'accident est marqué par la zone orange sur la carte //The crash site is marked with the orange zone on the map
      • L'officier se cache dans la grange //The officer is hiding in the barn
      • SL n'a pas de radio //SL dont have radios
      • Si vous trouvez un officier lors des tests, ne l'exploitez PAS s'il vous plaît //If you find officer during testing, DONT exploit it please
      • Pas de kamikaze comme pilotes //No kamikaze as pilots
      • S'il n'y aura pas assez de joueurs, certains véhicules seront supprimés //If there will be not enough players, some vehicles will be deleted
      • Les radios fonctionnent sur environ 3 km //Radios work for around 3km
      • IL EST INTERDIT DE SORTIR DE LA CARTE (les avions ne comptent pas) //LEAVING MAP IS FORBIDDEN (planes dont count)
      • L'officier, après avoir été amené à la tour, doit être laissé au bon endroit (information sur la photo) //The officer, after being brought to the tower, must be left in the right place (information in the photo)
      • Les pilotes ont des parachutes dans leurs avions //Pilots have parachutes in their planes
        • Il y a un parachute dans l'avion de transport //There are parachutes in the transport plane


    Tac Map
    US Army
    US Special Chad Forces
    Officer Save Zone
    German Army

    Flakturm SS

    Flakturm (photo 1)
    Flakturm (photo 2)

    German Objectives
    • Bring the officer to the radar tower (2pts)
    • Hold officer alive (2pts)
    • Defend the radar tower  (3pts)
    • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (4pts)

    Allied Objectives
    • Kill the officer (3pts)
    • Takeover of the radar tower  (4pts)
    • Supremacy - less than 5 bluefor PAX alive (4pts)

    Règles/ Rules

    Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

    Configuration & technical setup
    • Comment synchroniser vos addons avec Arma3sync
    • How to sync your addons with Arma3sync

    MODSET: "[OFCRA] The Last Bastion  - Public TvT"   (A3Sync repository http://repo.ofcra.org/.a3s/autoconfig)
    • ace
    • acex
    • cba_a3
    • csa38_ace_compat
    • csa38
    • csa38_ifa_fow_compat
    • cup_terrains_core
    • fow
    • fullscreen
    • ifa3_aio_lite
    • ace_compat_ifa3
    • ifa3_lite_additional_bagpipes_tracks
    • ofcra
    • tfar

    Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
    Server public: game.ofcra.org
    Port: 2302
    Password: ofcra

    Teamspeak 3 OFCRA

    IP : ts.ofcra.org
    Password: mineisbiggerthanyours[/list][/list][/list]
    Mission is on the server. Test your mods.

    Agincourt Round 2  (90 minutes)
    + Fun Round (30 minutes)

     France vs Great Britain

    Date : 29/07/2021

    Open to anyone ! Ouvert à tous le monde !

    Date & hour - Timezone CEST (GMT+2)
    21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting 
    21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
    21h20 -> Mission start !

    Contexte / Backstory

    2022, France
    3 months ago Britain started an invasion on France to retake Normandy, which they lost almost 600 years ago. After some succesful battles, British army started to suffer from new coronavirus outbreak. Now, british forces are trying to secure as much supplies as they can and call help from island.

    2022, France
    3 months ago Britain started an invasion on France to retake Normandy, which they lost almost 600 years ago. After some succesful battles, British army started to suffer from new coronavirus outbreak. Now, british forces are trying to secure as much supplies as they can and call help from island.

    Tactical Map
    Spoiler: montrer
    Spoiler: montrer
    Radio tower switch buttom
    Spoiler: montrer
    Spoiler: montrer
    Spoiler: montrer

    Notes importantes // Important notes
    • Trucks have marker on them which update their location after 1 minute. // Trucks have marker on them which update their location after 1 minute.
    • Both sides want trucks to be ALIVE. // Both sides want trucks to be ALIVE.
    • Control of radio tower is all about switching the buttom. Both sides can recapture radio unlimited number of times. // Control of radio tower is all about switching the buttom. Both sides can recapture radio unlimited number of times.
    • Information about capturing radio tower should be in chat. // Information about capturing radio tower should be in chat.
    • From the start Radio tower is set as captured by bluefor. //From the start Radio tower is set as captured by bluefor.

    Objectif Bluefor et Redfor // Bluefor and Redfor objectives
    Bluefor :Hold trucks outside zone 3x [1 pts]  // Hold trucks outside zone 3x [1 pts]
    Bluefor : Hold trucks ALIVE 3x [1 pts]  // Hold trucks ALIVE 3x [1 pts]
    Bluefor : Control radio tower [3 pts]  // Control radio tower [3 pts]
    Redfor :Bring the trucks inside the zone 3x [2 pts] // Bring the trucks inside the zone 3x [2 pts]
    Redfor : Control radio tower [3 pts]// Control radio tower [3 pts]

    Bluefor : Bonus de suprématie [4 pts]// Supremacy bonus [4 pts]
    Redfor : Bonus de suprématie [4 pts]// Supremacy bonus [4 pts]
    Condition for obtaining points: Enemy has less than 5 remaining.

    Configuration & technical setup
    ➔ Comment faire pour synchroniser ses addons et participer à une partie OFCRA ? (Modset + repo Armasync) - How to ? Basically all the technicals intel you need to know to play with us (our repo/modset + armasync configuration)

    Armasync URL autoconfig

    -> MODSET "[OFCRA] Agincourt Round 2"   (https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository)
    • @3cb_baf_equipment
    • @3cb_baf_units
    • @3cb_baf_units_ace_compat
    • @3cb_baf_units_rhs_compat
    • @3cb_baf_vehicles
    • @3cb_baf_vehicles_rhs_reskin
    • @3cb_baf_vehicles_servicing_extension
    • @3cb_baf_weapons
    • @3cb_baf_weapons_rhs_compat
    • @ace
    • @ace_compat_rhs_usaf
    • @ace_compat_r3f
    • @acex
    • @cba_a3
    • @cup_terrains_core
    • @french_army_2035
    • @ofcra (https://www.ofcrav2.org/mods/@ofcra.zip)
    • @r3f_armies
    • @r3f_vehicules
    • @rosche
    • @RHSUSAF
    • @rksl_attachments
    • @tfar

    Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
    Server public: game.ofcra.org
    port: 2302
    password: ofcra

    Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
    IP : ts.ofcra.org
    Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours

    Règles / Rules
    • Vol de radio interdit // Stealing radios is prohibited
    • Vol d'uniformes (chapeau, vêtement, gilets) interdit // Stealing uniforms (hats, cloth, vest) is prohibited
    • Tout autre moyen de communication que TFAR est strictement interdit // You can only use TFAR for communication ingame
    • L'usage du chat In game est strictement limité aux problèmes techniques // Chat text is authorized only for technicals problem
    • Respect de la hiérarchie militaire - chef de camp et chef de groupe selon ordre et mission //   Respect the hierarchy, orders and chains of command
    • Aucune IA, merci de désactiver les slots qui resteront libre // NO AI units. Please close the unused slots
    • Obligation d'avoir au moins un squad leader si l'on veut prendre un slot dans un groupe (exception pour le riflemen) // You need at least one squad leader in a group to take any other slot (except for rifleman slot)
    • Marqueurs sur carte autorisés // Markers on map are authorized
    • Lonewolf strictement interdit // No lonewolf

    Apprenez-en plus a propos des règles ici // Learn more about the rule here : https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/regles
    Demande de recrutement pour le soldat VeXen

    Camp souhaité :Redfor
    Age du candidat :18 ans
    Expérience d'ARMA 3 : I play this game from about 2016. I have over 3k hours, most on wasteland, Altis Life and KOTH. I play coop missions too.  I have experience as a ZEUS but I m still bad in making technically advanced missions.  OFCRA is my first PvP (for now, I have 35 missions) with one life, ace 1st person etc. and I want to play with you more.
    Autre(s) activitée(s) :
    Pourquoi l'OFCRA :Because I want to play PvP missions in nice atmosphere with a lot of players. Im a mission maker too and I want to try myself in making missions focused on PvP games.
    Complément :Manchot, sorry for spaming on priv.

    J'approuve le règlement intérieur de l'OFCRA.
    J'accepte les conditions d'encadrement en qualité de Stagiaire.