24 Avril 2024 à 02:12:08


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Lonestar

Live annulé à cause d'un problème de bande passante.

La vidéo va être enregistrée hors-ligne puis envoyée dans 1h-1h30.

Voici la deuxième vidéo du guide communautaire, cette fois-ci Dslyecxi nous parle des bases du combat d'infanterie.

A regarder en HD (quand le traitement de la vidéo sera terminé). Enjoy!


CiterBienvenue sur la série de vidéos du guide communautaire pour Arma 3!

Guide communautaire: Introduction: http://youtu.be/RcbQk5VXKNE

Au cours des prochaines semaines, Andrew Gluck - mieux connu sous le nom Dslyecxi de la communauté ShackTactical - vous fera découvrir Arma 3 et
couvrira certaines des bases du FPS militaire tactique de Bohemia Interactive. Cette deuxième vidéo s'intéresse de plus près au combat d'infanterie -
en vous donnant un aperçu des principes tels que la connaissance de la situation, le positionnement, le contact ennemi et le tir.

Pour plus d'intel sur Arma 3, n'hésitez pas à visiter le site officiel http://www.arma3.com

Consultez également la chaîne YouTube personnelle de Dslyecxi pour plus de vidéos d'Arma 3 http://www.youtube.com/user/dslyecxi/

À propos de Arma 3
Découvrez la véritable gameplay de combat dans un bac à sable militaire complet. Authentique, diversifié, ouvert - Arma 3 vous envoie à la guerre.

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/arma3official
Twitter - http://twitter.com/arma3official
YouTube - http://youtube.com/arma3official
Bar / Paintball
09 Août 2013 à 11:21:05
Salut les gars,

Est-ce qu'il y a des membres de l'OFCRA qui jouent au paintball ? Vous jouez en club ? Plutôt fluo ou camo ?

Je cherche à m'initier à ce sport mais je n'arrive pas à trouver de club dans mon département.

Petite présentation :


Rendez-vous demain à 19h00 pour le live.

Au programme :

  • Présentation d'Altis
  • Présentation des factions
  • Plus de contenu


Plus que 34 jours avant la sortie d'Arma 3

Bohemia Interactive today announced the release date for its upcoming tactical military shooter, Arma 3. Available in digital and physical retail stores worldwide, Arma 3 will launch on Thursday September 12, 2013.

Benefiting from the splendid support of Alpha and Beta participants, Arma 3 ships with the large open terrains of 'Altis' (270 km²) and 'Stratis' (20 km²), 12 singleplayer showcases, 3 faction showcases, 9 multiplayer scenarios, 10 firing drill challenges, more than 20 vehicles and 40 weapons, 5 factions, the scenario editor and modding support. The Arma 3 singleplayer campaign will be released across 3 free DLC episodes after launch.

To launch the countdown, the Arma 3 devteam is hosting an official Twitch.tv livestream on Saturday August 10 at 17.00 UTC. Live from Bohemia Interactive HQ in Prague, everyone is invited for a sneak peek at Arma 3's release package. The livestream is expected to last about one hour, and those who do not want to miss out can already enlist for the event via Arma 3's Facebook page.

Last but not least, Bohemia Interactive has opened the Countdown To Launch web page. Here players can find a complete overview of the content available in Arma 3 – alongside descriptions and screenshots.

To participate in the final stages of pre-release development, people can purchase the regular Arma 3 Beta (34.99 EUR/29.99 GBP/44.99 USD) or the Arma 3 Digital Deluxe Edition (44.99 EUR/39.99 GBP/59.99 USD) from Steam or Store.bistudio.com. Both editions include the full retail game and prices will increase upon launch.
La version 3-0-4 corrige divers messages d'erreur dus aux modifications apportées à la beta.

Si vous avez des suggestions/requêtes, n'hésitez pas. Fer est un ami.

F3 Mission Development Framework for ArmA 3

F3 v3-0-4 Released

From the ReadMe.md file:

Citer3-0-4 | 08 AUG 2013
Fixed "no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'." error.
Fixed various unsassigned variable errors.
Fixed medic markers in F3 Folk ARPS Group Markers component.
Fixed time of day parameter in Mission Conditions Selector component.
Disabled weather parameter in Mission Conditions Selector component.
Added new options to Casualties Cap component.
Added new options to Casualties Cap (Advanced) component..

Special thanks to comrade scripting heroes Head and Wolfenswan.

About F3

The F3 Mission Development Framework (F3) is the successor to the popular F2 and BAS f mission development frameworks for ArmA 2 and ArmA. The new framework contains many of the features you know from F2, updated to work with ArmA 3; new components which take advantage of the new game's special features are planned.

For downloads and to find out more please see our online manual:
Salut à tous,

En référence à notre petite discussion d'hier soir sur TS, j'ai remis la main sur une application flash qui apprend à trouver le nord dans Arma 2 sans boussole ; en utilisant les étoiles.
Ça s'applique aussi à Arma 3 puisque le principe reste le même. Il suffit de trouver la Grande Casserole qui vous indique l'étoile polaire.

Oui et je dois dire que la commande Randomize est plutôt rigolote à utiliser. :)

Ça facilite aussi le travail du mission-maker qui n'a plus à naviguer dans les class lists.
Je suis d'accord avec toi Zombi mais aujourd'hui la majorité des gens ne lit plus un texte dès qu'il excède les 10 lignes.

Ces vidéos Community Guide sont une commande de BIS à Dsly, parce qu'ils ont bien compris cela.
Le TTP3 verra le jour mais il faut bien reconnaître qu'aujourd'hui la vidéo est le média le plus populaire.
On en parle ce soir, j'ai donné RDV à Cirav sur TS à 18h.


  • Allows easy selection of weapons, gear, attachments, launchers, etc, and pulls these from the game configs (ie, it's not hard-coded). Specifically, it supports selecting: Helmet, goggles, vest, uniform, backpack, primary weapon, secondary weapon, pistol, attachments for primary weapon (rail, suppressor, and optic), and face.
  • Allows for easy view distance, overcast, time, and day-of-month adjustment
  • Camera auto-focuses on the element of gear that's being changed, and can be manually set to head, body, backpack, or weapon.
  • Thermal vision toggle allows you to check the thermal signatures of gear.
  • 'Randomization' option allows a random sampling of gear to be loaded.
  • 'Copy' button copies the current gear items to the clipboard in a format that can be used in a unit's init line.

Known issues:

  • 16:9 is required as your aspect ratio. This could be fixed if someone who knows more about dialogs wanted to dig into it, I'd assume it wouldn't be hard to do. If you're running at any other aspect ratio, expect it to be jumbled or cut off. Interface size must be 'small' as well, not 'normal'.
  • May or may not be compatible with community addons, who knows! Time to find out!
  • The 'muzzle device' feature probably will not work on community addons at the moment, but if you want to fix it, feel free! The muzzle array is dsl_Muzzle but isn't being used currently, it's just placing the default suppressors and whatever sticks, sticks!
  • The presets button does not function.
  • Weapons that are preconfigured to have special items will be overridden by what you've selected in the attachment sliders. This is intentional.
  • Nightvision button may randomly break after some time.

Download & Install Info

I'm presenting this as a mission folder. To use it, you will need to place the dsl_gear_menu folder in your My Documents –> Arma 3 Alpha (or Arma 3 if using the beta or later)  –> Missions directory. Once you've loaded the game, go to Editor->Stratis->Load, select it, and click 'Preview'.

Download the current version for the Arma 3 ALPHA here.

Download the current version for the Arma 3 BETA here.

Update History

March 15th, 2013 – v1 released
March 28th – v1.1 released, with updated copy/display aspects by Bricks
June 21st – v1.2 released, compatibility for the Arma 3 beta.

Source : http://dslyecxi.com/shacktac_wp/shacktac-mods/dslyecxis-paper-doll-gear-menu/


Voici un exemple de ce qu'on peut obtenir en utilisant Random :

Une fois que vous avez choisi votre équipement, il vous suffit de cliquer sur Copy et le code est copié dans le presse-papiers.
Vous n'avez plus qu'à le coller dans l'init de votre unité dans l'éditeur.

F3 Mission Development Framework for ArmA 3

F3 v3-0-4 Released

From the ReadMe.md file:

Citer3-0-4 | 08 AUG 2013
Fixed "no entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'." error.
Fixed various unsassigned variable errors.
Fixed medic markers in F3 Folk ARPS Group Markers component.
Fixed time of day parameter in Mission Conditions Selector component.
Disabled weather parameter in Mission Conditions Selector component.
Added new options to Casualties Cap component.
Added new options to Casualties Cap (Advanced) component.

Special thanks to comrade scripting heroes Head and Wolfenswan.

Citer3-0-3 | 25 JUN 2013
Quick updates to reflect key ArmA 3 Beta content and changes.
Updated all F3 Folk ARPS components to include Green faction.
Updated all F3 Folk ARPS components to reflect Blue/Red/Green faction names.
Updated F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component to include new/upgraded vehicles.
Updated ORBAT Notes component (group names are now clickable and zoom map to group marker).
Updated F3 Folk ARPS JIP Reinforcement Options component (JIP group does not follow player).
Updated F3 Folk ARPS JIP Reinforcement Options component (JIP option more visible).
Fixed F3 Common Local Variables component (prevented double-counts of vehicle crew).

Special thanks to comrade scripting heroes Head and Wolfenswan.

Citer3-0-2 | 25 MAR 2013
Updated to reflect revised OPFOR uniform classnames.
Updated to reflect revised name for Ifrit.
Development of Mission Conditions Selector component (new functionality not yet enabled).

Special thanks to comrade scripting heroes Head, Wolfenswan and Harakka.

Citer3-0-1 | 17 MAR 2013
Fixed diver attachment bug with F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component.
Fixed ranks and typos with F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component.
Missle cam no longer on by default in Kegetys Spectator Script component.
Updated F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component to include backpack options by parameter (off/light/heavy).
Updated F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component so Rifelman (AT) role has a launcher.

Special thanks to comrade scripting heroes Head, Wolfenswan and Harakka; thanks also to Zerith from the BI forums.

Citer3-0-0 | 10 MAR 2013
Migrated Naming Your Mission component.
Migrated Mission Header component.
Migrated Respawn Settings component.
Migrated Respawn INIT component.
Migrated (and renamed) Briefing Template component.
Migrated ReadMe File Template component.
Migrated Debug Mode component.
Migrated Disable Saving and Auto Saving component.
Migrated (and renamed) F3 Common Local Variables component.
Migrated Join Group Action component.
Migrated Kegetys Spectator Script component.
Migrated Mission Observers component.
Migrated Multiplayer Ending Controller component.
Migrated ORBAT Notes component.
Migrated Sample Markers component.
Migrated ShackTactical Fireteam Member Markers component.
Migrated AI Skill Selector (A&D) component.
Migrated AI Skill Selector (coop) component.
Migrated Authorised Crew Check component.
Migrated Authorised Crew Type Check component.
Migrated Automatic Body Removal component.
Migrated Casualties Cap component.
Migrated Casualties Cap (Advanced) component.
Migrated Dynamic View Distance component.
Migrated Group E&E Check component.
Migrated Mission Maker Teleport component.
Migrated Name Tags component.
Migrated (and renamed) F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component.
Migrated (and renamed) F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component.
Migrated (and renamed) F3 Folk ARPS Group IDs component.
Migrated (and renamed) F3 Folk ARPS Group Markers component.
Migrated (and renamed) F3 Folk ARPS JIP Reinforcement Options component.
Part-migrated Mission Conditions Selector component.
Removed Disable BIS Conversations component.
Removed Preplaced Game Logics component.
Removed ACRE Support component.
Removed Automatic Body Removal (FIFO) component.
Removed Construction Interface (COIN) Presets component.
Removed Trip Flare component.
Removed Gear Snippets component.
Added Loading Screen component.

Special thanks to comrade scripting hero Head, who's heroic work during the first week of the ArmA 3 Alpha made this early release possible. Thanks also to comrade Harakka. These comrades are awesome! Thanks also to all at Folk ARPS.

About F3

The F3 Mission Development Framework (F3) is the successor to the popular F2 and BAS f mission development frameworks for ArmA 2 and ArmA. The new framework contains many of the features you know from F2, updated to work with ArmA 3; new components which take advantage of the new game's special features are planned.

For downloads and to find out more please see our online manual: