12 Mai 2024 à 21:12:09


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Norse_Harold

BT has 3 to 5 players signed up to attend this event so far. I'll be the point of contact for our group this time.

Definitely attending
Player: Norse_Harold
Player: Piecemaker_187
Player: PissedoffGuy

Maybe attending
Player: omL
Player: DirtyHenry
Archives / Re : [TvT Publique] Tea Break - 28.11.2019
28 Novembre 2019 à 20:21:29
I'll be present, on the OPFOR (Tak Army) side.
In-game name: Norse_Harold

One friend, omL, might also attend.

Update: omL won't be attending because he has an event to attend IRL.
I think that [BT]DirtyHenry and [BT]Senator_Rocktruck won't be attending today. They haven't been on Steam.
Four members of Battle Technicians (including myself), one guest, and four members of ToK would like to slot as a British squad, such as Tea&Biscuits 3-4. I'll be the SL, Senator Rocktruck will be the FTL for BT, and Zapata will be the FTL for ToK.

SL: Norse_Harold
FTL: Senator Rocktruck
DirtyHenry, omL, Pissedoffguy

FTL: Zapata
Kaan, Panzer, Talip
In-game name: Norse_Harold
I would like to be in the squad with Alper and omL : TOK/BT
Requested role: Fireteam leader

I'm also on Discord for faster communication.