19 Février 2025 à 02:46:32


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[ Public TvT ] The Rock and a Hard Place

Démarré par wombat, 31 Août 2023 à 18:42:58

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[Public TvT]
The Rock and a Hard Place 2100CEST
Short 2nd mission to follow the main mission (USA vs Germany tank heavy)

Spain vs British

Date & hour - Timezone CEST (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h20 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

SITAC/Historical Context

The year is 2024, and the region surrounding Gibraltar has become a cauldron of geopolitical turmoil, exacerbated by Great Britain's actions and Spain's determined response.

The seeds of the conflict were sown by a series of provocative actions taken by Great Britain, which ignited a powder keg of instability. Fueled by nationalist sentiments and historical grievances, Great Britain's expansionist ambitions led to heightened tensions in the Mediterranean. The British decision to establish a fortified military presence on Gibraltar, combined with unilateral resource exploitation in the surrounding waters, sparked outrage among Spain and its allies.

As a result of Great Britain's assertive moves, Spain found itself in the unenviable position of safeguarding its territorial integrity and asserting its historical claims. The Spanish government, alarmed by the encroachment on its sovereignty and mindful of the potential global repercussions, responded with a resolute determination to counter British influence and regain control over Gibraltar.

Compounding the situation, Great Britain attempted to reinforce its military presence in Gibraltar, a move perceived by Spain as a direct challenge to its authority. Spanish naval forces successfully intercepted and repelled the British fleet, preventing the reinforcement and delivering a significant blow to British ambitions in the region. This victory bolstered Spanish resolve and garnered international attention, further intensifying the standoff.

In response to the escalating tensions, the United States imposed a no-fly zone over the contested area, aimed at preventing further militarization and curbing the risk of full-scale conflict. The no-fly zone added a new layer of complexity to the situation, forcing both sides to recalibrate their strategies and tactics.

Informations générales/General Informations
  • Spanish M113-M2 Can only be taken out of the spawn by their assigned squads and with at least 1 crew slot.
  • British Static M2 Can only be taken out of the spawn by their assigned squad.
  • Each side has 2 Mk6 Mortars with artillery computer disabled. These can only be used by the command squad
  • Each Mortar has 48 rounds HE, 32 Rounds Smoke.
  • British can not target Spanish Forward base with mortars unless artillery markers appear there.
  • There is passive artillery radar on both sides. With the last 10 artillery rounds fired are marked on map.
  • Artillery radar is accurate to a few 100m
  • All vehicles are Steal-able
  • One soldier spawning at the British Garrison can break rambo as long as they are driving the truck to ferry squads and are not fighting.
  • Extra magazines in vehicles and in ammo crates in Gibraltar and Siege Tunnels


Objectives Map
Spain Uniforms
British Uniforms

Siege Tunnels


Common Objectives:

  • Hold the Gibraltar[5 points]
  • Hold siege tunnels at 60 min[3 points]
  • Hold border at 30 min[2 points]

Règles/ Rules
Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Short 2nd mission to  follow the main mission

Configuration & technical setup
  • Comment synchroniser vos addons avec Arma3sync
  • How to sync your addons with Arma3sync

Server : bg.ofcra.org
Password: ofcra
Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours


Additional squads can be added if there is demand
Both sides have reserves available, except for the British SAS,SBS and Border squads

Command - HQ Spawn
 - Commander OFCRA
 - Mortar OFCRA
 - Mortar
 - Medic
 - MG4
 - 2iC
 - EOD - G36

Alpha : Leopard - HQ Spawn
 - Crew FJB49
 - Crew FJB49
 - Crew FJB49
 - Crew FJB49

Bravo : Rifle - HQ Spawn
 - Squad Leader FJB49
 - Grenadier FJB49
 - Spotter FJB49
 - Medic FJB49
 - Rifleman G36 FJB49
 - Grenadier FJB49
 - EOD - Demo - G36 FJB49
 - LAT FJB49
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS) FJB49

Charlie : MG4 - HQ Spawn
 - Squad Leader
 - Spotter
 - Medic
 - Rifleman G36
 - MG4
 - MG4
 - EOD - G36
 - LAT
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS)

Delta : Marksman - Forward Spawn
 - Squad Leader TSAAB
 - Spotter TSAAB
 - Marksman M14 TSAAB
 - Medic TSAAB
 - Rifleman G36 TSAAB
 - Marksman M14 TSAAB
 - Spotter
 - EOD - G36
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS)

Echo : MG3 - Forward Spawn
 - Squad Leader GH
 - Ammo Bearer (MG3) GH
 - Spotter GH
 - Medic GH
 - MG3 GH
 - MG3 GH
 - Ammo Bearer (MG3) GH
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS) GH
 - EOD - G36 GH

Golf : MG4 - Forward Spawn
 - Squad Leader IBC/ISS
 - Spotter IBC/ISS
 - Medic IBC/ISS
 - Rifleman G36 IBC/ISS
 - EOD - G36 IBC/ISS
 - Team Leader IBC/ISS

Foxtrot : Rifle - Forward Spawn
 - Squad Leader FOG
 - Grenadier FOG
 - Spotter FOG
 - Medic FOG
 - Rifleman G36 FOG
 - Grenadier FOG
 - EOD - Demo - G36 FOG
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS) FOG

Hotel : M113-M2 - Forward Spawn
 - Squad Leader WT
 - Spotter WT
 - Medic WT
 - Rifleman G36 WT
 - EOD - Demo - G36 WT
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS) WT
 - M113 Crew WT
 - M113 Crew WT
 - Rifleman G36 WT

India : M113-M2 - Forward Spawn
 - Squad Leader OFCRA
 - Spotter  OFCRA
 - Medic  OFCRA
 - Rifleman G36  OFCRA
 - EOD - Demo - G36  OFCRA
 - Team Leader - G36  (SU-230/PVS)  OFCRA
 - M113 Crew
 - M113 Crew
 - Rifleman G36
Command - Siege Tunnel Spawn
 - Commander
 - Medic
 - Sniper L115A3
 - Mortar Operator
 - Mortar Operator
 - Mortar Operator
 - 2iC

Alpha Border Defence - Border spawn
 - Squad Leader PLH
 - Spotter PLH
 - Satchel Charges PLH
 - Medic PLH
 - AT Mines PLH
 - AP Mines PLH
 - Rifleman L85 PLH
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT PLH

Bravo : SAS - Airfield Spawn (No vehicles)
 - Squad Leader PLH
 - Spotter PLH
 - Satchel Charges PLH
 - Medic PLH
 - Rifleman L85 PLH
 - AT Mines PLH
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT PLH

Charlie MG - Garrison Spawn
 - Squad Leader Italy
 - ILAW Italy
 - GPMG L7A2 Italy
 - Spotter Italy
 - Medic Italy
 - GPMG L7A2 Italy
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT Italy
 - GPMG Ammo + L85 Italy
 - GPMG Ammo + L85 Italy

Delta Marksman - Garrison Spawn
 - Squad Leader 19th
 - ILAW 19th
 - Spotter 19th
 - Medic 19th
 - Rifleman L85 19th
 - Spotter 19th
 - Marksman L129A1 19th
 - Marksman L129A1 19th
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT 19th

Echo AT- Garrison Spawn
 - Squad Leader 19th
 - NLAW 19th
 - Spotter 19th
 - Medic 19th
 - NLAW 19th
 - ILAW 19th
 - Spotter 19th
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT 19th
 - Spotter 19th

Fox Rifle- Garrison Spawn
 - Squad Leader
 - Spotter
 - Medic
 - Grenadier
 - Rifleman
 - LSW L86A2
 - Grenadier
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT

Golf : SBS - South Coast Spawn With Boats
 - Squad Leader
 - Spotter
 - Satchel Charges
 - Medic
 - Rifleman L85
 - Rifleman L85
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT

Hotel Rifle - Garrison Spawn
 - Squad Leader
 - Spotter
 - Medic
 - Grenadier
 - Rifleman
 - LSW L86A2
 - Grenadier
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT

India : 3* Static HMG - Garrison Spawn
 - Squad Leader UA
 - Medic UA
 - Rifleman L85 UA
 - Team Leader L85-SUSAT UA
 - Spotter UA
 - Rifleman L85 UA
 - Rifleman L85 UA
 - Spotter UA

Additional squads can be added if there is demand
Both sides have reserves available, except for the British SAS,SBS and Border squads