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J.S.R.S Sound Mod

Démarré par Prax, 16 Décembre 2013 à 18:55:50

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J.S.R.S Sound Mod

Téléchargement: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22150


"J.S.R.S. is a Sound modification. This sounds less exciting at first than it is, doesn't it? Oh, but it is much more than just your typical sound modification. Simply because not only does J.S.R.S. essentially offer toally new sounds for ArmA 3, but offers much more in that it also extends the game with new sound-based features in-game which were originally
though not possible.

The biggest feature is the "Distance script" that allows the mod to address different sound effects at different distances
to the player. The scenario: If a shooter is 500 meters away, one extra tuned value sound for this distance will be
played. This gives the impression of being far away of that shooter.
There are also effects like the "First Person sounds" which giving the impression that the weapon is close to your face
by adding mechanical extra sound effects which is only played when the player is playing in the first-person
perspective. The same works for vehicles. When sitting as a passenger in an armed vehicle, you can hear the
mechanical sounds of the weaponry.
The latest addition to the J.S.R.S. Sound modification suite is the all-new "in-room script" which mixes an extra loud
echo over the weapon effects when the player is inside a building and is firing his weapon. The effect results in the
impression that you really are inside a building.
All these new features--plus over 5500 other new sound effects--makes for an entirely new sound experience. ArmA
3 is transformed with only a mod in a completely different dimension. Each mission is completely different because of
the ubiquitous new impressions. It is made for more aware of risk, opponents recognized by the authentic weapon
noises or they can very accurately located due to the distance effects.

JSRS 2.0 brings all the old-known effects and sounds to a whole new level, even compared to previous J.S.R.S. versions
of the past. This version is the culmination of J.S.R.S. "Perfection" after a long journey of working on J.S.R.S.. Try it, you will not be disappointed!

So, some last words, if you don't mind:
This project took a lot of time, actually its project that went from ArmA1 over ArmA2 and now to ArmA3 and this for over 4 years now!
Its been a long journey but as some of you know me by now, it wont be the end of it. I will always continue this project, even now by providing Updates!
I just want to ask you to not give me such a hard time if some or even more does not work the way you expect it to.
Even if a lot of sounds might now suite your taste, I'm pretty sure I did a solid work and I want this to be done before Christmas time starts.
Once again I want to thank you all for supporting me, LordJarhead, and JSRS Studios and who ever helped me realizing this project.
Thank you very much! I wish you all a good time with this mod and please, stay patient if things does not work out right now, it'll be fixed later on!"



JSRS2.0 Update 1.0001 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23884

- Fixed: Missing Vehicle Weapon soundeffects


- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the AH9_Pawnee
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the AH99_Blackfoot
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the CH49_Mohawk
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Mi48_Kajman
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Po30_Orca
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the UH80_Ghosthawk
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Wy-55_Hellcat
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the 2s9_Sorcher
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the BTR-K_Kamysh
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the FV-720_Mora
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the IFV-6a_Cheetah
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the IFV-6c_Panther
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the M2A1_Slammer
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the M4_Scorcher
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the M5_Sandstorm
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the MBT-52_Kuma
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the T100_Varsuk
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the ZSU-39_Tigris
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the AFV4_Gorgon
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the AMV7_Mashal
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Hunter
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Ifrit
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the MSE-3_Marid
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Offroad
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Strider
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the SUV
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Truck1 / 2
- Changed: Values on configs for distance and volume on the Van
- Fixed class inheritance, updated class: EBR_c
- Fixed class inheritance, updated class: FS2000_c
- Fixed class inheritance, updated class: MX_c
- Fixed class inheritance, updated class: Silencers_c
- Fixed class inheritance, updated class: Trg20_c
- Updated class: All vehicle weapons
- Changed: Values for explosions, might need more fixing
- Added: New sounds for different Stance modes and player action (like changing weapons)
- Changed: Distance and volume values for footsteps and gear soundsamples
- Added: Overworked environment soundeffects
- Changed: Inroom sounds volume on distances
- Fixed: directional and locational issue in close range combat
- Changed: Overall volume of distance effects
- Changed: Volume for all vehicles background noises
- Added: Script supports third party silencers when using the jsrs2_distance_codes in mods



on peut le dl et installer la V1.1 sans que cela ne fasse des problèmes pour le serveru ?



attendez ma mission de jeudi au cas ou ?


C'est mod côté joueur donc ça ne change rien pour le serveur. Vous pouvez mettre à jour votre JSRS.


Update JSRS 2.1 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22150

Changelog v2.1
- repacked/resigned to fix issues with key
- the m200 sd problem should also be fixed by now
- some little change were made here and there


on enlève la version antérieure et on met la 2.1 ? c'est bien cela ?



ouai c'est une version full


Il fonctionne le lien chez vous? Car j'arrive pas me co. à armaholic


Donc avantage certain ou pas? Parce que pour les hélicoptères y a pas foto.


je l'avais mais pour cause de panne carte son je l'ai enlevé. Pas noté de différence notoire avec les Hélicos par contre pour le reste il me manque !


LordJarhead informed us he released a new version of the JSRS 2.1B patch (which he already released previously but which caused some errors) for his JSRS2.1 soundmod on the BI forums.
With this patch JSRS2.1 soundmod will again work with the Arma 3 Bootcamp update.

Quote LordJarhead :
J.S.R.S. is a Sound modification. This sounds less exciting at first than it is, doesn't it? Oh, but it is much more than just your typical sound modification. Simply because not only does J.S.R.S. essentially offer toally new sounds for ArmA 3,
but offers much more in that it also extends the game with new sound-based features in-game which were originally
though not possible.

Due to the new ArmA3 update I had to update all the config files. Meanwhile I tried to fix some of the issues, tho I forgot what there was to be fixed over time. So I fixed the issue that I have found during the day.

If you find any more or new issue, let me know.

Fixing Keys
Grenade landing sounds
Chemlight period noises
Script macro for vehicle weapons
Inroom issues for ArmA2 weapons in script config
Scorpian SMG no sounds
Loud sounds in spectator view
Making a new Wipeout gun sound
Inside FlyBy sounds in planes
Added CAS plane 1 and plane 2 sounds, placeholders from A2
Fixing Updating Base Classes

Lien du téléchargement : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23885

Plus d'info sur : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170226-Jsrs-2-1b


LordJarhead informed us he released a new version of the JSRS 2.1B patch for his JSRS2.1 soundmod on the BI forums.


- Fixed Keys
- Fixed Script Config XX_Sound Not Found


Ca ne fonctionne pas avec le truc de Arma Sync pour le téléchargement de cet addon?