[Official TvT campaign] An uchronia in Biafra M03

Démarré par Mrwhite350, 11 Novembre 2024 à 03:49:10

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[Campaign] An uchronia in Biafra M03 - Nourriture - 21.11.2024 - 2100CET

Nigerian federal army vs Biafra army

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Informations générales sur la campagne / General information about the campaign
Informations générales sur la campagne

Sur cette campagne, nous explorons ce qu'aurait pu être un affrontement armé sur le continent africain si les anciennes colonies avaient obtenue leur indépendance dès la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale.

Le Nigeria a tout juste obtenue son indépendance à l'issue de l'armistice de 1945, ne voulant pas être rattachée au tout nouvel état la région du Biafra a fait sécession. Abuja    n'entends pas qu'une province toute entière échappe à son contrôle, les armées des deux camps sont mobilisées et se préparent à un affrontement sans merci.

Les forces fédérales nigériennes héritent d'un équipement issue de l'empire Britannique et Américain.

Les forces sécessionnistes sont supportés par l'URSSS et la France, ces dernières ne veulent pas de l'émergence d'un état post-colonial d'inspiration anglo-saxonne.

Comme vous pourrez le constater, il y a un mélange d'équipements hérités de la seconde guerre mondiale (il y a du stock).

L'armée Nigériane (BLUEFOR) possède un équipement américain et britannique.

L'armée du Biafra (OPFOR) possède un équipement soviétique et français.

Du matériel allemand est également en dotation au sein des deux camps.

Nous sommes en 1949, équipement d'époque oblige, pas de GPS, ni de radios pour tout le monde.

Les chefs d'escouades ainsi que les chefs d'équipes sont dotés de radios, pas le reste. C'est deux armées du tiers monde, pas le neck plus ultra technologique.

Prenez ces éléments en compte dans vos plans (je ne doute pas de votre capacité d'adaptation).

In this campaign, we explore what an armed confrontation on the African continent might have been like if the former colonies had gained their independence at the end of the Second World War.

Nigeria had just gained its independence following the 1945 armistice, but the Biafra region did not want to be attached to the new state and seceded. Abuja did not want an entire province to escape its control, so the armies of both sides were mobilised and prepared for a merciless confrontation.

The Nigerian federal forces inherited equipment from the British and American empires.

The secessionist forces were supported by the USSR and France, which did not want the emergence of an Anglo-Saxon-inspired post-colonial state.

As you can see, there is a mixture of equipment inherited from the Second World War (there is stock).

The Nigerian army (BLUEFOR) has American and British equipment.

The Biafran army (OPFOR) has Soviet and French equipment.

It's 1949, and we're obliged to have the equipment of the time - no GPS, no radios for everyone. Squad leaders and team leaders had radios, but the rest did not.

These were two third-world armies, not the most technologically advanced.

Take these factors into account in your plans (I don't doubt your ability to adapt).

Sitac / Backstory
Eté 1949 - Nigeria
Les forces nigériennes tente de s'attaquer aux réserves logistiques du biafra.
Summer 1949 - Nigeria
Nigerien forces attempt to attack Biafra's logistical reserves.

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Toutes les informations ne sont pas documentées ici, il appartient à chaque camp de procéder à une reconnaissance. / Not all information is documented here, it is up to each side to make a reconnaissance.
  • BLUEFOR est en attaque, OPFOR est en défense. / BLUEFOR is in attack, OPFOR is in defence.
  • Il y a des positions défensives. / There are defensive positions.
  • Les temps sont difficiles, tout ce qui est vivant se mange. / TTimes are tough, and everything that's alive has to be eaten.
  • Les VIP n°1,2,3 sont positionnés dans la réserve de nourriture. / VIPs 1, 2 and 3 are positioned in the food reserve.
  • Les VIP n°3 et 4  sont positionnés au centre de commandement. / VIPs 3 and 4 are positioned at the command centre.
  • Pas grand chose à dire, faîte usage de vos têtes et sachez planifier vos actions./ Not much to say, just use your heads and plan your actions. 


Tac map
Spoiler: montrer
Tac map 2
Spoiler: montrer
Food storage
Spoiler: montrer
Priest (vip1)
Spoiler: montrer
Doctors (vip2 & vip3)
Spoiler: montrer
Command outpost
Spoiler: montrer
German advisor (vip4 et vip5)
Spoiler: montrer
City center
Spoiler: montrer
Nigerian armed forces (2 PAX on the right)
Spoiler: montrer
Biafra armed forces (2 PAX on the left)
Spoiler: montrer

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common objectives
  • Capture radio station (2 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Kill priest (vip1) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Kill Doctor (vip2) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Kill Doctor (vip3) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Kill germand advisor n°1 (vip4) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Kill germand advisor n°2 (vip5) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Survival bonus - You win points if you have more than 8 people alive at the end of the game. (3 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Protect priest (vip1) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Protect Doctor (vip2) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Protect Doctor (vip3) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Protect germand advisor n°1 (vip4) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Protect germand advisor n°2 (vip5) before 1h15 (1 pts)
  • Survival bonus - You win points if you have more than 8 people alive at the end of the game. (3 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Règles spécifiques à la mission / Specific mission rules:
  • Il n'est pas autorisé de bouger les VIP en dehors de leurs bâtiments. / VIPs are not allowed to move outside the bulding.
  • BLUEFOR a le droit de détacher des escouades du véhicule assigné pour effectuer un parachutage avec l'avion. / BLUEFOR has the right to detach squads from the assigned vehicle to parachute with the aircraft.
  • Merci de prendre les véhicules qui sont assignés pour chaque escouade. / Please take the vehicles that are assigned to each squad.
  • Aucune IA ne sera tolérée dans les véhicules / No AI in vehicule at all

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: [OFCRA] An uchronia in Biafra - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository
@ace  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057
@ace_compat_ifa3  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773759919
@ace_extension_placeables  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866772689
@advanced_rappelling  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341
@advanced_sling_loading  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497
@advanced_towing  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639837898
@advanced_urban_rappelling  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=730310357
@backpack_on_chest_redux  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2372036642
@breaching_charge  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314910827
@brush_clearing  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889104923
@cba_a3  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997
@cup_terrains_core  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184
@des_elevator  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708665067
@enhanced_movement  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405
@enhanced_movement_rework  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2034363662
@enhanced_soundscape  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825179978
@free_world_armoury  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424797017
@grad_trenches  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1224892496
@ifa3_aio_lite  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648308937
@indochine  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2331342196
@isla_duala  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714149065
@knock_on_vehicles  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906748433
@mutambara  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2814015609
@niakala  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801060088
@ofcra_essentials  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2688071833
@rhsafrf  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103
@rhsgref  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391
@rhsusaf  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117
@splendid_smoke  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770418577
@sweet_marker_system  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=324952672
@tfar  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801
@tfar_animations  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141020863
@vet_unflipping  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703187116
@ww2_armored_cars  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2811202098

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Test Serverpublic: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Public Serverpublic: brokengrenade.cz
Port: 3302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours


HQ Blue 1x Dodge WC 51 + 2x M2 60mm
 - Officer (M1A1) - [FJB49 Kevin]
 - Officer (M1A1)
 - Combat Life Saver (Springfield)
 - Combat Life Saver (Springfield)
 - Sniper (Lee-Enfield)
 - Sniper (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)

Alpha 1x M3A3 Stuart (Removed HE)
 - Squad Leader (M1911) - [TAASB]
 - Crewman (Revolver) - [TAASB]
 - Crewman (Revolver) - [TAASB]
 - Crewman (Revolver) - [TAASB]

Bravo 1x GMC Truck (Open)
 - Squad Leader (M1A1) - [ISS]
 - Team Leader (M1A1) - [ISS]
 - Combat Life Saver (Springfield) - [ISS]
 - Autorifleman (BAR) - [ISS]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [ISS]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [ISS]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [ISS]
 - Rifleman (Springfield) - [ISS]
 - Flammer - [ISS]

Charlie 1x GMC Truck (Open)
 - Squad Leader (M1A1) - [VM]
 - Team Leader (M1A1) - [VM]
 - Combat Life Saver (Springfield) - [VM]
 - Autorifleman (BAR) - [VM]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [VM]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [VM]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [VM]
 - Explosive Specialist (Springfield) - [VM]
 - Rifleman (Springfield) - [VM]

Delta 1x GMC Truck (Open)
 - Squad Leader (M1A1) - [RL]
 - Team Leader (M1A1) - [RL]
 - Combat Life Saver (Springfield) - [RL]
 - Autorifleman (BAR) - [RL]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [RL]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [RL]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [RL]
 - Grenadier (Garand) - [RL]
 - Rifleman (Springfield) - [RL]

Echo 1x GMC Truck (Open)
 - Squad Leader (M1A1) - [FJB49]
 - Team Leader (M1A1) - [FJB49]
 - Combat Life Saver (Springfield) - [FJB49]
 - Autorifleman (BAR) - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman (Thompson) - [FJB49]
 - Flammer - [FJB49]

Foxtrot 1x Universal carrier
 - Squad Leader (M1A1) - [RBEP]
 - Team Leader (M1A1) - [RBEP]
 - Combat Life Saver (Lee-Enfield) - [RBEP]
 - Autorifleman (Bren) - [RBEP]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Lee-Enfield) - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman (Sten) - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield) - [RBEP]
 - Asst. AT.Specialist (Lee-Enfield) - [RBEP]
 - AT.Specialist (PIAT | Revolver) - [RBEP]

Golf 1x Universal carrier
 - Squad Leader (M1A1) - [TAASB]
 - Team Leader (M1A1) - [TAASB]
 - Combat Life Saver (Lee-Enfield) - [TAASB]
 - Autorifleman (Bren) - [TAASB]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Lee-Enfield) - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman (Sten) - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield) - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)  - [TAASB]
 - Grenadier (Lee-Enfield) - [TAASB]

Hotel 1x Universal carrier
 - Squad Leader (M1A1)
 - Team Leader (M1A1)
 - Combat Life Saver (Lee-Enfield)
 - Autorifleman (Bren)
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Sten)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)

India 1x Universal carrier
 - Squad Leader (M1A1)
 - Team Leader (M1A1)
 - Combat Life Saver (Lee-Enfield)
 - Autorifleman (Bren)
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Sten)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)

 - Pilot (M1911)
 - Crew (M1911)

Blue reserve 1
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)
 - Rifleman (Lee-Enfield)

Blue reserve 2
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)
 - Rifleman (Springfield)

HQ Red Spawn North | 2x Gaz-M1 + 1x BM-37
 - Officer (SVT40)  [flip2flap]
 - Officer (MAS49)
 - Combat Life Saver (Kar98k)   [OPS]
 - Combat Life Saver (Mosin) [OPS]
 - Sniper (Kar98k) [OPS]
 - Sniper (Mosin) [OPS]
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)

November 1x SdKfz 251
 - Squad Leader (SVT40) - [OFCRA]
 - Team Leader (SVT40) - [OFCRA]
 - Combat Life Saver (Mosin) - [OFCRA]
 - Autorifleman (DP27) - [OFCRA]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Mosin) - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman (SVT40) - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman (PPSH) - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [OFCRA]

Oscar 1x ZIS-5V
 - Squad Leader (SVT40) - [19th]
 - Team Leader (SVT40) - [19th]
 - Combat Life Saver (Mosin) - [19th]
 - Autorifleman (DP27) - [19th]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Mosin) - [19th]
 - Rifleman (SVT40) - [19th]
 - Rifleman (PPSH) - [19th]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [19th]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [19th]

Papa 1x ZIS-5V
 - Squad Leader (SVT40) - [PLH]
 - Team Leader (SVT40) - [PLH]
 - Combat Life Saver (Mosin) - [PLH]
 - Autorifleman (DP27) - [PLH]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Mosin) - [PLH]
 - Rifleman (SVT40) - [PLH]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [PLH]
 - AT.Specialist (PTRD | Revolver) - [PLH]
 - Asst.AT (Mosin) - [PLH]

Quebec 1x ZIS-5V
 - Squad Leader (SVT40) - [PPC]
 - Team Leader (SVT40) - [PPC]
 - Combat Life Saver (Mosin) - [PPC]
 - Autorifleman (DP27) - [PPC]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Mosin) - [PPC]
 - Rifleman (SVT40) - [PPC]
 - Rifleman (PPSH) - [PPC]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [PPC]
 - Rifleman (Mosin) - [PPC]

Romeo 1x ZIS-5V + 1x ZIS-3 (Removed HE) + 2x Maxim
 - Squad Leader (MAS49) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Team Leader (MAS49) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Combat Life Saver (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman (Kar98k) - [Norwood reaper]

Sierra 1x ZIS-5V
 - Squad Leader (MAS49)
 - Team Leader (MAS49)
 - Autorifleman (FM24/29)
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Kar98k)
 - Combat Life Saver (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Grenadier (MAS49)

Tango 1x ZIS-5V
 - Squad Leader (MAS49)
 - Team Leader (MAS49)
 - Autorifleman (FM24/29)
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Kar98k)
 - Combat Life Saver (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (MAS49)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)

Uniform 1x ZIS-5V
 - Squad Leader (MAS49) - [19th]
 - Team Leader (MAS49) - [19th]
 - Autorifleman (FM24/29) - [19th]
 - Asst. Autorifleman (Kar98k) - [19th]
 - Combat Life Saver (Kar98k) - [19th]
 - Explosive Specialist (Kar98k) - [19th]
 - Explosive Specialist (Kar98k) - [19th]
 - AT.Specialist (Panzerschreck | Kar98k) - [19th]
 - Asst. Missile Specialist (Kar98k) - [19th]

Reserve 1 4x Gaz-M1
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)
 - Rifleman (Mosin)

Reserve 2 4x Gaz-M1
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)
 - Rifleman (Kar98k)