08 Février 2025 à 19:31:45


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[Public TvT] Operation Unthinkable - 12.12.2024

Démarré par Rigel, 29 Novembre 2024 à 21:46:59

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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[Public TvT] Operation Unthinkable - 12.12.2024 - 2100CET

Finnish People's Army vs United Nations (British Army and French Army)

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

SITAC/Historical Context

Finland, 1950
Bonjour je ne parle pas francais, et cela ne sera jamais traduit, tres desole

Finland, 1950
After Finland won the finnish winter war so hard that they lost 11% of their land to the soviet union, the finns were unhappy how the allied nations just stood there watching.
Not content with just one victory, they went ahead and won the continuation war as well, but as they clear up all the mines in their waters and rebuilt their destroyed nation, the finns were unhappy how the allied nations betrayed them and their only friends were the good people of Nazi Germany.

Now its the start of the cold war, tension between the communist world and the western nations are high, following disputes regarding the western held territory of west berlin.
So when the soviet union came knocking, wanting finland to "sign a treaty of friendship and brotherhood", the finns simply accepted.

Worried about their position in the arctic sea deteriorating, the allied nations further escalated conflict with the soviet union. After only a week of the treaty being signed, all filo-soviet nations got kicked from the fledgling united nations, and promptly created a new group called "The Krakow Pact".

With entire army groups of the red army ready to move in to turn finland into a fortress, the allied nations led by the British launch an invasion of finland.

Finland, who can't stop winning, decides to finally take up arms against the true enemy: the anglo-saxons.

Informations générales/General Informations
 • The british army gliders will spawn on the ground like in regular missions.
 • At warmup end, the gliders will get teleported to about ~700m up in the sky with ~200kph horizontal speed (to be tweaked upon further testing).
 • The gliders REQUIRE a pilot, else they'll plummet to the ground (whatever gliders have no crew onboard will NOT be teleported).
 • All redfor squads go on the gliders.
 • Gliders will enter into a death dive when surpassing a certain speed (will update this upon further testing)
 • If a glider were to blow up uncerimoniously for whatever reason, the people inside shall be respawned.

 • The railway bridge can be blown up by anyone, and will be 3 actions lasting 15 seconds EACH, with the bridge exploding 20 seconds after the end of the last action (run away)
 • Due to confidentiality, the russian comms can only be tampered and restored with (via action) by:
   Platoon Commanders, Platoon Sergeants, Section Commanders and Section 2ic (AND ANY EQUIVALENT FRENCH AND FINNISH SLOTS)

xx.The balance for the defenders takes into account a nearly-full platoon 1. For this reason, small groups (<6) may be denied slots in FINNISH PLT 1.
I will not accept any balance criticism if the finnish side leader allows platoon 1 to be made up by small teams.

xx.Camping one of the amphibious tanks in the sea to shoot from safe distance from AT weapons is FORBIDDEN and will be punished following regular OFCRA rules
xx.For any doubts regarding discrepancies found in the post or the mission please don't be afraid to contact me
xx.If you want to request a change in balance, you must commit to the side that gets weaker as a result of such change

While it would've been cooler to have dakotas tow the glider in location, that would have
 1. massively increased the complexity, which would've no doubt lead to big problems on game night
 2. been a problem for the pilots of the dakotas
 3. completely wrecked the timings with the larger defending force coming in from the south, turning it into a bit of a suicide.


Tac Map
Tac Map - Zoomed
Railway Bridge
Russian Comms
Cap Zone
Finnish Army
British Army
French Army

Common Objectives
  • Capzone (2 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Don't let the British tamper with the russian communication system @ 60 minutes (1 pts)
  • Don't let the British blow up the railway bridge (2 pts)
  • Supremacy - Fewer than 10 redfor still alive (3 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Tamper with the russian communication system @ 60 minutes (2 pts)
  • Blow up the railway bridge (1 pts)
  • Supremacy - Fewer than 10 bluefor still alive (3 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup
  • Comment synchroniser vos addons avec Arma3sync
  • How to sync your addons with Arma3sync

Modset: [ Public TvT ] Op Unthinkable (to be created)
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@ace   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057
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@advanced_rappelling   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341
@advanced_sling_loading   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497
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@backpack_on_chest_redux   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2372036642
@breaching_charge   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314910827
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@cup_terrains_core   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184
@des_elevator   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708665067
@enhanced_movement   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405
@enhanced_soundscape   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825179978
@free_world_armoury   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2424797017
@grad_trenches   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1224892496
@ifa3_aio_lite   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2648308937
@ifa3_lite_additional_bagpipes_tracks   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1683392891
@knock_on_vehicles   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906748433
@northern_fronts_scandinavia_ww2   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507586063
@northern_fronts_terrains   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1630816076
@ofcra_essentials   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2688071833
@rhsafrf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103
@rhsgref   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391
@rhssaf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843632231
@rhsusaf   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117
@service_and_supply   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2183975396
@splendid_smoke   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770418577
@sweet_marker_system   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=324952672
@tfar   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801
@tfar_animations   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141020863
@vet_unflipping   http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703187116

Bluefor & Redfor Servers with test mission will be up for a while before the event, to stress/test your mod/addons and plan
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA

IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours



Finnish People's Army

Finnish Command (South Spawn)
 - Faction Leader | KP/44 - [FJB49 Depso]
 - Faction 2ic | KP/44
 + 1x BMW R75
 + 1 platoon worth of bikes

Jaeger Platoon 1 - Command (North Spawn)                     
 - Platoon Leader | KP/44 - [GH]
 - Platoon Sergeant | KP/44 - [GH]
 - Messenger | SVT-40 - [GH]
 - Messenger | SVT-40 - [GH]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [GH]
 - Machine Gunner | DP-27 - [GH]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [GH]

Jaeger Platoon 1 - Aarne (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [TAASB]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [TAASB]
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26 - [TAASB]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [TAASB]
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [TAASB]
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM - [TAASB]
 - Sapper | SVT-40 - [TAASB]

Jaeger Platoon 1 - Bertta (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [PPC]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [PPC]
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26 - [PPC]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [PPC]
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [PPC]
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM - [PPC]
 - Sapper | SVT-40 - [PPC]

Jaeger Platoon 1 - Celsius (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [PLH + Ops]
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM - [PLH + Ops]
 - Sapper | SVT-40 - [PLH + Ops]

Jaeger Platoon 2 - Command (South Spawn)
 - Platoon Leader | KP/44
 - Platoon Sergeant | KP/44
 - Messenger | SVT-40
 - Messenger | SVT-40
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40
 - Machine Gunner | DP-27
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 2 - Daavid (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM
 - Sapper | SVT-40
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 2 - Eemeli (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM
 - Sapper | SVT-40
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 2 - Faarao (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Rifleman | SVT-40
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM
 - Sapper | SVT-40
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 3 - Command (South Spawn)
 - Platoon Leader | KP/44
 - Platoon Sergeant | KP/44
 - Messenger | SVT-40
 - Messenger | SVT-40
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40
 - Machine Gunner | DP-27
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 3 - Gideon (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [FJB49]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [FJB49]
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26 - [FJB49]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [FJB49]
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [FJB49]
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM - [FJB49]
 - Sapper | SVT-40 - [FJB49]
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 3 - Heikki (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [RBEP]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [RBEP]
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26 - [RBEP]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [RBEP]
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [RBEP]
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM - [RBEP]
 - Sapper | SVT-40 - [RBEP]
 + 1x Truck

Jaeger Platoon 3 - iivari (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Combat Medic | SVT-40 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Autorifleman | 7.62 PK 26 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Asst. Autorifleman | SVT-40 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Team Leader | Suomi KP/31 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Rifleman | SVT-40 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Sniper | 7.62 KIV M/39 PEM - [Norwood reaper]
 - Sapper | SVT-40 - [Norwood reaper]
 + 1x Truck

Tankette 1 (South Spawn)
 - Crew Commander | KP/44 - [Norwood reaper]
 - Crewman | 7,62 kiv/39 - [Norwood reaper]
 + 1x T-38M2

Tankette 2 (South Spawn)
 - Crew Commander | KP/44
 - Crewman | 7,62 kiv/39
 + 1x T-38M2

Tankette 3 (South Spawn)
 - Crew Commander | KP/44
 - Crewman | 7,62 kiv/39
 + 1x T-38M2

Allied Army

Allied Command
 - Faction Commander | Sterling Mk.4 - [RL Fonz]
 - Section 2ic | Sterling Mk.4

Rifle Platoon 1 - Command
 - Platoon Commander | Sterling Mk.4 - [RL]
 - Platoon Sergeant | Sterling Mk.4 - [RL]
 - Batman | L1A1 FAL - [RL]
 - Orderly | L1A1 FAL - [RL]
 - Reserve Bren | Bren Mk.2 - [RL]
 - Platoon AT |  L1A1 FAL + PIAT - [RL]
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL - [RL]

Rifle Platoon 1 - Able
 - Section Commander | Sterling Mk.4 - [23PzD]
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL - [23PzD]
 - Bren No. 1 (Gun Group) | Bren Mk.2 - [23PzD]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [23PzD]
 - Bren No.2 (Gun Group) | L1A1 FAL - [23PzD]
 - Section 2iC (Gun Group) | Sterling Mk.4 - [23PzD]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [23PzD]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [23PzD]
 - Rifleman/Sniper | No. 4 Mk. I(T) Rifle - [23PzD]
 - Mortarman | L1A1 FAL - [23PzD]

Rifle Platoon 1 - Baker
 - Section Commander | Sterling Mk.4 - [WT]
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL - [WT]
 - Bren No. 1 (Gun Group) | Bren Mk.2 - [WT]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [WT]
 - Bren No.2 (Gun Group) | L1A1 FAL - [WT]
 - Section 2iC (Gun Group) | Sterling Mk.4 - [WT]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [WT]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [WT]
 - Rifleman/Sniper | No. 4 Mk. I(T) Rifle - [WT]
 - Mortarman | L1A1 FAL - [WT]

Rifle Platoon 1 - Charlie
 - Section Commander | Sterling Mk.4 - [INF]
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL - [INF]
 - Bren No. 1 (Gun Group) | Bren Mk.2 - [INF]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [INF]
 - Bren No.2 (Gun Group) | L1A1 FAL - [INF]
 - Section 2iC (Gun Group) | Sterling Mk.4 - [INF]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [INF]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [INF]
 - Rifleman/Sniper | No. 4 Mk. I(T) Rifle - [INF]
 - Mortarman | L1A1 FAL - [INF]

Rifle Platoon 2 - Command
 - Platoon Commander | Sterling Mk.4
 - Platoon Sergeant | Sterling Mk.4
 - Batman | L1A1 FAL
 - Orderly | L1A1 FAL
 - Reserve Bren | Bren Mk.2
 - Platoon AT |  L1A1 FAL + PIAT
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL

Rifle Platoon 2 - Dog
 - Section Commander | Sterling Mk.4
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL
 - Bren No. 1 (Gun Group) | Bren Mk.2
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades
 - Bren No.2 (Gun Group) | L1A1 FAL
 - Section 2iC (Gun Group) | Sterling Mk.4
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman/Sniper | No. 4 Mk. I(T) Rifle
 - Mortarman | L1A1 FAL

Rifle Platoon 2 - Easy
 - Section Commander | Sterling Mk.4
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL
 - Bren No. 1 (Gun Group) | Bren Mk.2
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades
 - Bren No.2 (Gun Group) | L1A1 FAL
 - Section 2iC (Gun Group) | Sterling Mk.4
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades
 - Rifleman/Sniper | No. 4 Mk. I(T) Rifle
 - Mortarman | L1A1 FAL

Rifle Platoon 2 - Fox
 - Section Commander | Sterling Mk.4 - [AFDF]
 - Nursing Orderly | L1A1 FAL - [AFDF]
 - Bren No. 1 (Gun Group) | Bren Mk.2 - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [AFDF]
 - Bren No.2 (Gun Group) | L1A1 FAL - [AFDF]
 - Section 2iC (Gun Group) | Sterling Mk.4 - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman | L1A1 FAL + Rifle Grenades - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman/Sniper | No. 4 Mk. I(T) Rifle - [AFDF]
 - Mortarman | L1A1 FAL - [AFDF]


French Para Platoon 3 - Command
 - Platoon Commandeur | MAT 49 - [19th]
 - Platoon Sergente | MAT49 - [19th]
 - Platoon Mitrailleuse | FM24/29 Chatterault - [19th]
 - Antichar Rifleman |  MAS 49 + Bazooka - [19th]
 - Medique | MAS 49 - [19th]

French Para Platoon 3 - Gaston
 - Squad Leadeur | MAT49 - [19th]
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades - [19th]
 - Team Leadeur | STG-44 - [19th]
 - Medique | MAS 49 - [19th]
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades - [19th]
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades - [19th]
 - Assault Fusilier | STG-44 - [19th]
 - Le Tireur | Kar98k - [19th]

French Para Platoon 3 - Henri
 - Squad Leadeur | MAT49
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades
 - Team Leadeur | STG-44
 - Medique | MAS 49
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades
 - Assault Fusilier | STG-44
 - Le Tireur | Kar98k

French Para Platoon 3 - Isabelle
 - Squad Leadeur | MAT49 - [19th]
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades - [19th]
 - Team Leadeur | STG-44 - [19th]
 - Medique | MAS 49 - [19th]
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades - [19th]
 - Le Rifleman | MAS 49 + Rifle Grenades - [19th]
 - Assault Fusilier | STG-44 - [19th]
 - Antichar Rifleman |  MAS 49 + Bazooka - [19th]