27 Avril 2024 à 22:02:36


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - 19th Nasa

Demande de recrutement pour le soldat 19th Nasa

Camp souhaité :RedFor
Age du candidat :19 ans
Expérience d'ARMA 3 :   Je suis passé d'une courte période dans la 3e Brigade de commandos à la 160ème SOAR, où j'ai passé une année à la tête du détachement Blindé jusqu'à ce que je parte jouer à Mount and Blade Warband. Mais comme beaucoup d'adiction, on finit toujours par retomber dedans. Maintenant, j'aide les malades mentaux à canaliser leur haine contre les gens plutôt que de la garder en eux.
Autre(s) activitée(s) :Salut ! Mon nom est Nasa, j'adore les longues marches le long de la plage, les conversations profondes, tenir la main des gens, les romans à l'eau de rose, m'occuper de mes fleurs et utiliser mon L85A2 durant les 3x30.
Pourquoi l'OFCRA :Afin de remercier ceux qui nous on si bien traité et aussi pour apprendre à combattre au délà de 200 mètres.
Complément :Bon!

J'approuve le règlement intérieur de l'OFCRA.
J'accepte les conditions d'encadrement en qualité de Stagiaire.
19th would like to sign up on the Rebel side. Standard 10-15 people. Thank you
Archives / Re : [TvT Publique] - Green Hell
01 Novembre 2018 à 18:45:25
The 19th would like to sign up with regular numbers on the USMC team. I would like a contract however that on punishment of death, that guarantees Mr Blanc has not placed any mines xd
In spite of the leak the plan seems to have worked out regardless. Good match with good amount of infantry combat, The bloodbath that was the battle for the stadium and the suppression of the opposing building especially.

Archives / Re : [TvT Publique - Wargame] - "Stadium"
18 Septembre 2018 à 17:53:53
Can 19th take special force recon and Kiev rifle squad on Russia. Thank you
Archives / Re : Cold War Smell
02 Septembre 2018 à 23:11:58
19th would like to play Good germans with the usual numbers thank you!
Bon! 19th will show with 10 ish people. Welcome back
Can someone ask Risbo if he ran outside to accept my offer on the second mission. If he was trying to surrender I do apologise as we could of put him in the BMRD for interrogation later. And just to reiterate good missions and better guns, having new stuff is always nice and was due I think.

(and if you didn't want to surrender Fenrir you could of just said no instead of shooting me :'( )
Good missions, I see people are raising issues with the amount of AI and as someone droped by them one round it is not a satisfying experience. I also noticed substantial FPS drops when it spawned in a squad or two, maybe that was just standard Kavala.

As for the hostages I'll be honest and I had no idea what to do as I assumed it would be an ace interaction on the bomb but it seemed not so I ordered the lads to set defensive positions and I tried to blow it up manually with a looted charge, this did not work but was very satisfying.

Finally I have been captured before in PvP but I have never been part of a hostage exchange and it is not a experience that I will forget anytime soon as it was a great laugh.
19th will show and so I would request you reserve Squad Papa and Tango. Thank you
Here are our orders stright from fox and seemingly without the detailed backstory this time.

Edit FLIP4FLAP : Briefing transféré dans le topic interne de mobilisation

sadly us 19th will not be able to attend this Sunday due to other matters demanding the lads.
I have signed us up for a 10 man Russian BMP unit under the alias "Anglo-Franco Unit" we should get accepted, so lets just hope the server docent crash.
19th will show in one form or another. Will inform of numbers nearer the time.
Citation de: Harine le 25 Janvier 2018 à 23:03:15
Je me prépare à le rejoindre quand le bout d'une AKM dépasse d'une cabane. Je le tue à coup de 5.45 mais avant de tomber le puissant 7.62 de son AKM me perfore et me tue.

Yeah I saw you though the fence and your uniform and gun confused me for a second but we traded, we hoped you had moved up more hunting for the BMRD. Good mission even so, shame about OCAP but nothing could be done.
Finally I would like commend Ziki and his lads for an excellent last ditch attempt of salvaging the mission which provided some good laughs (although not as much as my conversation with monsieur blanc).