27 Juillet 2024 à 10:25:05


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[Recrutement] Soldat Bluck

Démarré par Bluck, 18 Septembre 2022 à 17:03:05

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


Demande de recrutement pour le soldat Bluck

Camp souhaité (bluefor:francophone / redfor:english speaking):redfor
Age du candidat :18 ans
Expérience d'ARMA 3 : Been playing Arma 3 for around 5 plus years, mainly participating within OFCRA events week in and out, as well as some on the side internal PvP's as well as PvE. Everything accumulates to around 1,500 hours+.
Autre(s) activitée(s) :Anything sport related, as well as enjoyment in music.
Pourquoi l'OFCRA :5 plus years is a lot of time for thinking, and seeing how the organization has grown over the past couple of years is great. The ability to project ideas through making missions is a great asset to the community and my personal experience.
Complément :Manchot best mission maker :D

J'approuve le règlement intérieur de l'OFCRA.
J'accepte les conditions d'encadrement en qualité de Stagiaire.




Why is he here! he is bad   :ontatend:


Citation de: RoyLeCamper le 22 Septembre 2022 à 11:40:08Why is he here! he is bad  :ontatend:

Well with you, it makes two "minus" therefore we now have one big "plus"!
It's all about the balance  :P
