01 Juin 2024 à 06:53:36


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[ TvT ] FNF vs OFCRA - Round 2

Démarré par Manchot, 26 Novembre 2021 à 11:43:56

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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[ TvT ] FNF vs OFCRA - Round 2 - 02.12.2021 - 2100CET

MODSET Arma3sync repo available (on our repository): [FNF] FNF vs OFCRA


Informations générales
  • Il s'agira de deux missions d'une heure // We'll play two missions of 1hour each.
  • Les FNF n'ont pas les AI activées par défaut, ce qui implique qu'en cas de crash ou déconnexion, il n'est pas possible de revenir en jeu, seulement en spectateur // FNF dont have AI enabled, so if you disconnect or crash after safe start, you can only go back in to spectate.

TeamSpeak / game server
ts3.fridaynightfight.org – Join any of the staging rooms 1-10.
Our EU game server: eu.fridaynightfight.org port: 2302 
Password: team (server will be up along the week for testing).
A new password for the game itself will be given to OFCRA admins on the day.

A minimum an hour before the event the server will be running with our warmup game mode.
21:00 – Every player should be ready on the TeamSpeak for general briefing.
21:00-21:10: - Slotting - If the players are not loaded onto the server this is the time to get them on.
21:10-21:25: - 1. Mission briefing and chance for platoon leaders to make any changes. 
21:15-21:25: - 10-minute safe start (dmg and shooting disabled). The game will go live automatically and run for at maximum of 55 minutes or until objectives has been meet.

Game 2:
22:20-22:25: - Reslotting - If the players are not still loaded onto the server this is the time to get them on.
22:25-22:30: - 2. Mission briefing and chance for platoon leaders to make any changes. 
22:30-21:40: - 10-minute safe start (dmg and shooting disabled) The game will go live automatically and run for at maximum of 55 minutes or until objectives has been meet.

Membres OFCRA:
  • Manchot
  • Zixme
  • PHK4900
  • Flèche
  • Merdy (probable)
  • Tackle
  • Jon Random
  • Flip4flap (probable)







Jon Random



absent (j'accueil un chiot a la maison aujourd'hui mais je devrais pouvoir être présent dans les prochaines missions)