27 Juillet 2024 à 05:24:50


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[ Public TvT ] Five Eyes

Démarré par 19th Nasa, 15 Octobre 2021 à 00:52:29

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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19th Nasa

[TvT Publique] Five Eyes - 11.11.2021 - 2100CET

PanEuropean Federation vs Five Eyes

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h20 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !


Afrique Sub-Saharienne, 2034
Nous sommes en 2034. L'OTAN n'existe plus après un conflit conventionnel limité entre les États-Unis et la Chine, où les grandes puissances européennes refusent de répondre à l'appel des Américains à l'article 5 du traité. Le monde a maintenant de nouveaux blocs de pouvoir. Le groupe des cinq yeux a été réformé et les États-Unis ne peuvent plus prétendre à une véritable solidarité avec le Royaume-Uni, le Canada, l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande comme principaux alliés. Entre-temps, cette opportunité d'indépendance géopolitique n'a pas été perdue pour l'Union européenne qui a centralisé le pouvoir et se présente comme l'alternative à l'hégémonie mondiale anglo-chinoise ou russe. Cependant, cette paix ne peut durer très longtemps. Le prix des énergies fossiles et les migrations record entraînent de plus en plus d'interventions des grandes puissances en Afrique sub-saharienne. Ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant que leurs intentions ne se croisent et qu'un conflit n'éclate. Qui sera le vainqueur ?

Sub Saharan Africa, 2034
The year is 2034. NATO is no more after a limited conventional conflict between the USA and China where the major European powers refuse to answer Americans call to Article 5 of the treaty. Now the world has new power blocks. Five eyes has been reformed and now the USA can only claim to truly stand with the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as its primary allies. Meanwhile this opportunity for geopolitical independence was not lost to the European Union who centralised power and how present themselves as the alternative to Anglo, Chinese or Russian global Hegemony. However, this peace cannot last for very long. The price of fossil fuels and record migration is causing more and more intervention by the great powers in sub-Saharan Africa. It is only a matter of time before their intentions cross and conflict occurs. Who will be the victor?

Informations générales/General informations

  • Le Laptop Alpha cessera d'être interactif après 45 minutes. The Laptop Alpha will stop being interactable after 45 minutes
  • Le Laptop Beta cessera d'être interactif après 60 minutes.The Laptop Beta will stop being interactable after 60 minutes
  • Le Laptop Charlie ne cessera pas d'être interactif. The Laptop Charlie will not stop being interactable.
  • Hon. The Laptops location will change before the final mission but they will remain within the marked zone.
  • Hon. IFV crews will be considered their own squads for the purposes of this mission.
  • Alors que les deux camps ont de bons camouflages pour la région, les forces des Five Eyes ont des filets sur leurs casques ainsi que des tenues à manches courtes. While both sides have good camos for the region, the Five Eyes forces have netting on their helmets as well as short sleeved shirts.


Laptop Alpha
Laptop Beta
Laptop Charlie
PanEuropean Federation

Five Eyes


Common Objectives
  • Secure the Purple Zone(3 pts)

BLUEFOR Objectives
  • Interact with Laptop Alpha(3 pts)
  • Interact with Laptop Bravo(3 pts)
  • Interact with Laptop Charlie(3 pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (3 pts)

REDFOR Objectives
  • Stop interact with Laptop Alpha(3 pts)
  • Stop interact with Laptop Bravo(3 pts)
  • Stop interact with Laptop Charlie(3 pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 bluefor PAX alive (3 pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: [OFCRA] Five Eyes - https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository
  • 3cb_factions
  • ace
  • ace_compat_rhs
  • cba_a3
  • cup_terrains_core
  • multiplay_uniforms
  • ofcra
  • anizay
  • rhsafrf
  • rhsgref
  • rhsusaf
  • rhssaf
  • tfar

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours

19th Nasa

Slot list

PanEuropean Federation   Five Eyes
  • PanEuropean Federation Side Leader(HK416) - [FJB49 Pogo]
  • PanEuropean Federation 2iC(HK416) -

MG Squad Wagner
  • PanEuropean Federation Squad Leader(HK416)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation Political Officer(HK416/GL)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Demo(HK33A2)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Medic(HK33A2)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation Automatic Rifleman(G3)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation Heavy MG(MG3)  - [GSR]
  • PanEuropean Federation MG Assist(G3)  - [GSR]

MG Squad Bach
  • PanEuropean Federation Squad Leader(HK416)  - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation Political Officer(HK416/GL) - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Demo(HK33A2)  - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Medic(HK33A2)  - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation Automatic Rifleman(G3)  - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation Heavy MG(MG3)  - [FJB49]
  • PanEuropean Federation MG Assist(G3)  - [FJB49]

Marksman Squad Tchaikovsky
  • PanEuropean Federation Squad Leader(HK416)  - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Political Officer(HK416/GL) - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Demo(HK33A2)  - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Medic(HK33A2)  - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Automatic Rifleman(G3)  - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Spotter REQUIRES MARKSMAN DLC(G36)  - [WT]
  • PanEuropean Federation Marksman(SCAR)  - [WT]

LightAT Squad Debussy
  • PanEuropean Federation Squad Leader(HK416)  - [506]
  • PanEuropean Federation Political Officer(HK416/GL) - [506]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [506]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  -
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT Assist(HK33A2)  -
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Demo(HK33A2)  -
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Medic(HK33A2)  -
  • PanEuropean Federation Automatic Rifleman(G3)  -

LightAT Squad Chopin
  • PanEuropean Federation Squad Leader(HK416)  - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Political Officer(HK416/GL) - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT Assist(HK33A2)  - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Demo(HK33A2)  - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Medic(HK33A2)  - [IBC]
  • PanEuropean Federation Automatic Rifleman(G3)  - [IBC]

Heavy AT Squad Mozart
  • PanEuropean Federation Squad Leader(HK416)  - [SOF]
  • PanEuropean Federation Political Officer(HK416/GL) - [SOF]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman LightAT(HK33A2)  - [SOF]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Demo(HK33A2)  - [SOF]
  • PanEuropean Federation Rifleman Medic(HK33A2)  - [SOF]
  • PanEuropean Federation Automatic Rifleman(G3)  -
  • PanEuropean Federation Heavy AT(HK33A2)  -
  • PanEuropean Federation Heavy AT Assist(HK33A2)  -

  • Badger APC (M2/M240) x 6  - STEALABLE
  • Badger IFV (30mm/7.62mm) x 2  - NOT STEALABLE

  • Five Eyes Side Leader(MK18) - [OFCRA PHK4900]
  • Five Eyes 2iC(MK18) -

MG Section Whitehead
  • Five Eyes Section Leader(MK18)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes Sergeant(MK18/GL)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Demo(M4A1)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Medic(M4A1)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes Automatic Rifleman(M249)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes MG(FN MAG)  - [OFCRA]
  • Five Eyes MG Assist(M4A1)  - [OFCRA]

MG Section Talbot
  • Five Eyes Section Leader(MK18)  - [CZSK]
  • Five Eyes Sergeant(MK18/GL)  - [CZSK]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [CZSK]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Demo(M4A1)  - [CZSK]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Medic(M4A1)  - [CZSK]
  • Five Eyes Automatic Rifleman(M249)  - [CZSK]
  • Five Eyes MG(FN MAG)  -
  • Five Eyes MG Assist(M4A1)  -

Markman Section Thorneycroft
  • Five Eyes Section Leader(MK18)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Sergeant(MK18/GL)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Demo(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Medic(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Automatic Rifleman(M249)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Spotter REQUIRES MARKSMAN DLC(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Marksman(MK11)  - [19th]

LightAT Section Wallis
  • Five Eyes Section Leader(MK18)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Political Officer(MK18/GL) - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT Assist(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Demo(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Medic(M4A1)  - [19th]
  • Five Eyes Automatic Rifleman(M249)  - [19th]

LightAT Section Edison
  • Five Eyes Section Leader(MK18)  - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Political Officer(MK18/GL) - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT Assist(M4A1)  - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Demo(M4A1)  - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Medic(M4A1)  - [FAWR]
  • Five Eyes Automatic Rifleman(M249)  - [FAWR]

LightAT Section Ford
  • Five Eyes Section Leader(MK18)  -
  • Five Eyes Political Officer(MK18/GL) -
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  -
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT(M4A1)  -
  • Five Eyes Rifleman LightAT Assist(M4A1)  -
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Demo(M4A1)  -
  • Five Eyes Rifleman Medic(M4A1)  -
  • Five Eyes Automatic Rifleman(M249)  -

  • Pandur2 IFV (30mm/7.62mm/Spike) x 1 - NOT STEALABLE
  • Pandur2 x 6 - STEALABLE

Inscriptions - XX/XX PAX
    • Manchot
    • Tackle
    • PHK4900
    • merdy (probable)
    • Flip4flap (probable)
    • Flèche
    • Hauptmann
    • Jon Random
  • 19th  - 10-15 PAX
  • GSR - 8 PAX
  • IBC - 8 PAX
  • WT - 8 PAX
  • FJB49 - 8 PAX
  • D/2/506 - 3 PAX
  • SOF - 5 PAX
  • CZ/SK - 4-6 PAX









Présent pour moi :)

Jon Random



Désolé, j'ai eu un empêchement de derniere minute, pas pu prévenir.