10 Mai 2024 à 17:14:43


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Sujets - Davanseth

Mods / Mega's Sound Mod
04 Mars 2015 à 23:45:25
Sup folks.

I am about to get back into sound modding. I disagree with most of the people just making sound LOUD LOUD LOUD and that's it. I hate the loudness war in music that now also seems to be popular to people in games. I believe in dynamic range.

In an ideal world I will re-cofigure all relevant sounds in game so that footsteps, vehicles and weapons are balanced in a way that makes sense from a gameplay perspective. There is no way to keep it realistic, because we cannot use the real life dynamic range of over 150dB. I would like to go kind of like this:

frop bottom to top:

ground vehicles
guns & usual weapons (rifles, pistols, mortars), air vehicles
cannons/small explosions
big explosions/and really huge shit

To experience my vision you should have your volume set high enough so that "guns & usual explosions" are really loud. Not ear-breaking, but decently loud. Not everything will be heard at the same time, footsteps and environment will drawn out when loud stuff is around. I will keep samples so that they ALWAYS have a nice punch to them, especially the guns are lacking in that department in many mods out there.

PROBLEMS: No 3rd person/1rst person differentiation. Also - distance. I would be happy with a simple "close" and "far" setting. If anyone knows a smart way that is easy on performance, tell me. An in-engine way would be perfect.

So far touched:

-Sonic Cracks
-Impacts (Body)
-Supressors (WIP big time, still not too happy with them)






Current WIP Version DOWNLOAD:15.Jan.2015  https://www.dropbox.com/s/4n72ihrw418wgn9/15.Jan.2015_%40MegasSound.7z?dl=1
Mods / LAxemann's DynaSound: A new soundmod
04 Mars 2015 à 23:04:24

LAxemann proudly presents...
DynaSound (DS)
a new soundmod for ArmA 3
+ public soundmod framework

What's the story and idea behind it?
Hey folks,
some time ago I've written that I'm working on a soundmod script framework.
The intention was to make it easy to use even though it should include stuff such as distance scripts, inroom sounds and more.
I'm currently doing the weapon sounds for RHS, writing new scripts for DragonFyre and wanted to help out megagoth with his soundmod, too.

All this lead to the decision of actually doing the script framework and I got so motivated that I started my own soundmod, too.
I'll try to push DynaSound as far as possible and when everything works, the framework will be released for everybody - aswell as the soundmod itself.
DynaSound itself is meant to be played with my Enhanced Soundscape.
And here we go!

Most important fact straight ahead:
I'm doing the soundmod for two purposes:
1. The fun
2. The fun of letting you enjoy it if you like it

There currently are some soundmods in development, which is phantastic!
I'm a huge dynamic range enthusiast and really can't stand the compressed soundscape of today's games but I'm also aware of the fact that I'd have to make every single sound in ArmA
more quiet in order to achieve my desired effect.
My goal is it therefore to achieve a soundscape that has a distinct dynamic range but compromises with the downsides of having to compress here and there.

Straight to the point, some features (so far):
• Different sounds for different distances
• Distant explosion sounds (Same issue as with DFyre... ammoEventhandler, y'know)
• Inroom sounds
• An easy-to use script framework
• New weapon sounds, of course
• Rocket Flyby-noises
• More to come

The mod won't touch vehicle or ambient sounds - at least for now.
I'll mainly focus on weapons and new features related to them.

• 155mm Cannon
• GAU-8
• Katiba/KH2002
• MK200/Stoner LMG
• MX
• Silencer sounds (most of 'em)
• TRG20&21/Tavor
• Underslung Grenade Launchers
• Zafir/Negev

• Bullet Cracks (A few)
• Indoor sounds (a few)
• Explosions
• Rocket scripts & sounds (FlyBys, flying sound, incoming sound when close etc.)
• Script framework, partially modular




Maps / [MAP] Caribou Frontier
23 Février 2015 à 21:42:21
Normalement, on peut faire fonctionner cette map Arma 2 (Caribou, rhhhooooo, suivez un peu), grâce AiA TP. Mais quand j'essaie dans l'éditeur de "spawn" sur la partie nord, crash to deckstop!

Sur la partie sud, étrangement, ça fonctionne plutôt bien (quoi-que). Bref, quelqu'un aurait-il une idée/solution?
Autres Jeux / Ground Branch
23 Décembre 2014 à 23:12:13


BlackFoot Studios' premiere title; Ground Branch is based on the real life subsection of the Special Activities Division of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Special Activities Division typically carries out deniable covert operations on foreign soil and often goes into a situation before anyone else, before Special Forces, before the SEALs, before DevGru; SAD Ground Branch is the true tip of the spear. SAD Ground Branch operatives are mainly recruited from Army Special Forces or CAG units and are experts in field craft, surveillance, small arms, hostage rescue and Close Quarters Battle.



Please note that this feature list is not complete, and new features will be added in the future.


Squad based team play
NO unlocks or kill streaks!
Using latest version of industry leading Unreal Engine

Player view

True First Person System 1.0 that gives no disconnect between what you see of yourself and what others see of you
Correct and realistic first person weapon view
Freelook style first person system. Players can look around independently of weapon


Tactical reload system with both loaded and "dry" reloads
Each weapon has it's own reload sequence
Reload animations can be interrupted
Realistic magazine system. Each mag tracks how many rounds it contains at any given time
Empty mags fall to the ground and mags still containing rounds go back into pouch for later use
Weapons collide with the world. Your weapon is truly in the world and will collide with objects in it. This means that weapon choice will actually matter as longer weapons might not be the best option to equip yourself with if operating in a CQB environment.
Accurate and realistic weapon transitions. Main weapon falls to chest on sling while drawing secondary or special item
Fully customizable weapons. Setup your weapons how you choose with various attachments that operate as they would in the real world
No limit on number of saved customizations.
Ability to edit and recall saved customization while in server lobby
Items used in game requires time to equip... no magical NVG turning on or instant grenade throws. Equipping items takes time
Realistic representation of optics usage on weapons including choices in placement
Various melee abilities including accurate portrayal of knife usage as well as muzzle jabs

Inventory and ammo

Inventory system that has each magazine track its own rounds
Pickup and drop weapons on the battlefield
Supported shooting with bipods
Customizable character gear. What you take into battle is all you have and physically shows on your character
Ability to share gear with others (carry more ammo for a buddy)
Save and recall any number of individual weapon/character customized loadouts. Not limited to a small number of presets

Movements and injuries

Ability to accurately and realistically jump in the game (see our NORG page)
Ability to clamber onto and over objects
Prone, crouch and stand postures
Lean and peak system that includes a 'step out' ability to quickly step out from cover then back in
Ability to move while leaning
Encumbrance system that takes weight and bulk of items into account for movement. Variations will not be drastic but noticeable. We are portraying highly skilled operators here
Choose between numerous uniform types and a variety of body armor and vests/harnesses, all with in game tradeoffs
No regenerating health, but ability to administer first aid to non-lethal injuries for reduced combat effectiveness
Players will have visible injuries including limps and non/reduced functional limbs
Ability to stay in fight if non mobile from non-lethal wound. This means that you may be able to shoot even though you are no longer able to physically move.
Ability to drag team mates to safety to administer first-aide or to safely recover their unused ammo and gear if they are no longer alive

Game world and maps

Material/surface specific penetration
Accurate but not overly complicated ballistics model including bullets originating from muzzle of weapon and lethal/accurate locational damage
Fully functioning doors that can be opened/closed at variable speed, kicked open (might take more than one kick) as well as breached with weapons or explosives
Unique environments from all over the world
Areas in maps have multiple entry points
Full featured Training ranges, including Killhouses with completely random target placement
All enemies spawned and patrolling at start

Single Player and Co-Op (More info to come)

Unique mission design that delivers smaller more localized sets of mission groups based around world hotspots
Centralized intelligence portal to monitor world hotspots and receive mission orders
Ability to complete missions individually, with AI team or with friends
System designed to continually add and evolve missions over time


Full and free Dedicated Server support. Host a server wherever you want
Full support for MP ladders
User made arm patches
In game 3d VOIP with ability to set comm channels within team as well as mute options
Full MP lobby system with pre/post game chat
Private password protected lobbies/rooms
After Action Review after each round
Clan/Unit friendly
Various adversarial and Co-op style MP game types available at launch
Controller support on PC

Site officiel: www.groundbranch.com/
Maps / [Map] Isle of Scilly - St Agnes
13 Décembre 2014 à 11:35:35

Formed as part of an archipelago, these islands are positioned twenty eight miles from the UK mainland (Cornwall). I do have the the whole island group in game but am focusing on one of the smaller islands - St.Agnes / Annet for this release. The island will feature custom objects and clutter to help bring about that all import UK look. Depending on how well this terrain is received, I may continue to work on the whole archipelago - featuring five inhabited islands with over 100 smaller rocky islets.

The terrain may not look like an obvious fit for ArmA. This is a terrain suited more towards infantry infiltration and sea born insertions - as I'm positioning objects to reflect what I feel would be fun mission scenarios. I will try to recycle as much as I can from the A3 assets list and blend them into the terrain. I will be adding my own story onto the island to help support mission makers. This will most likely support the cliche newly discovered natural resources (Oil, natural gas) that might help prop up reasons to start a war on the Isle of Scilly! It would be great to hear feedback from mission designers or players would would like to see something while I'm still in the design stages. Always happy to hear thoughts and ideas.

5-10 custom objects
High resolution satellite map (0.25m)
Very detailed height map (2m cell) - great for hiding in those ditches
Custom ground surfaces and clutter objects
Just under 1.6 km2 of landmass
Off Shore ship to launch missions from

DOWNLOAD: www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27604
Mods / Community Upgrade Project
30 Novembre 2014 à 13:52:24

In short

The Community Upgrade Project is the initiative to bring all the content of Arma 2
[+ OA and DLCs] from BI into Arma 3, upgraded to the Arma 3 feature set.

Its goal is to provide those assets to the community as a mod ready to use in the game,
and as an open-source repository for modders to build upon and learn from.

Cooperative and coordinated effort to get a coherent port of Arma 2 content
[+ OA and DLCs] from BI to ARMA 3 standards
Full availability of all source material under share-alike license (APL-SA).
In essence everyone can make use of the work to build mods on his own as long
as he provides credits, shares also his sources and keeps the same license
Release of the content in a coherent way

Content to come soon: vehicles, infantry, uniforms, terrains, objects, buildings, vegetation, wild life.
For more details on the project read the introduction thread.




3 Shotguns
3 Grenade launchers
7 SMGs
11 Accessories
14 Launchers
19 Machine guns
22 Pistols
39 Sniper rifles
42 Optics
142 Assault rifles

Powered by JSRS1.5 sounds by LordJarhead.

Additional assets:

2 Mines
3 Flags
4 Explosives
7 Misc items
12 Extra vehicle classes
49 Backpack variants
51 Ammobox variants
97 Pre-configured infantry groups
378 Pre-configured infantry units


Weapons class list (online overview)
Complete class list (text files)
A2OA to CUP class mapping

Presentation Thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185860-Community-Upgrade-Project-WIP-thread
Release Thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?186146-Community-Upgrade-Project-Weapon-Pack

Autres Jeux / Vidéo: Project Reality 2
08 Novembre 2014 à 00:23:08
Premiers sur une map non-finie du futur PR:2.

Commercial Photography
Map: Chernarus

@CBA A3 www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767
@Pack Ofcra 0.5
@TFAR www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23615
@JSRS 2.2 (optionnel) www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22150
@A3MP www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23863
@Infantry_For_Ever http://www.filedropper.com/infantryforever (mon pack à moi perso') Attention, 1.2 gigas à dl!
URL Autoconfig pour ArmA3Sync : ftp://game.ofcra.org/master/.a3s/autoconfig
ArmA3Sync: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22199

Briefing NATO
Une bande de rebelles s'est récemment installée sur le Donjon du Diable. Au cours d'un de leurs nombreux raids, ils ont volé du matériel, notamment  une mitrailleuse lourde.
Notre mission consiste à éliminer tous les rebelles, et ramener la mitrailleuse lourde, ou au moins à la détruire.
Restez à couvert autant que possible, et manoeuvrez prudemment. Veillez aussi à ce que le village de Grishino soit sécurisé.
Tenter de faire des prisonniers, afin de gratter quelques renseignement sur les futurs agissements de ces scélérats. Sécuriser le village de Grishino si vous le pouvez.

Briefing AAF
Notre dernier raid a été fructueux. Une mitrailleuse lourde trône maintenant dans notre camp. Mais l'ennemi s'organise sur l'aéroport proche, et s'apprête à lancer une attaque sur notre position.
Solidifier notre position, mettre en place la mitrailleuse rapidement, et tuer tous les attaquants.Protéger la mitrailleuse. Sécuriser Grishino. Un groupe restreint pourrait rejoindre Grishino, afin de prendre l'ennemi en tenaille. Si nous choisissons cette option, veillez à agir discrètement, puis coordonnons nos attaques.

-La partie est ouverte au public, inscrivez-vous sur le forum si ce n'est fait, et postez votre présence dans ce post.
-Les postes de leaders sont réservés aux membres de l'OFCRA. Les recrues externes devront se conformer aux règles de l'OFCRA, et suivre les ordres de leur leader.
-Les marqueurs sur carte sont permis, mais réservés aux slots de leaders.
-Il est interdit de sortir de la zone de combat, délimitée par des bordures.

Le contenu du pack "Infantry_for_Ever":
-C'est un "petit" (1.6 gigas!) pack d'addons que j'ai constitué pour mes futures missions. Il sera updaté en fonction de mes changements. Notamment lorsque les VTN et RHS Escalation seront plus stables et plus complets.
Liste non-exhaustive:
Graphics/sfx: Blastcore, et blastcore tracers.
UIs: STHUD, STGI, ST Auto-Brightness, sweet markers, bhc contour map.
Uniforms:Killochs Multi-National Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26666
Armes: hlc (les AK surtout), asdg joint rails, fhq accessories, massi rifles,RH m4/AK,...
Son:Enhanced Soundscape

Bien sur, tout ne servira pas sur cette mission, mais comme j'ai dit, j'en ferai d'autres, et ce pack servira.

ATTENTION: ce pack n'est en rien un indicateur du style de jeu officiel de l'OFCRA. Prière de ne pas le prendre comme tel.


Présence OFCRA


[Absent]Latrufe - CDE/CDG/CDC
[Absent]Stalker - CDE/CDG/CDC
[Absent]Majax - CDE/CDG/CDC
[En attente de réponse]Daedalus - CDE
[Présent]Ruskoff - CDE
[Présent]Haxey - CDE
[En attente de réponse]Menfin
[En attente de réponse]Aeko
[En attente de réponse]Goraz


[Absent]Ricco CDG/CDE
[Absent]Diabeul CDC/CDG/CDE/CDV
[Probable]Niko CDC/CDG/CDE
[Absent]Schoumy CDV
[Présent]Aspar CDG/CDE/CDV
[Présent]Yermo CDC/CDG/CDE
[Présent]Davanseth CDE
[En attente de réponse]Arthyc CDV/CDE
[En attente de réponse]Hoax
[En attente de réponse]Baphomet
[En attente de réponse]Eagle
[En attente de réponse]Skaarian
[En attente de réponse]TigerForce
[En attente de réponse]MacMillan

Absents: 11
Probables: 4
En attente de réponse: 9

Renforts externes:




Alpha Squad Leader Element:     
Alpha Squad Leader
Alpha Medic

Alpha 1 Fireteam:   
Alpha 1 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 1 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 1 Medic
Alpha 1 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 2 Fireteam:   
Alpha 2 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 2 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 2 Medic
Alpha 2 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 3 Fireteam:
Alpha 3 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 3 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 3 Medic
Alpha 3 Rifleman (AT)

Véhicules: 4xHunter , dont 1 armé (HMG)


Alpha Squad Leader Element:     
Alpha Squad Leader
Alpha Medic

Alpha 1 Fireteam:   
Alpha 1 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 1 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 1 Medic
Alpha 1 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 2 Fireteam:   
Alpha 2 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 2 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 2 Medic
Alpha 2 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 3 Fireteam:
Alpha 3 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 3 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 3 Medic
Alpha 3 Rifleman (AT)

Véhicules: 1xTruck, 2xPick-up, dont 1 armé (HMG)
Addons / Enhanced Movements
31 Octobre 2014 à 09:57:40
Arma: Enhanced Movement

Bad Benson
This is a pre-alpha version of the addon. I sadly had to rush it to meet the deadline of the contest (and uploaded a broken version so could've spared me that). This goes especially for the animations. I literally made all 12 anims in less than two days so bare with me while I'll slowly polish every single one over the next weeks.

I'm going to update it very frequently from now on. I'm using the pre-alpha term, eventhough the features I planned for the first release are all there, for the following reasons. The thing I'm trying to do is pretty ambitious considering the engine I'm doing it in .

So naturally there will be some quite obvious but expected issues for now (look below for more info). So I'm not comfortable calling this even alpha. This goes, clipping etc. aside, also for data issues in the main game like missing roadway lods on a lot of objects. That for example is the reason you can climb on a vehicle but will get stuck on it in the most hated anim, the falling anim . I'm working on ways to fake roadway lods to allow climbing on everything, period.

Detection is very loose atm because i'm still experimenting with different settings/methods. I will soon deploy more exploit prevention (climbing through walls etc. can happen) to make this useable in PvP some day.

There is also a lite version of my earlier interaction key adventures in there. While there are also more elaborate addons doing the same available, I still like to have everything I personally like and am able to achieve myself in my own addon. So if for example a server allows my climbing addon but not someone's action menu replacement I still have a key to open doors, climb ladders etc.
That being said I will soon add a check for said addons that will deactivate my own system to allow best possible combination with other addons.

one context sensitive key to:
- jump
- climb on/over and step onto obstacles..note: these actions are not allowed while a rocket launcher is in your hands or you are 60% (might change) fatigued
one context sensitive key to:
- open doors/hatches and perform any close by actions (no get in yet)
- climb ladders
- access the gear of any object (vehicles, ammoboxes, etc.)
- access gear of group members (experimental...no use yet)


Une mission PvP public est organisé le Jeudi 30 octobre à 21H.

PvP 14vs14
Le Jeudi 30 Octobre 2014

N'hésitez pas à vous incruster, rien de tel pour s'imprégner de l'ambiance OFCRA.

Inscrivez-vous sur ce poste http://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=3137.0
Mods / Killoch's MultiNational Pack
20 Octobre 2014 à 22:26:38
Killochs Multi-National Pack

Killoch's multi-national pack is a retexture pack (created by myself) which aims to bring a huge variety of Infantry units to your games in a single pack. The pack features 41 "factions" or distinct groups or camouflage patterns and well over 200 Gear items to achive this, which represent a dozen real world groups, including the USMC, US Army, Russian Federation, Peoples Republic of China, North and South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Finland, Norway, Germany, Canada, the UK and Ireland and many other fictional Generic groups.
Though intended primarily as a Gear pack, from where you can make your own loadouts, the pack comes with a limited variety of AI units that can be placed in the editor for all 41 Factions (over 250 AI units) and placeable groups (123 AI Groups).
Understanding the constraints and headaches of creating a Modpack for groups, the filesize has been kept as small as I could and comes in at 241Mb. Further the pack has no dependencies, either on weapon or other gear packs. The pack is divided into 3 .pbos (+assosiated .bisigns and server key), one for BLUFOR, Independent and OPFOR, each of which will function independently of the other two if desired.

A List of the 41 Factions Included can be found below:

United States Marine Corps (MARPAT)
United States Marine Corps (MARPAT Desert)
United States Arctic Warfare (MARPAT Snow)
United States Army (ACU)
United States Army Rangers (ACU)
United States Army (M81 Woodland)
United States Army (3 Color Desert)
German Bundeswehr (Flecktarn)
German Bundeswehr (Desert Flecktarn)
Canadian Army (CADPAT)
Canadian Army (CADPAT Desert)
Australian Army   (Auscam)
Republic of Korea (Granite-B)
Generic OD Security services (OD)

Chinese PLA (Type 07 Universal)
Chinese PLA (Type 07 Arid)
Chinese PLA Naval Marines (Type 07 Ocean)
Chinese PLA Heavy Infantry
Chinese PLA Heavy Infantry (Arid)
Russian VDV (Digital Flora)
Russian VDV (Digital Desert)
Russian Heavy Infantry
Russian Heavy Infantry (Desert)
Korean Peoples Army Conscripts (Drab)
Korean Peoples Army Regulars (Woodland)
CSAT Arctic Warfare (White)
Russian Infantry (Flora)
Russian Infantry (TTsKO)
Russian Infantry (Airborne Amoeba)

Local Volunteer Militia, LVM (MIXED Woodland)
Local Volunteer Militia, Desert (MIXED Desert)
National Peoples Army, NPA (DPM)
National Peoples Army, NPA (6CO)
Allied States of America, ASA (Mixed)
Altis Revolutionary Council, ARC (OD)
Defence Forces Ireland (Irish DPM)
Defence Forces Ireland (Irish Desert DPM)
New Zealand Defence Forces (MCUPAT)
Finish Defence Forces (M05 Woodland Pattern)
Finish Defence Forces (M05 Snow Pattern)
Norwegian Army ( M/98 Woodland)
Norwegian Army ( M/03 Desert)

41 Camo Patterns representing over a dozen real and several fictional groups
250 AI units
123 AI groups
~220 Retextured Gear Items

DOWNLOAD: www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26666
Addons / UIcorrections Suite
20 Octobre 2014 à 13:00:46

Increases immersion by removing unrealistic HUD elements; improving your gameplay experience.

Removes the peripheral dot HUD elements
Adds full screen night vision goggles
Removes the awful vignette built into A3
Removes the reload icon that shows with an empty magazine
Adds an accessible dot map marker (tap 'Up' once)
Disables idle animations
Removes the pointless 'command bar'
Removes ammo, magazine and grenade counts from infantry HUD
Enlarges grid numbers for easier reading
Enlarges compass for easier reading of bearings
Modular: simply remove the .pbo of any modules you do not wish to use


DOWNLOAD : www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25786
Mods / AGM: faire des prisonniers.
16 Octobre 2014 à 14:55:48
Pour la future campagne PROPAGANDA, entraînez-vous!


  PvP 14vs14
Le Jeudi 30 Octobre 2014
(*Un matin comme les autres)

CARTE: Altis
Les BLUFOR ont débarqué sur l'ouest d'Altis il y a peu. Leur progression doit passer par Agyios Dyonisos. Les OPFOR ne peuvent laisser faire, et décident d'intercepter l'ennemi près de la ville.

Type: combat de rencontre/TDM
Objectif: éliminer l'ennemi
Respawn: NON
Marquage sur map: OUI
Système médical: AGM
Système radio: TFAR

@Pack Ofcra
@JSRS 2.2 (facultatif)
@STHUD http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18949
@STGI http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26359
@bhc_map_contour http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26364 (facultatif)



Alpha Squad Leader:      
Alpha Squad Leader
Alpha Medic

Alpha 1 Fireteam:   
Alpha 1 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 1 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 1 Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 1 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 2 Fireteam:   
Alpha 2 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 2 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 2 Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 2 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 3 Fireteam:
Alpha 3 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 3 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 3 Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 3 Rifleman (AT)


Alpha Squad Leader:      
Alpha Squad Leader
Alpha Medic

Alpha 1 Fireteam:   
Alpha 1 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 1 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 1 Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 1 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 2 Fireteam:   
Alpha 2 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 2 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 2 Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 2 Rifleman (AT)

Alpha 3 Fireteam:
Alpha 3 Fireteam Leader
Alpha 3 Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 3 Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Alpha 3 Rifleman (AT)

-La mission est publique bien entendue, mais les membres OFCRA seront prioritaires.
-Indiquez votre présence uniquement, accompagnée de 2 préférences de slots.



Ricardo Del Avega
Oscar Alvarez
Youri Litovski
Germain De Nevris
Moloko probable
Andrès Garcia

Présent : 14 (+6 externes=20)
Probable : 2
Absent : 10
En attente de réponse : 5

Externes: 6


[Absent]Ricco (CDG/CDE)
[Absent]Diabeul (CDC/CDG/CDE/CDV)
[Présent]Niko (CDC/CDG/CDE)
[Probable]Schoumy (CDV)
[Probable]Aspar (CDG/CDE/CDV)
[Présent]Yermo (CDC/CDG/CDE)
[Présent]Davanseth (CDE)
[Présent]Arthyc (CDV/CDE)
[En attente de réponse]Kapo
[En attente de réponse]Eagle
[En attente de réponse]Skaarian


[Absent]Stalker (CDC<|>CDG)
[Présent]Ruskoff (CDE)
[En attente de réponse]Cypher
[En attente de réponse]Prax
[Présent]Latrufe (CDC<|>CDG)
[Absent]Majax (CDC<|>CDG)
[Présent]Deadalus (CDE)
[Présent]Haxey (CDE)
[Présent] Aeko
[Présent] Heretik
Mods / Dynamic AI creator DAC (Pour les coops)
07 Octobre 2014 à 10:28:02


This version for Arma3 is not a completely new version, but a slightly improved and hopefully error-free version.

In (so called) "DAC-zones", waypoints and units of different categories and sides are being generated. If you play a mission using DAC, you will get a different game experience every time restarting the mission.
This is the result of every AI-zone being generated every time, when you start the mission.

The script is able to maintain supplies, in a dynamic, but by mission designers controllable way. The AI respawns at fully generated camps, so it is possible to create large, long lasting missions using DAC.

New features, such as create DAC-zones during a mission or object-generation and also the features like global troup movements,or multiple de-/activation of AI-zones are taking mission design to a new level.

With the todays download you get the following content:
- DAC 3.1 addon Version
- DAC 3.1 script Version
- 33 demonstration/tutorial missions (german + english)
- 4 different MP mission examples (addon version)
- 2 different SP mission examples (script version)
- comprehensive documentations

# generate units and waypoints dynamically in AI-zones
# highly dynamic game experience, because of AI-zones being generated at every mission start
# dynamic decrease of unit number (infantry or vehicle groups)
# freely chosen size and number of zones (modify directly in in-game editor)
# every zone can be configured individually (modify directly in in-game editor)
# up to four different unit-categories can be generated per zone
# two zone types: unit-zones, waypoint-zones, can be combined
# freely chosen number of unit-zones can be linked with each other
# freely chosen number of waypoint-zones can be linked with unit-zones
# freely chosen number of unit-configurations can be defined
# freely chosen number of behaviour-configurations can be defined
# freely chosen number of waypoint-configurations can be defined
# movable zones (global troop movement)
# size of a zone can be changed at every time during a mission
# new behaviour-configuration can be loaded at every time
# new unit-configuration can be loaded at every time
# dynamic AI-respawn in camps generated dynamically (no respawn or camp limits)
# freely chosen number of camp-configurations can be defined (by a maximum of six camp-upgrades)
# camps can be linked to zones
# AI-respawn also possible without camp
# "Standby-mode" for zones, units are generated when needed
# zones can be activated, deactivated as often as you want to
# script, which can delete units (depending on time and/or distance)
# user defined waypoints can be included
# running on dedicated servers
# dynamic weather script (for SP missions only)
# control markers can be activated
# freely chosen number of marker-configurations can be defined
# new marker-configuration can be loaded at every time
# radio messages and markers depending on chosen side can be activated
# units placed in in-game editor can use DAC routines as well
# AI conquers buildings
# AI detects empty vehicles
# AI uses empty static guns
# AI uses smoke grenades
# complete new routines for detecting the enemy
# scripted artillery support for players and AI (static and mobile)
# AI-(voice-) sounds can be defined on seven different situations (works with MP)
# extended error handling (to avoid user input errors)
# 6 configuration files for individual modifications
# good MP performance
# You can create AI zones "on-the-fly"
# option to create mixed groups, for example 1 tank with 6 soldiers
# Zones can have now be rotated
# Zones can have all sorts of forms, such as: square, circle, ellipse and polygon
# Custom Waypoints can now be pre-defined everywhere on the map
# New behaviour options
# The ability to generate objects in zones (with lots of options)
# The ability to release DAC groups from the system in order to hand them over to another AI system
# Dynamic adjustment of the number of generated DAC-groups in MP games
# Many other small features
# and of course ... fixed some bugs
Petit compte rendu rapide...

OFCRA Arma 3 - Hasta la vista!

p.s: Un peu de patience pour la HD.
Missions Non-Officielles / La Revanche de Diabeul
07 Août 2014 à 19:42:26
Maintenant sur les écrans publics....

Ofcra - Arma 3 - Training Red - La revanche de Diabeul
Problèmes Techniques / MAJ TS 3, et TS3 overlay.
07 Août 2014 à 19:32:44
Il y a une maj ts3 en 3.0.16, mais pour la mission Zeus de ce soir, je suppose qu'il ne faut pas la faire?

Sinon, je voudrais savoir si on a le droit d'installer le Teamspeak overlay pour nos missions?