04 Juin 2024 à 11:19:23


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Harine

Arma 3 - Scripts/Addons/Mods / JSRS Beta
26 Mai 2018 à 00:43:55


25 mai à 22h26

Hello listeners,

now "what's this all about" you might wonder. I decided to make a separated mod for the "just in case" situation. Let me tell you why:

JSRS Soundmod Beta is an advanced and not "one hundred percent" stable version of the main modification (JSRS Soundmod - 6.18.0417). The focus here is on the best sound quality, which was implemented with the help of new mechanics and ideas. This is not a multiplayer tested version. However, it can be played in multiplayer with risks, the key required for it and all signatures are included.

With this beta version I want to test certain mechanics and new features. In addition, many changes have been made (over 1500 new or revised sounds) which can have a greater impact on the multiplayer area. It should also be noted that all JSRS modifications (NIArms, RHS support etc...) that require the JSRS Soundmod main modification should work fine and that cannot be garanteed (for now!). Also you should not run this beta with any other version, offshoot or addition of JSRS Soundmod.

If the beta is not causing major problems and it runs smooth mostly, all components of this beta will be transferred to the main modification and all other minor modifications (NIArms, RHS support etc...) will be adjusted accordingly, so that a normal game flow is achieved.


Now lets take a brief overview at the changes compared to the main modification. The change log below does not look very extensive, but the many details hide under bigger tasks. For example all vehicle sounds got reworked, revised or exchanged. Also all, and I mean ALL weapon sounds got revised or exchanged by new ones. In the end, a total of 1690 sound effects went through my DAW. So here is the changelog :

JSRS Soundmod - 6.18.05BETA_1 Changes:
- Tweaked Movement volume for footsteps
- Tweaked Weapon tails distance and volume
- Tweaked Helicopter exterior volume where too loud
- Tweaked Lowered general volume and texture for most ambient sounds
- Tweaked All weapons got reworked / exchanged
- Tweaked All vehicle noises got reworked
- Tweaked Combined all air vehicle sounds
- Tweaked Combined all land vehicle sounds
- Tweaked Overall volume and normalization
- Tweaked Combined all warfare sounds (Cracks, Snaps, Hits, explosions etc...)
- Tweaked Combined all cfg files into several big ones to prevent lagging
- Tweaked Added new layers to mechanical parts of weapons
- Tweaked Added new pop sounds for distance weapon sounds
- Tweaked Combined all weapon sounds into one big file
- Tweaked General revision and maintenance

- Added A few hundred new distance warfare sounds
- Added Offroad vehicle sounds
- Added Truck_01, Truck_02 and Truck_03 vehicle sounds
- Added New reloading sounds for all weapons (JSRS_Soundmod - Realodingsounds)
- Added New sounds for all vehicles
- Added New sounds for all weapons
- Added New sounds for amphibious vehicles in water

- Fixed Missing bullet-hit/whizz sounds

So, what's gonna be next: Well, I'd like you to be my tester! And I'm sure many of you would love to do that. So I thought I would publish a big beta version of this mod and let it go on the masses.

The point is: I built this mod together in a few weeks. Under certain circumstances, the game may not indicate any errors, as in this current state! So of course I have several options now: I could test EVERY SINGLE SOUND in the game, listen to it and check for bugs, I could test ALL sounds in multiplayer mode or run everything on a Dedi server and so on... Or I just let you do it! :)

Therefore, I have published this mod so that you can put it through its paces! The main focus should be on these things:

The General Weapon Mechanic - How does they all sound, does everything work, does anything make any problems?
The vehicles - After the conversion to the soundshader system all vehicles were revised. How do they sound, what are the volumes and the individual distances?
General gameplay - What are the general volumes in the game? Is the movement loud enough? Are there any annoying noises, does something not work that might have worked before?

If you stumble across a couple of issues, errors, crashes, annoying sounds, bugs, flys, whatsoever... let me know! You can easily post your (Of course constructive, nice and friendly :P) feedback here in the thread!

Or you can join the Discord Group for JSRS Soundmod:

I want the other main JSRS thread to be untouched by this here. So lets keep it simple and lets separate the two, shall we? As said, once everything seems to be fine and sorted, all the content goes over to the main mod and all side mods will be adjusted accordingly!

Now have a nice day and have fun!
Je serais là mais avec du retard si jamais la partie se lance gardez moi une IA. (Je serais vraiment là)
Arma 3 - Scripts/Addons/Mods / Re : Arma III
24 Mai 2018 à 12:04:22

Autres Jeux / Re : [WIP] Escape From Tarkov
23 Mai 2018 à 01:16:37
Bienvenue à toi ! Au plaisir de te voir au centre d'une PSO-1  :)
Arma 3 - Scripts/Addons/Mods / Re : Arma III
15 Mai 2018 à 15:17:21
C'est South of Zagoria :)
Une MàJ est d'ailleurs sortie (avec une ribambelle de nouveauté, comme la fusion d'Utes à Chernarus, de nouveaux batiment etc..) Prochaine étape : tout ce qui se trouve au nord est.

Ça reste ma map préférée.

Je vous invite très vivement à testser Ruha également, une map en alpha fort bien réalisée, qui nous amène dans la toundra finlandaise
Arma 3 - Scripts/Addons/Mods / Re : Arma III
15 Mai 2018 à 14:27:35
Oh mais keske ?!
J'aimerai revenir sur le STHUD vite fait. Contrairement à avant, son intégration ne veut pas dire qu'on l'utilise systématiquement. Le mission maker a la possibilité de le retirer (ou de le configurer à sa sauce) via le menu d'option des addons si il le souhaite. Ainsi on peut très bien proposer des parties dites 'hardcore' avec un HUD minimaliste(zero aide), tout comme des parties un peu plus 'casuals' avec un HUD un peu plus poussé (STHUD + Voyager Compass par ex, que j'ai trouvé le moyen de foutre en script :p ). Perso j'aime les deux options, la première sa concentre sur l'immersion visuelle, la deuxième sur l'immersion sensorielle et spatiale (qui est non négligeable). Arma est un jeu d'immersion, et les façon d'y jouer sont multiples  :plusun:
En gros c'est une cam indépendante préconfiguré (de ce que j'ai compris), qui vient filmer toute seule ton ptit c*l se faire trouer par un M16   :P
indiCam - independent camera


"The core idea for indiCam is to use a separate computer to record secondary
gameplay footage around a player on a multiplayer server without the need to
manually move the camera around.

So it turns the game into an automatic camera robot. Once it has been started,
it will follow your selected unit around while automatically switching between
camera angles depending on situation and visibility of the target.

The target unit can be a player or AI as well as of any faction.
Any player with access to the script can use it, but as of now it is only verified
for one user per game session. The camera will completely take up the screen and the computer running it will
not be able to participate in regular gameplay.
Je suis d'accord avec Risbo (que Dieu m'en garde), et comme dit Alfred pourquoi pas planifier à 20h30 et fonctionner de manière strict (21h lancement, même si on est que 50% de l'effectif prévu).
Après je dis ça mais c'est l'hôpital qui se fout de la charité, je suis rarement dispo avant 20h30-21h