04 Juin 2024 à 13:35:36


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Tapparella

Archives / Re : PvP publique - 3 x 30min 10.12.17
10 Décembre 2017 à 09:56:40
actually we are two from Italy :)
thanks guy! I'd like to say thank you to all people participate to the campaign, especially who spent his personal time and effort to prepare it and make it great at it was.
Congratulation for the last battle also, we were seriously in trouble and we get 2 points thanks to little bit of luck :P
I'm looking forward to play the next and meet you again on the field :)

Good job!

here my last video...

hello, my videos.. one is still missing i will update asap my post :)

Thanks White!

I have two thing, the first if... do you have the log for the last mission we have played? 27-11-2017?

Second, here the video from my side:

it's tonight right? The second... I just fixed my old PC and i will use it :) I'm in guys :)

third... it has an audio desync at the end.. fu###K

hello, here one of the three video...


do you have the log about this match that we played the 13th?

the video from my side
video from yesterday night.

ok guys!

lundi 27.11.2017

jeudi 7.12.2017

confirmed, we are going to schedule them in our forum also.

Citation de: Flip4Flap le 13 Novembre 2017 à 13:42:59

Nouvelles dates:

-> Mission "bonus FS" : lundi 27.11.2017 (pour garder l'équité lundi-jeudi et l'équilibre parties par semaine)

-> Mission M05 : jeudi 7.12.2017 (retardé de 1 semaine cause sortie DLC "Tac Ops" le jeudi 30.11.2017)

Message transmis également aux 2RGT.


Hello! I'm checking internalli and I will let yuo know as soon as possible about the dates (even if I think there will not be an issue with them).
For tonight we are going to participate even if we will be more or less 10.
