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LAxemann's "Climb" released

Démarré par Alex, 17 Juin 2014 à 23:41:53

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LAxemann's "Climb" released

Vidéo de présentation

LAxemann released his LAxemann's "Climb" addon on the BI forums.

Quote :
"Climb" adds basic climbing functionality to the game.
You can climb by double-tapping a key which you can define in the userconfig (C by default).
"Climb" isn't meant to turn ArmA into a free-running paradise and I therefore tried to keep the
climbing as realistic/ reasonable as possible.

A small summary:
• Climb by double-tapping the key you specify in the userconfig
• The maximum height you're able to climb is based on your current weight load
• Climbing will increase your fatigue, also based on your current load (That said, it's very exhausting anyway )
• You won't be able to climb at all in case you're too heavy-loaded
• You won't be able to climb with a launcher on your back
• You won't be able to climb if you're too injured

The climbing isn't pretty but does it's job surprisingly well.



Sympa. Après ça doit faire bizarre de voir un ennemi popper d'une fenêtre  :P. Faudrait qu'ils travaille l'anim à ce niveau.


C'est sympa oui ! Par contre, ça manque pas d'un peu de "punch" ?!


Citation de: Stalker le 18 Juin 2014 à 10:16:23
C'est sympa oui ! Par contre, ça manque pas d'un peu de "punch" ?!

voilà :


Bah pour le punch va faire ca avec de l'équipement sur le dos, si t'y vas comme un bourrin tu te casse bien la geule par terre aussi  ;D