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bCombat Infantry AI mod

Démarré par Davanseth, 22 Juillet 2014 à 23:51:44

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


                                                                                                         [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

This is a follow-up thread for:
[WIP] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod


bCombat is an ArmA 3 infantry AI enhancement mod in form of addon, still under development.
It's currently Single Player only. CBA is this only requirement.

bCombat aims to achieve both a more aware and human-alike infantry AI.
It features an unique ecosystem, including an event-driven AI morale / skill system as well as many optional AI enhancements.


Morale system driving dynamically AI behavour and skills.
AI behaviour is affected by many environmental events (spotted enemies, explosions, bullets whizzling by, ricochets, wounds, casualties, ...).
Modular mod architecture: optional features may be toggled on/off or tweaked at will.
Reduced (excessive) AI firing accuracy.
AI units proactively lay suppressive fire and suffer sensible morale / skill penalty when suppressed.
Increased AI survivability: better use of cover, movement and suppressive fire lead to longer firefights.
Player led AI units require far less micro-management on the battlefield.

bCombat core features include:

Full-featured morale system: morale affects both AI behaviour and combat effectiveness. AI will act aggressively or passively depending on circumstances.
Event driven AI behaviour: any environmental events such as enemies inbound, heard gunfire, suppressive fire, nearby explosions and ricochets or casualties have an effect on AI behaviour.
Real-time suppression effects: bCombat relies on (included) bDetect framework for accessing real-time ballistic information on any bullets flying by on the battlefield.
Automatic (gunfire aware) stance handling: units will crouch, sprint or go prone according to situation
Enhanced fire & movement routines

Optional (toggleable) features include:

Custom move to cover behaviour
Mutual covering behaviour
Suppressive fire behaviour
Specialized suppressive / overwatch behaviour
Custom fleeing behaviour
Surrendering behaviour
CQB enhancements
Enhanced hearing: units do hear gunfire and explosions at distance
Investigate behaviour: units alerted by casualties or gunfire may move to nearby places to investigate enemy presence
Enhanced grenade throwing: very short to long distance, includes blind throwing over obstacles
Smoke grenade throwing
Automatic formation tightening feature
Faster movement feature
Friendly fire damage capping
Custom damage multiplier
And more ...


C'est du SP mais c'est intéressant, j'espère qu'ils pourront développer en MP.


C'est utilisable en MP. La question lui -(l'auteur du mod)- a été posée sur le forum BI. Il a répondu qu'il y aurait certainement qques défauts, mais qu'il travaillerait dessus.
C'est beaucoup plus intéressant en MP, pour du coop par exemple.


Si c'est utilisable en MP, je prends :D