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A.C.R.E. 2 "Omnibus Edition"

Démarré par Davanseth, 22 Mars 2015 à 18:05:58

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Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 - Omnibus Edition


The ACRE2 Omnibus Edition is the combination of ACRE2 Radios in ArmA3, with JNET server-client communications, and the JVON voice client prepackaged all together. 'Omnibus' is just jargon referring to the package type, being everything for ACRE+JNET+JVON.

The entire engine is initialized on server connect, and not on mission start. This means that your in-game VON is activated the instant you join a server, and persist across new missions and during slotting and briefing screens.

ACRE2 Omnibus provides seamless VON experience in ArmA3, replacing the in-game VON system and removing the need for external chat clients. You can still use your favorite chat client alongside JVON, but this integrates ACRE2 and in-game voice into a single solution.

The Omnibus Package includes the following:

For Clients
ACRE2 Addon with JNET included
JVON package, included in @ACRE2

For Servers:
ACRE2 Addon with JNET included

(Optional) JVON package, included in @ACRE2
(Optional) Example JVON server configuration files

Current TS3 Support:

Installation / Usage:
Setup for Players:
Copy the @acre2omnibus folder to your game folder and enable/run it like any normal ArmA3 mod. Now, connect to an Omnibus enabled server. (Note: CBA_A3 is also required)

No further installation or configuration is required. You do not need to run-as Administrator

Notes for Beta Users:
- CBA Key Handler system in-game for hotkeys does not support extended mouse keys. You must alt+tab and open JVON to set these keys
- Capture/playback volumes, devices and other settings are available by opening JVON and going to Settings
- The default PTT key for JVON is Tab, and must be configured BEFORE joining a server. If you wish to change the hotkey mid-game, you must alt+tab and use the JVON settings configuration.

Setup for Server Admins:
The bulk of actual user interaction required for setup is on the server side; but consists mainly of the administrator specifying his JVON-Game server interactions. The JNET/JVON game server extension and addons support both linux and windows. We utilize an extension, jnet, to perform network communications. The general actions an admin will need to take are:
JVON Server Configuration
JVON Server is ready to run out of the box in the @acre2omnibus\jvon directory. Simply start server_win32.exe or run ./server_linux to start the default JVON server instance. The server runs on port 27233 by default. Further changes to the server configuration such as name, bans, and default channels can be made in their associated JSON configuration files: server.json, bans.json, buckets.json.
The JVON Server supports UPNP firewall port mappings for home configurations between most common routers. These are enabled by defualt.

NOTE: JVON Server must be launched with the jvon directory as its working directory
Game Server Configuration
Choose the server to run their JVON server (can be the same as a game server), and note its IP address.
Add the JVON configuration parameters to their normal ArmA3 'server.cfg' file. The minimum required parameter is setting jvon_server_address and jvon_enabled fields. The jvon_server_address is the IP:Port combination you chose in step #1. See JVON/JNET Game Server Configuration File for more details.
Ensure @acre2omnibus and @CBA_A3 is loaded on the server
Start the game server, and ensure jnet.log is created in the servers "main" directory (next to the arma3server.exe) - this means that JNET has initialized and the server is ready for play.
Connect with a test client - the JVON client should launch on connecting to the server. If it appears to not have launched, check your task manager to confirm.

ACRE2 Omnibus is now ready for use!

Technical Details:
JNET provides the client and server detection and communication needed to automatically transfer JVON settings from the server to a client before a game has even started. This helps parse server configuration files, and then for the client to receive server JVON settings to then launch the JVON client with.

The JNET extension loads any configuration settings prefixed with jvon_ or jnet_ from the server.cfg file - which can be specified either via command line or a PAR file for the server.
On the server, the extension tracks client connections and monitors whether a new client has connected, and whether they are JNET-enabled
When a new JNET-enabled client connects, the server communicates its settings to the client

The JNET client extension monitors for inbound ArmA3 network packets - it uses a ranking system to rank connections in order to determine whether you, the player, are joining a server. No information is tracked, just in/out packet statistics.
Upon detecting a primary server, JNET flags itself as JNET-enabled and awaits the server to send configurations if available
These server-side configurations are then available on the client systems via SQF
JVON is an external chat software written by IDI-Systems, which is integrated into the game with ACRE2 and JNET to launch behind the scenes and into the system tray when you join a JVON-enabled server. Alternatively, you can launch and use JVON as a regular chat client.

For the sake of Omnibus, JVON is silently launched in the background to perform the actual Voice-over-Network functionality of ACRE2 Omnibus. If a player chooses, they can alt+tab out and change settings manually. This is generally needed for configuring custom sound devices and hotkeys if so desired.

This is the same ACRE2 system available, which is the in-game components for ArmA3. This is the in-game addon.

LIEN : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27933