23 Juin 2024 à 04:51:08


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


One Life TvT Projekt

Démarré par Farmer, 11 Octobre 2016 à 15:08:13

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


Hello I am Farmer from Germany. My Englisch is not the best but i will try my best.
We have a project in Germany called One Life TvT: one game-one life. To the backround, we had a clan Germany called 6.RUS with 5 Russian-Germans wich played the in Russia very popular Projekt Tuschino. The Project Tuschino started 2009 where several clans came together to build up a big TvT community. Meanwhile TvT establisched in Russia and every weekend are serious Games 560 players play on 3 servers wich stricted and new missions and high milsim.On the weekend they could fill 2 servers more. in the week there are maze games they are like the serious games but with free mission choice and ruled enter into the slots. So in the week normally 200 players play on the 2 servers. After we the 6.RUS played servarel months on the projekt some had the idea to bring this project to Garmany we get the permission and to use there mission and there mods: RHS modified, Cup_terrains_Complete modified, ACE modified, kit_islandkit modified and TFR. After our first try with hard technical proplems we had am game with good feedback so we had some events in Germany. So we dicided to make this a project wich standalone and make this events every sunday and to have a server witch all mission 24/7 online but suddenly the interrest gone away and the most want to play coop.
We tried our best to push our project but we don´t come above the 20 players on Sundays. So we talked and came to the dicision to make our project puplic in europe and maybe International. So i decided to come to your Ts becaus aou also host a TvT event and i find out that you are interrestet. Maybe we can work together to bring up together a project wich is known in Europe and have a lots of interrest to have fun with alot of players online in big TvT events. I hope that you are interrestet and can bring up the TvT in Europe.
If you have questions i will try to answer them so fast as possibly. Maybe you are interrestet to play a game witch us and to make a side in one of ours TvT to have a impression of us.
With best regards


Hi Farmer,

your project is very interesting. We are currently looking at organizing international TvT games, so your initiative looks great and very interesting. Is it possible to meet you on Teamspeak someday ?

See you,



Hello Farmer was cool to discuss with you yesterday.
Do not hesitate to come again  over  teamspeak to speak about it




I would like to come tomorrow about 19:00 to your teamspeak. Is that ok?



C'est la fête en ce moment,

Plus de TVT \o/



Alors Gal, ca à lit intéressant?


Oui, ils jouent comme nous en no-respawn, avec des objectifs plus sympas qu'un mode pour serveur publique avec des zones de captures (genre une mission d'escorte de ce qu'il m'a présenté), avec une hiérarchie sur le terrain, donc en gros ça ressemble  a ce que l'on fait..... en revanche ce qui est chaud c'est qu'ils jouent avec des mods modifiés au lieu de les conserver vanilla.

Du coup, sur leur repo je me trouve avec 21 Gb a télécharger....  :-\

Mais ca c'est pour le très court terme. Avec une vision plus large, ils font partis de la mouvance "les autres Allemands ne font que de la coop' et on élargit a l'international pour trouver des mecs intéressants et faire du TvT qui ressemble a quelque chose".


A chaud, de bonnes nouvelles donc !



Oui surtout à la vue de notre possible futur évolution.


Comme on peut dire, "ça tombe a pic" :D

Chiant pour les 21gb, mais bon. Faire des parties a grande échelle, ça me manque un peu x)


Perso, pas de souci j'ai de la place. Par contre c'est le week-end à ce que j'ai pigé? :(