03 Juillet 2024 à 08:35:26


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


VTN - Veteran Mod

Démarré par Harine, 14 Avril 2012 à 14:24:45

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


Le système de soin est plus poussé que sur le ACE :)

C'est pas mal, on peut changer son chapeau/casque et les gilets tactique. Par contre attention à ne pas perdre toute ses munitions  :P



Hi. I have question about French addon maker lodu we think he had some issues in the past like being accused in stealing some ones textures. Are we right about it?
We ask because he offered some vehicles for us.


I think you can contact him by MP on OFrP site. Otherwise you can contact or Ikar TigerForce.

Personally, I am not aware of this history of addons.


Lodu had some problems in the past but not stealing from someone.

Lodu was well known in the french community since OFP because of his animals 3D models (elephants, zebras and stuff) and his commitment to the french community through the OFrP addon (French Forces in OFP, ArmA and ArmA 2).

Back in those days, the OFrP team was in trouble getting their work protected. Some companies were stealing their work and selling it on other platforms, and they even had some troubles with the french army (some people were french army officers and were actively participating in the addon making process, but in the end the french army tagged the addon as "made by the french army" and they were all very disappointed).

So don't worry, Lodu is trustworthy and what he gave is probably his own work :)


Citation de: Cirav le 14 Septembre 2013 à 20:22:35
I think you can contact him by MP on OFrP site. Otherwise you can contact or Ikar TigerForce.

Personally, I am not aware of this history of addons.

The OFrP site is dead, they move to arma3.fr (see the subforum section).

Lodu leaved the OFrP team a few months ago.

Anyway good luck with your mod.


Patch 0.26b

- Some fixes for optics
- Weapon class fixes(duplicates are removed)
- М249 SAW now can use vanilla 200 Rnd boxes
- Updates for First Aid System



Already voting, don't worry :p