04 Juin 2024 à 07:15:39


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


Authentic Gameplay Modification

Démarré par Cirav, 27 Mai 2014 à 17:03:31

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet


Authentic Gameplay Modification


C'est la suite du TMR mais en bien mieux.... bref à tester

More Detailed Damage Model
The damage a unit receives is now divided into head, torso, left & right arm and left & right leg.
Pain Effect
Units receive pain (AGM - Pain Effect Test). Pain decreases over time and can be reduced with morphine. Too much morphine, however, will kill the patient.
Units with untreated wounds lose blood until they are bandaged.
When receiving alot of damage at once or losing too much blood, a unit falls unconscious. Unconscious unit can be "woken up" with epinephrine.
Patient Transport
Unconscious units can be dragged and carried, and loaded into vehicles for transport.

When running or sprinting, the standard vaulting animation is replaced with a jump.
Better Slow Walking Animation
The default animation with the left arm stupidly dangling around was replaced with one with the hand on the weapon.

Map Changes:
Bigger Coordinates & Compass
Grid coordinates and compass bearings on the map are now actually readable. Compass scaling is also instant now, since some could find the bigger compass distracting.
Deactivated "Jump to current position" - Button
This button worked even when showing the current position on the map was disabled in the difficulty settings.

Everyone Can Eject
You can now eject from every seat in every vehicle.
Flare Modes
Just like in Arma 2, you can now switch between burst and single mode for flares, the latter one only firing 1 pair each.
Better Radar Warnings
You now get warnings when a missile is trying to lock onto your vehicle, and not just when the missile is already in flight.
Realistic Names
Wherever possible, aircraft now have their real-world names.

Ground Vehicles:
Realistic Names
Wherever possible, vehicles now have their real-world names. For some fictional vehicles, like the Sandstorm and the Cheetah, more fitting (in this case, Hebrew) names were chosen.
Fire Control System
Tanks and APCs are equipped with a fire control system allowing the gunner to engage both stationary and moving targets by lazing them using Tab.
Speed limiter
Drivers of Cars and Tanks can limit their maximum speed to the vehicles current speed to simulate an easier handling of the gas pedal.

All launchers now create a backblast area, wounding units standing behind you. You will also be injured when firing launchers too close to a wall. The actual values are dependent on the weapon.

Show Names
Show the names of the player you're looking at.
Interaction Menu
Use the new command rose style interaction menu to interact with others or yourself.
Send Civilians Away
You can now tell civilians to get away, or go prone.
Use hand signals to communicate silently.

Realistic Names
Whenever possible, weapons now have their real-world names. (taken from TMR)
Realistic Stats
Realistic fire rates and dispersions based on RL values (taken from TMR)
Wind & Humidity Ballistics
Wind and humidity now affect bullets in flight. AI are, to improve performance, exempt from this and instead have their aiming skill reduced based on the strength of the wind to imitate the effects.
Weapon Resting
Rest your weapon (or deploy your bipod) on the ground, against walls etc.
Weapon Jamming and Overheating
Weapons will overheat if you fire a lot of bullets in a short amount of time. Overheated weapons will be less accurate and create a smoke puff effect depending on their temperature. Extreme temperatures will even reduce the bullet velocity. With machine guns, you can change their barrels if you have a spare barrel in your inventory to negate these effects.

Wind Readout
Check wind direction and strength whenever you open your compass.
Adjustable NVG Contrast
You can now adjust the contrast of your NVGs yourself.
Sunglasses etc. actually have an ingame effect now.




Ouai je l'aurais bien mis dans le pack OFCRA mais on plus le temps de le tester.


Citation de: Cirav le 27 Mai 2014 à 19:51:11
Ouai je l'aurais bien mis dans le pack OFCRA mais on plus le temps de le tester.

on peut le tester à part et le mettre a la fin du prélude (début juillet).



est ce que c'est compatible avec les nouvelles armes ?


Mais si, mais si, on a le temps, on a le temps voyons!!! :'(

EDIT: Et quand on voit le WIP, ça promet!

Features (WIP / planned)

WIP planned


better fatigue system


bolt cutters
vehicle magazine management
more detailed repair system
fuel cannisters
cargo system


fast roping

Ground Vehicles

better destruction effects (no explosions due to small arms fire etc.)
realistic damage system; no deaths by tree (seriously BIS, why?)
realistic armament and ammo count
always select ammo types over action menu, not using your Select Weapon key (as is the case in the vanilla APCs)
softkill system


disposable weapons
make AI launchers actually unguided
NLAW modes
various missile modes (Hellfire, Fire-&-Forget-Plus)


take captives
search captives
dog tags


make magazine count unclear
2D - optics


faster door opening
tweak stance indicator
ventral position backpacks
attachable IR strobes
better laser range finding


Enorme. Vraiment énorme.

Miam. Ya un paquet d'addons en chantier qui sont super prometteurs !


- Added: New optional "Flow" interaction menu (#808).
- Added: Icons on interaction menus (#959).
- Added: Switch between bigger and smaller map tools (#852).
- Added: Align map tools (#852).
- Added: Draw lines on map with map tools or during briefing (#852).
- Added: Copy other players map lines (#852).
- Added: Display GPS coordinates on the map screen (#852).
- Added: Mission designers can define GLOC resistance for certain units using "this setVariable ["AGM_GForceCoef", 0.75]".
- Added: Animated raindrops on goggles (#1195).
- Added: Added M152 RAMS detonator package, range 5000m (#714).
- Added: Flashsupressors available in Arma 3 are now usable (#1054).
- Added: Support for custom jam clearing animations (#966).
- Added: M84 Stun Grenade (#419).
- Added: Many new entries in various languages, including new Italian support.
- Added: Improved documentation (https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/wiki/Getting-Started)
- Added: Locking backpacks (#42).
- Added: Disposable rocket launchers (#187).
- Added: Vertical and horizontal scope adjustments (#1025).
- Added: 3D model for the UAV battery (#516).
- Added: Module option to disable morphine overdose (#743).
- Added: Module option to set a damage coefficient (#916).
- Added: Some actions con now be performed while inside vehicles (#824).
- Added: Configurable AGM modifier key (#850).
- Added: Dead Man's Switch trigger for explosives (#940).
- Added: Tweaks to weapon usage by AI (#1000).
- Added: Hotkeys to allow quick navigation of the action menus (#1178).
- Added: Improved add marker dialog (#1258).
- Added: Option to disable Respawn Button (#1292).
- Added: Brought back the NATO symbols removed by BIS (#1250).
- Added: Added a hotkey to use the smoke launcher on vehicles even when the default key is bugged out (#1262).
- Added: Place fortifications.
- Added: Top Down Attack (#339).
- Added: Parachute landing animation (#540).
- Added: Altimeter (#540).
- Added: Paradrop of supplies (#711).
- Added: Partial support of remote controlled units via Zeus (#327).

- Changed: Allow moving while interaction menus is open (#833).
- Changed: Interaction Menus now remain open while the interaction key is pressed.
- Changed: Removed AGM_StriderFix, which is no longer neccesary (#1077).
- Changed: Physically correct wind drag (#996).
- Changed: Optimization of various functions by using new pushBack command (#989).
- Changed: Removed humidity effect over bullet trajectories (#1027).
- Changed: Increased the odds of people spontaneously regaining conciousness (#943).
- Changed: Many improvements to AGM_RealisticNames.
- Changed: Increased M57 Trigger Device range to 250m.
- Changed: Refined lock detection warning (#263).
- Changed: Improved rangefinding for vehicles (#341).
- Changed: Client option to disable vanilla command menu keybindings (#676).
- Changed: Removed toolkit from explosive specialists (#855).
- Changed: Removed body removal script in favor of Arma Corpse Manager (#1008).
- Changed: Increased dipersion for sabot bullets (#924).
- Changed: Increased XM-301 (Comanche) rounds damage (#935).
- Changed: Standardized release options (#936).
- Changed: Improved the handling of animation changes in medical (#1078).
- Changed: Tweaks to some inconsistent vanilla armor values for different classes and faction (#1021).
- Changed: AGM Binarizer no longer moves the Arma 3 tools executables (#1038).
- Changed: Syntax of custom AGM actions, to make them more similar to vanilla A3 actions (#1173).
- Changed: Added configurable coefficient for treatment times of non-medics (#1269).
- Changed: Physically based simulation of weapon heating and cooling.
- Changed: Weapon jam chance based on real life MRBS data (#1007).

- Fixed: Morphine status was sometimes not correcly linked accross clients (#929).
- Fixed: "Unit is bleeding" was shown for very minor injuries which couldn't be bandaged (#944).
- Fixed: User input remained disabled after switching from an unconcious unit (#1035).
- Fixed: User input remained disabled in spectator mode (#1251).
- Fixed: Weapons showed vanilla names when placed on the ground (#1001).
- Fixed: Support disabled doors (#963).
- Fixed: Conflict between AGM and new Arma walking speed (#992).
- Fixed: Explosives Module caused error in RPT.
- Fixed: Could not place explosives after team switching (#937).
- Fixed: Sniper classes didn't have a detonator by default (#939).
- Fixed: Wrong explosives behaviour on water (#857).
- Fixed: Units could mount static weapons while they're being dragged (#927).
- Fixed: Static weapons were locked after draging them once (#925).
- Fixed: Explosives disapearing after placed (#933).
- Fixed: Error on checking ammo of static weapons (#973).
- Fixed: A-10 Gau cannon burst inconsistent (#802).
- Fixed: Error in AGM_Respawn (#786).
- Fixed: Prisoners could throw grenades (#864).
- Fixed: Unconciousness effect active in spectator (#909).
- Fixed: View was uncentered after recovering from a G-force blackout (#938).
- Fixed: Goggles effects were applied to some new arma bandannas (#1013).
- Fixed: Nametags were visible through walls (#1048).
- Fixed: Respawn module didn't re-add binoculars (#1134).
- Fixed: The killer of AI units was incorrectly reported (#1155).
- Fixed: Fireteams were not JIP compatible (#1187).
- Fixed: Divers could bandage themselves underwater (#1202).
- Fixed: Default map marker was broken by A3 update (#1221).
- Fixed: Could not load/unload from boats (#1279).
- Fixed: Placing fortifications wasn't working on multiplayer (#1284).
- Fixed: Waking up didn't restore the animation when inside a vehicle after the v1.32 update (#1301).



Euh non c'est juste le changlog de la nouvelle mise à jour de l'AGM. On ne s'amuse pas à faire d'update du pack OFCRA 48h avant une officielle.