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CSE: Combat Space Enhancement

Démarré par Davanseth, 12 Juillet 2014 à 16:24:26

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0 Membres et 2 Invités sur ce sujet


Site officiel : http://csemod.com/
Wiki officiel : http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
Armaholic : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26205
Forum BIS : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180258-Combat-Space-Enhancement-0-2

Combat Space Enhancement is a standalone full modification for the game Arma III and is developed by the team behind Combat Medical System.
CSE offers an extensive amount of game-play features such as: a Combat Medical System, Blueforce Tracking, Counter-Insurgency modules including Biometric Scanning, detaining suspects and much more.

These game-play features all come in modular form, build on top of our in house developed framework, allowing for compatibility between various modules/features with ease by both our in house created modules and any third party made content.

Supports Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Dedicated servers
Modular features, turn non-core modules on/off at your liking
Fully standalone. No extra Add-Ons required
Many customisation settings for gameplay modules







Trop lourd au niveau des donnés enregistré, il retient les blessure et les soins appliquer à chaque joueur... Et encore plein d'autres paramétres pas très optimiser..


Il est hautement paramétrable donc pas de panique.


v0.10.0 ALPHA RC1
Added: Action stitching (CMS). Uses the surgical kit.
Added: Advanced Ballistics (by Ruthberg)
Added: assignMedicalEquipment module for medical equipment (CMS)
Added: ATragMX (by Ruthberg)
Added: Bodybag and bodybag action (CMS)
Added: CBA Dependency
Added: CC item crates
Added: Combat Deafness module
Added: Concept AmbientCivilians module
Added: Fast roping module (WIP, not polished and error-prone)
Added: First implementation of disposable launchers
Added: getIn and getOut EH support
Added: iedpack from A2 (by Aposky)
Added: Implemented use equipment option for AIM
Added: Kestrel 4500 (by Ruthberg)
Added: Load and unload object eventhandlers
Added: On initialization all CMS magazines will be replaced by items (TEMPORARLY)
Added: Option to disable config execution of modules for certain entries (disableConfigExecution = 1; in CfgModules entry)
Added: Polish translations to stringtables
Added: Put eventhandler support
Added: Replace darter battery option (vehicle)
Added: Russian translation of CMS
Added: Setting to disable vehicle crash damage (CMS)
Added: Sounds for weaponResting and magazineRepack
Added: Surgical Kit (CMS)
Added: Take eventhandler support
Added: Treatment now works for prone units (CMS)
Added: Weapon Heating module
Added: Weapon Safety module as part of (cse_sys_equipment.pbo)
Added: Added support for disabling broadcasting your own position on the BFT tracker.
Added: Advanced Interaction items to curator
Added: Allow use of map screen setting for CC BFT trackers.
Added: Ambiance sound module
Added: Bodybag item for curator placement
Added: Carry option to logistics.
Added: Display icon when resting weapon or have bipod deployed (top right, making use of displayIcon function)
Added: Drag option to logistics. Static weapons are now draggable.
Added: Hide ammo information option within equipments module
Added: displayIcon function (Shows icons in the top right of your screen)
Added: drinking sound to drinking action of field rations module.
Added: hasOpenWounds_CMS function
Added: variable for tracking units in reviveState across network
Changed: Action keybindings can now only be activated when player can interact
Changed: Added bottom limit for blood volume
Changed: Adjusted grain effect for night vision
Changed: All CMS Items are now items instead of magazines (IMPORTANT)
Changed: Combined pbo's NVG and weaponresting with sys_equipment.pbo
Changed: Combined the following modules into one (cse_sys_equipment.pbo): NVG adjustments, Weapon Resting, Attachable Items, Magazine Repack, Ammo checking.
Changed: Custom eventhandlers can now also be accessed through mission description.ext
Changed: Improved performance from getDragOptions
Changed: Logistic carry action now also works on objects with cse logistics carry enabled through a set variable
Changed: Moved damage thresholds to separate module (No longer part of the CMS module)
Changed: Now ejects dead units from vehicles
Changed: Overworked the magazine repack feature
Changed: Refined the old wind deflection code based on AdvancedBallistics
Changed: Rewrite of handleDamage [CMS]
Changed: Advanced Interaction magazines are now items
Changed: Field Rations magazines are now items
Changed: Message Display functions now support localization
Changed: Tied bloosloss in with cardiac output. Should improve bloodless effect. WARNING: cse_fnc_getBloodLoss_CMS will no longer return accurate results on non local units!
Changed: increasePain function now also supports string values representing bodyparts (same as addOpenWounds_CMS)
Disabled: Config execution for legacy modules
Fixed: CC Item names
Fixed: Configuration button bug
Fixed: Field Rations module arguments
Fixed: gui_loadingbar no longer running twice as fast as it should
Fixed: IR strobe effect sticking around
Fixed: It is no longer possible to drag/carry units inside vehicles
Fixed: Missing addon dependency lists
Fixed: Position of icon on display messages (Was overlapping the content label)
Fixed: Width of display messages
Fixed: Zeus Placement bug
Fixed: Damage thresholds didnt function properly.
Fixed: Dropping objects before unit goes unconscious.
Fixed: issues with CSE backblast module
Replaced: cse_sys_backblast.pbo with cse_sys_launchers.pbo
Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module
Improved: CMS module now supports localization in everything but the activity log.
Improved: Performance optimization for many parts of CSE.
Improved: Scroll wheel option for name tags module


Some more information about the next (new) version.

Team News:
We've joined forces with Ruthberg from the awesome Advanced Ballistics Mod! He's a very dedicated modder and we're happy to have him with us!

Thanks and credits go out as always to Leon a.k.a. LAxemann for creating awesome sound effects for the various features.

Planned changes:

Weapon Overheating / Jamming / Spare Barrels

Barrel heat affects bullet trajectory and overheating weapons can get jammed. Spare barrels will be available to alleviate the build-up of heat.
Initially, there will mostly be generic rifle barrel(s) that fit most if not all, but if mod makers want to make their own dedicated spare barrels for their weapons, feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to support it!

Combat Medical System Changes

We are looking at revamping the combat medical system's damage handling. Most of the changes won't make it in the next release, as it's an intricate system and we want to make sure it works properly before releasing it.
Some changes will be in there, however, such as some tweaks to survivability, some re-arrangement of config settings (put Damage thresholds into separate module) and we're trying to fix some bugs with dragging.

We've also added a surgical kit that allows you to stitch up bandaged wounds (for when advanced wounds is enabled), so you don't have to medevac / full heal patients just so their wounds don't reopen all the time.

Advanced Ballistics

Courtesy of Ruthberg, advanced ballistics along with the ATragMX and Kestrel have been added to CSE. Supporting a wide range of weapons and calibers, it's probably the most detailed ballistics simulation in ArmA 3.
As with everything CSE, it is entirely optional. You can have it disabled, enabled for every player, or only enable the advanced ballistics for your professional marksmen while using more simple wind ballistics for the average rifleman.
An explanation of the 100% optional config entries you need to add for your weapons to be supported by CSE see our wiki.

Some existing weapon mods are already supported thanks to the previous efforts by Ruthberg. Some newer ones may be missing.

The RHS team has been kind enough to work with us on getting CSE support into their mod(s) in a 100% optional fashion! This will allow their stuff to work nicely with CSE without making CSE a requirement for people using RHS.
Obviously we can't promise anything, it's their mod, but hopefully those changes will make it into one of their upcoming releases

Weapon Resting

This feature has been revamped a lot, improving what it affects, supporting bipods, adding a visual indicator, better feel to it (pivot mode with some snap to it).
In the future, we'd like to integrate deployables into this, such as a sandbag you can put on the ground to raise your weapon's resting point, or a tripod to fire from inside rooms nicely. We'll see how much is possible there.

Advanced Interaction

Advanced interaction now has properly implemented the usage of items and equipment for its actions.

Field Rations

Some bug fixes here.

We also want to thank SpectreRSG, the maker of TFA Naval Special Warfare Gear for supporting the field rations module with his uniforms, meaning you can use the uniforms that have visual camelbaks as working water containers with the field rations module enabled.

Environmental Effects

Ambient Civilians module has been added as a first release. Of course it will have to be extended upon later once we have some feedback.

We get a lot of requests to add stuff like ammo cook-off, NVG noise/limitations and such. We're looking into those, but not for the next version

Magazine Repack

Magazine repack has been revamped to feel a bit more realistic, going magazine by magazine, bullet by bullet, with nice sound effects and whatnot. You can abort the repack and you'll still have the progress made so far.

Disposable Launchers

What it says, allowing for disposable launchers. This does not affect any existing launchers, it merely adds support for any mod makers that want to make disposable launchers.

Example: In the config of your launcher, add a setting cse_disposableLauncher = "example_used_launcher"; to your launcher.
Or, to add a concrete example:
class launch_NLAW_F: Launcher_Base_F { cse_disposableLauncher = "cse_Used_NLAW_F"; };
This will add the disposable feature to the NLAW, the cse_used_nlaw_f is a class that inherits from the launcher itself but has a useless magazine.

When fired, the weapon will be switched out.

If you also add
cse_disposableLauncher_switchAfter = 1;
the unit will switch to primary right after firing the launcher.

Combat Deafness

Combat deafness has been added, including things like automatic gunfire and explosions. Depending on the pressure forced upon your ears, you may go deaf for some time (not indefinitely, though, that would suck for a game!).

Some protective measures have been added for this as well, from simple earplugs that dampen all sound - including (as far as I know) TFAR/ACRE transmission - to electronic earplugs that only cancel out peak volumes. Some hats are also supported to have protective earmuffs, if you're a maker of uniforms check our wiki on what optional config parameter to add to support this particular feature.

Weapon Safety

An optional system - you can leave it disabled if you prefer other mods that add this kind of functionality - this allows putting any weapon other than throwables into safety mode.

Some internal changes
- Initial version of revamped UI (icons + loading bar + text in one area)
- CMS Items changed from being a magazine to being a weapon
- Revamp of ammo boxes
- Some support for Virtual Arsenal / Zeus in terms of items
- CBA Dependency added for compatibility
- Some bug fixes
- Changes in multiple CSE modules



Weapon Overheating / Jamming / Spare Barrels.... le retour  :D




J'ai mis en place le CSE Server Side sur le serveur Test.
Ça permet d'activer les modules CSE automatiquement sur toutes les missions sans avoir à passer par l'éditeur et j'ajouter manuellement les modules.
Il faut juste lancer les addons @CSE_Server et @CSE sur le serveur. Côté client il faut juste @CSE.

Wiki CSE Server side : http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php?title=Enable_CSE_Server_side

Ci-dessous le fichier userconfig que j'ai crée pour l'OFCRA et qui est présent sur le serveur Test.
Il y a une mission Test-CSE-Serveur.pbo sur le serveur avec juste un groupe pour tester la config des modules.
N'hésitez pas à donner votre avis sur les paramètres que j'ai mis. J'ai fait ça un peu rapidement.

//////////Combat Medical System

  class cse_sys_medical {
openingOfWounds = true; // When set to true, bandaged wounds could on occasion re-open, resulting in new open wounds that need to be bandaged.
medicSetting = true; // Medics only are able to view the detailed information.
difficultySetting = 1; // The aggressiveness of the medical simulation. 0.5 = recruit, 1.5 = Expert.
enableFor = 1; // Select what units CMS will be enabled for. 0 = Players only. 1 = Players and AI.
enableAirway = 0; // 1 = CMS Airway enabled. 0 = disabled.
aidKitRestrictions = 0; // Determines where the aid kit can be used. 0 = Medical facility. 1 = Med Facility & No Bleeding restriction. 2 = Anywhere. 3 = Anywhere & No Bleeding restriction.
vehCrashes = true; // Enable injuries on vehicle crashes
stitchingAllow = 0; // -1 = disabled, 0 = medics only, 1 = everyone,
aidKitUponUsage = false; // Personal aid kits are disposable items if true.
aidKitMedicsOnly = false; // Only medics can use personal aid kits for full heal.
bandageTime = 5; // Time in seconds.

//////////Basic Ballistics

class cse_sys_winddeflection {
forAI = true; // Should wind deflection be enabled for AI? True = enabled. False = disabled.
allowNonLocal = false; // Simulate ballistics for non local units.


class cse_sys_backblast {
inBuilding = true; // Should backblast be affected by structures
forAI = true; // Should backblast be enabled for AI
damageModifier = 1; // The aggressiveness of the backblast damage. 0.5 = Recruit, 1 = Regular (Default), 1.2 = Veteran, 1.4 = Expert.
advanced = true; // Should enviroment and walls have an effect on backblast

//////////Disposable Launchers

class cse_moduleDisposableLaunchers {
disableAI = false; // Should disposable launchers be disabled for AI

//////////Basic Revive

class cse_basicRevive {
enableFor = 0; // Select what units Basic Revive will be enabled for. 0 = disabled. 1 = Players only. 2 = Players and AI. ONLY USE 2 IF A DAMAGE THRESHOLD MODULE IS ENABLED FOR AI (Either CMS or cse_damage_ai)
timer = 600; // Time is seconds that a unit will spend in unconscious mode before dieing
amountOf = -1; // Number of times a unit can be hit/killed before being force killed. -1 is disabled (Recommended).

//////////Name Tags

class cse_sys_tags {
indirectDistance = 7.5; // Distance for indirect Tags
cursorTargetDistance = 20; // Distance for the direct Tag (Cursortarget)

//////////Adjust Stamina

class cse_adjust_stamina {
adjustment = 0.3; // fast should the stamina be adjusted? Default = 1. Lower is slower, higher as 1 is faster as vanilla.

//////////Damage thresholds

class cse_moduleDamageSettings {
damageThresholdAI = 1; // How much damage does it take for an AI to be killed. 1 = Default.
damageThresholdPlayers = 1; // How much damage does it take for a player to be killed. 1 = Default.


class cse_sys_logistics {};


class cse_sys_groups {
allowGroupSwitch = true; // Allow players to join and leave groups
allowFormationSwitch = true; // Group leaders can order formation changes through the action menu
allowShoulderTap = true; // Allow usage of shoulder taps


class cse_sys_gestures {
allowAIControl = true; // Allow Group leaders to issue basic orders through gestures

//////////Equipment Module

class cse_sys_equipment {
magazineRepack = true; // former magazine repack module
attachableItems = true; // former attachable items module
weaponResting = true; // former weapon resting module
weaponSafety = true; // allow weapon safety keybinding
adjustableNVG = true; // former NVG module
allowWeaponSelect = true; // allow selecting weapons through keybindings
allowAmmoChecking = true; // allow check ammo keybinding
hideAmmoValues = 0; // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

//////////Command and Control

class cse_sys_cc {
allowFeeds = true; // Enable Live Feeds & UAV control
showUAV = true; // Automatically show UAVs on the BFT Map
uavRestriction = false; // Should UAV Feeds be restricted
allowVehicleDisplays = false; // Allow Vehicle Displays
autoAssignCallSigns = 2; // Automatically assign callsigns for units (-1 = disabled, 0 = all, 1 = vehicles only, 2 = group leaders only)
allowDisplayOnMainMap = true; // allow displaying the BFT on the map.

//////////Advanced Interaction

class cse_sys_advanced_interaction {
enableDetain = 2; // -1 = disabled, 0 = Opposite side AI only, 1 = AI (all sides), 2 = Opposite side (Players & AI), 3 = Everyone
enableSearch = 3; // -1 = disabled, 0 = Opposite side AI only, 1 = AI (all sides), 2 = Opposite side (Players & AI), 3 = Everyone
enableBiometric = -1; // -1 = disabled, 0 = Opposite side AI only, 1 = AI (all sides), 2 = Opposite side (Players & AI), 3 = Everyone
enableConversation = true; // enable the AIM conversation system
useEquipment = true; // whatever or not equipment usage is required

//////////Weapon heating

class cse_sys_weaponheat {
genericSpareBarrel = true; // Allow players to use a generic spare barrel that fits all weapons.

//////////Advanced Ballistics

class cse_AB_moduleAdvancedBallistics {
FORCE_CLIENT_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE = true;   // Force Client Settings override
WIND_ENABLED = true;    // Add wind drift
SPIN_DRIFT_ENABLED = true;    // add spin drift
CORIOLIS_ENABLED = true;    // Horizontal Coriolis drift
EOETVOES_ENABLED = true;  // Vertical Coriolis drift
ADVANCED_AIR_DRAG_ENABLED = true;  // Enabled the advanced air drag model (only availible with compatible 3rd party ammunition)
ATMOSPHERIC_DENSITY_SIMULATION_ENABLED = true;  // The bullets ability to cut through air becomes affected by the ambient air density
TRANSONIC_REGION_ENABLED = true;    // Adds dispersion beyond supersonic flight of rifle bullets
MIL_TURRETS_ENABLED = true;    // Adds the ability to zero your scope in 1/10 Mil steps
AMMO_TEMPERATURE_ENABLED = true;    // Muzzle velocity changes with ammo temperature
DISABLED_IN_FULL_AUTO_MODE = false;    // Disables the advanced ballistics during full auto fire
BULLET_TRACE_ENABLED = true;    // Adds a bullet trace effect to high caliber bullets
MIRAGE_ENABLED = true;    // Adds mirage and scope parallax adjustment
BARREL_LENGTH_INFLUENCE = true;    // Enables barrel length dependent muzzle velocity
VEHICLE_GUNNER_ENABLED = true;    // Enables the advanced ballistics for rounds fired as vehicle gunner
EXTENSIONS_ENABLED = true;            // Allows the use of the DLL extension
INIT_MESSAGE_ENABLED = false;                   // Prints a system chat message once the terrain initialization is finished
ONLY_ACTIVE_FOR_LOCAL_PLAYER  = false;    // Disables the advanced ballistics for bullets coming from other players
ONLY_ACTIVE_FOR_PLAYER_GROUP = false;           // Disables the advanced ballistics for bullets coming from players in other groups
DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT = false;    // Allows you to enable the advanced ballistics selectively in the unit initialization
PRECISION = 1;      // Allows to reduces the calculation precision to avoid frame drops (1 - maximum precision, 2 - medium precision, 3 - minimal precision)



Maj du CSE Server Side sur les serveurs de l'OFCRA.
N'hésitez pas faire remonter des paramètres qui vous semblent pas bon.

//////////Combat Medical System

  class cse_sys_medical {
openingOfWounds = false; // When set to true, bandaged wounds could on occasion re-open, resulting in new open wounds that need to be bandaged.
medicSetting = true; // Medics only are able to view the detailed information.
difficultySetting = 0.5; // The aggressiveness of the medical simulation. 0.5 = recruit, 1.5 = Expert.
enableFor = 1; // Select what units CMS will be enabled for. 0 = Players only. 1 = Players and AI.
enableAirway = 0; // 1 = CMS Airway enabled. 0 = disabled.
aidKitRestrictions = 3; // Determines where the aid kit can be used. 0 = Medical facility. 1 = Med Facility & No Bleeding restriction. 2 = Anywhere. 3 = Anywhere & No Bleeding restriction.
vehCrashes = false; // Enable injuries on vehicle crashes
stitchingAllow = 0; // -1 = disabled, 0 = medics only, 1 = everyone,
aidKitUponUsage = true; // Personal aid kits are disposable items if true.
aidKitMedicsOnly = true; // Only medics can use personal aid kits for full heal.
bandageTime = 5; // Time in seconds.

//////////Basic Ballistics

class cse_sys_winddeflection {
forAI = true; // Should wind deflection be enabled for AI? True = enabled. False = disabled.
allowNonLocal = false; // Simulate ballistics for non local units.


class cse_sys_backblast {
inBuilding = true; // Should backblast be affected by structures
forAI = true; // Should backblast be enabled for AI
damageModifier = 1; // The aggressiveness of the backblast damage. 0.5 = Recruit, 1 = Regular (Default), 1.2 = Veteran, 1.4 = Expert.
advanced = true; // Should enviroment and walls have an effect on backblast

//////////Disposable Launchers

class cse_moduleDisposableLaunchers {
disableAI = false; // Should disposable launchers be disabled for AI

//////////Basic Revive

class cse_basicRevive {
enableFor = 0; // Select what units Basic Revive will be enabled for. 0 = disabled. 1 = Players only. 2 = Players and AI. ONLY USE 2 IF A DAMAGE THRESHOLD MODULE IS ENABLED FOR AI (Either CMS or cse_damage_ai)
timer = 600; // Time is seconds that a unit will spend in unconscious mode before dieing
amountOf = -1; // Number of times a unit can be hit/killed before being force killed. -1 is disabled (Recommended).

//////////Name Tags

class cse_sys_tags {
indirectDistance = 7.5; // Distance for indirect Tags
cursorTargetDistance = 20; // Distance for the direct Tag (Cursortarget)

//////////Adjust Stamina

class cse_adjust_stamina {
adjustment = 0; // fast should the stamina be adjusted? Default = 1. Lower is slower, higher as 1 is faster as vanilla.

//////////Damage thresholds

class cse_moduleDamageSettings {
damageThresholdAI = 0.5; // How much damage does it take for an AI to be killed. 1 = Default.
damageThresholdPlayers = 1; // How much damage does it take for a player to be killed. 1 = Default.


class cse_sys_logistics {};


class cse_sys_groups {
allowGroupSwitch = true; // Allow players to join and leave groups
allowFormationSwitch = true; // Group leaders can order formation changes through the action menu
allowShoulderTap = true; // Allow usage of shoulder taps


class cse_sys_gestures {
allowAIControl = true; // Allow Group leaders to issue basic orders through gestures

//////////Equipment Module

class cse_sys_equipment {
magazineRepack = true; // former magazine repack module
attachableItems = true; // former attachable items module
weaponResting = true; // former weapon resting module
weaponSafety = true; // allow weapon safety keybinding
adjustableNVG = true; // former NVG module
allowWeaponSelect = true; // allow selecting weapons through keybindings
allowAmmoChecking = true; // allow check ammo keybinding
hideAmmoValues = 0; // 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled

//////////Command and Control

class cse_sys_cc {
allowFeeds = true; // Enable Live Feeds & UAV control
showUAV = true; // Automatically show UAVs on the BFT Map
uavRestriction = false; // Should UAV Feeds be restricted
allowVehicleDisplays = false; // Allow Vehicle Displays
autoAssignCallSigns = 2; // Automatically assign callsigns for units (-1 = disabled, 0 = all, 1 = vehicles only, 2 = group leaders only)
allowDisplayOnMainMap = false; // allow displaying the BFT on the map.

//////////Advanced Interaction

class cse_sys_advanced_interaction {
enableDetain = 2; // -1 = disabled, 0 = Opposite side AI only, 1 = AI (all sides), 2 = Opposite side (Players & AI), 3 = Everyone
enableSearch = 3; // -1 = disabled, 0 = Opposite side AI only, 1 = AI (all sides), 2 = Opposite side (Players & AI), 3 = Everyone
enableBiometric = -1; // -1 = disabled, 0 = Opposite side AI only, 1 = AI (all sides), 2 = Opposite side (Players & AI), 3 = Everyone
enableConversation = false; // enable the AIM conversation system
useEquipment = true; // whatever or not equipment usage is required

//////////Weapon heating

class cse_sys_weaponheat {
genericSpareBarrel = false; // Allow players to use a generic spare barrel that fits all weapons.

//////////Advanced Ballistics

class cse_AB_moduleAdvancedBallistics {
FORCE_CLIENT_SETTINGS_OVERRIDE = true;   // Force Client Settings override
WIND_ENABLED = true;    // Add wind drift
SPIN_DRIFT_ENABLED = true;    // add spin drift
CORIOLIS_ENABLED = true;    // Horizontal Coriolis drift
EOETVOES_ENABLED = true;  // Vertical Coriolis drift
ADVANCED_AIR_DRAG_ENABLED = true;  // Enabled the advanced air drag model (only availible with compatible 3rd party ammunition)
ATMOSPHERIC_DENSITY_SIMULATION_ENABLED = true;  // The bullets ability to cut through air becomes affected by the ambient air density
TRANSONIC_REGION_ENABLED = true;    // Adds dispersion beyond supersonic flight of rifle bullets
MIL_TURRETS_ENABLED = true;    // Adds the ability to zero your scope in 1/10 Mil steps
AMMO_TEMPERATURE_ENABLED = true;    // Muzzle velocity changes with ammo temperature
DISABLED_IN_FULL_AUTO_MODE = false;    // Disables the advanced ballistics during full auto fire
BULLET_TRACE_ENABLED = true;    // Adds a bullet trace effect to high caliber bullets
MIRAGE_ENABLED = true;    // Adds mirage and scope parallax adjustment
BARREL_LENGTH_INFLUENCE = true;    // Enables barrel length dependent muzzle velocity
VEHICLE_GUNNER_ENABLED = true;    // Enables the advanced ballistics for rounds fired as vehicle gunner
EXTENSIONS_ENABLED = true;            // Allows the use of the DLL extension
INIT_MESSAGE_ENABLED = false;                   // Prints a system chat message once the terrain initialization is finished
ONLY_ACTIVE_FOR_LOCAL_PLAYER  = false;    // Disables the advanced ballistics for bullets coming from other players
ONLY_ACTIVE_FOR_PLAYER_GROUP = false;           // Disables the advanced ballistics for bullets coming from players in other groups
DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT = false;    // Allows you to enable the advanced ballistics selectively in the unit initialization
PRECISION = 1;      // Allows to reduces the calculation precision to avoid frame drops (1 - maximum precision, 2 - medium precision, 3 - minimal precision)