02 Juillet 2024 à 18:06:39


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



Démarré par Cirav, 06 Janvier 2015 à 12:55:15

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CiterHello Squaddies, new and old!

We want to wish everyone a happy holidays and as we say farewell to 2015 there are a number of things we want to announce before the year is out.

Hackers & Anti-Cheat Measures

This is currently one of our top priorities and at the moment we're working on this issue in earnest. Unfortunately we cannot divulge any more information about this issue but it is a top priority.
General Development

Due to this months momentous release on Steam Early Access, a large amount of development time has been focused on the release itself and sending out hot fixes for critical bugs, including performance and general stability. Dont worry though, content-related developments are still continuing in the background but the focus right now is performance and player experience, so well wait for the January re-cap to update you on all the content goodness.

We have had a number of updates regarding this highly sought after feature in recent months, but the reality is that they are not in a state where they can be rolled out to the public. Our programmers ran a number of tests on fully populated servers and experienced a lot of rubber-banding due to the vehicles de-syncing. This is a side effect of physics and replication on the servers not performing as intended.
Unfortunately this is all a follow-on from the fact that a lot of rewriting needs to happen within the engine code itself, as we are going into territory that no other Unreal Engine 4 game has gone before. To that end we ask for your patience and we will continue to put out updates on vehicles as they happen.
IndieDB Awards

In more exciting news, we're proud to announce that Squad was voted 2nd place in the Players Choice awards at IndieDB.com, and Best Upcoming game in the Editors Choice category! We want to thank the community and the editors for their support and votes


Punaise j'ai eu une de ces experience nuisible sur le serveur FR à 72 player! J'ai faillit déclencher une guerre mais j'ai réussi à avoir un la retenu nécessaire.

2rimpa POPO à blacklister dans tous les cas!  ;)

Si non pour les serveur 50player de squad.fr je les trouves très bien. Les gens jouent en team et j'ai fait de bonne rencontre.








On se teste ca un soir tous ensemble? Ca fait longtemps que j'ai pas vraiment joué à ce squad



Allez on lâche les .50


haha je suis partant ahah j'ai deja 118 heures de jeu dessus ^^

Jo Le Trembleur

