08 Février 2025 à 20:33:19


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[Public TvT] European Madness - 09.06.2022

Démarré par ilbinek, 27 Mai 2022 à 15:01:40

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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[TvT Publique] European Madness - 09.06.2022 - 2100CEST
Bundeswehr vs Armáda České republiky

Date & hour - Timezone CEST (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h20 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !


The year is 2025, the global political situation is worse than ever, nonrenewable resources are almost depleted and the global economy is in decline. The USA with the rest of the Americas decided to close its borders and isolate itself from the rest of the world. The same happened in Asia, with China and Japan agreeing that they need to cooperate to survive. This left Europe in a state of rapid deterioration. The European Union disintegrated and former member states went into chaos. Something unexpected happened. The Czech Republic found a new, yet unused deposit of coal, crude oil, and uranium. This deposit was found west of Ustí Nad Labem, which is also known as the Chernarus area. A new refinery was built in the city of Chernogorsk. This refinery was supposed to be used to manufacture enough oil for the entire Czech Republic with some to spare which would be sold. Germany intercepted a radio communication about the plans and decided, that they will not let it just be, as now they have the biggest refinery and almost no crude oil to refine. If they managed to capture the refinery, the entire south part of Chernarus would be in their control. This would mean that the newly found deposits would be under their control, with a closeby refinery already built. This is why the Bundeswehr was tasked with the capture of the city of Chernogorsk. The operation is taking place on Monday, 09.06.2025, 0340 hours. The Army of the Czech Republic is however ready for this and sent a considerable part of its soldiers and equipment to protect Chernogorks.

General Informations
  • The HE shells of the tank and Pandurs were removed
  • Zone capture takes 180 seconds
  • All four zones need to be captured for Bluefor to win
  • Zones can NOT be recaptured
  • Zone capture starts if there's two times more Bluefor than Redfor
  • If zone capture is interrupted, the timer resets
  • BOTH teams have an unarmed UAV for reconnaissance


BLUEFOR Objectives
  • All zones captured

REDFOR Objectives
  • At least one zone under control





Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup

Modset: European Madness
@ace http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463939057
@ace_compat_rhs_afrf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773131200
@ace_compat_rhs_gref http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884966711
@ace_compat_rhs_usaf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773125288
@ace_extension_placeables http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=866772689
@acr_a3 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=432400996
@acr_a3_rhs http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=831914878
@advanced_rappelling http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341
@advanced_sling_loading http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497
@advanced_towing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639837898
@advanced_urban_rappelling http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=730310357
@backpack_on_chest http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=820924072
@breaching_charge http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314910827
@brush_clearing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1889104923
@bwmod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1200127537
@cba_a3 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997
@cup_terrains_core http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583496184
@cup_terrains_maps_2 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981964169
@des_elevator http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=708665067
@enhanced_movement http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405
@enhanced_soundscape http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=825179978
@grad_trenches http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1224892496
@knock_on_vehicles http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=906748433
@ofcra_essentials http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2688071833
@rhsafrf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843425103
@rhsgref http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843593391
@rhsusaf http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843577117
@splendid_smoke http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=770418577
@sweet_marker_system http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=324952672
@tfar http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894678801
@tfar_animations http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2141020863
@vet_unflipping http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1703187116

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public:
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours


Bratwurst Command
 - Side Leader - [FORCEON] L. Kilo
 - 2IC

Bratwurst 1
 - 1: Squad Leader - [FORECON]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [FORECON]
 - 3: Team Leader - [FORECON]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [FORECON]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [FORECON]
 - 6: Team Leader - [FORECON]
 - 7: Marksman - [FORECON]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [FORECON]

Bratwurst 2
 - 1: Squad Leader - [FJB49]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [FJB49]
 - 3: Team Leader - [FJB49]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [FJB49]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [FJB49]
 - 6: Team Leader - [FJB49]
 - 7: Marksman - [FJB49]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [FJB49]

Bratwurst 3
 - 1: Squad Leader - [19th]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [19th]
 - 3: Team Leader - [19th]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [19th]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [19th]
 - 6: Team Leader - [19th]
 - 7: Marksman - [19th]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [19th]

Bratwurst 4
 - 1: Squad Leader - [19th]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [19th]
 - 3: Team Leader - [19th]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [19th]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [19th]
 - 6: Team Leader - [19th]
 - 7: Marksman - [19th]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [19th]

Bratwurst 5
 - 1: Squad Leader - [EDEN]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [EDEN]
 - 3: Team Leader - [EDEN]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [EDEN]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [EDEN]
 - 6: Team Leader - [EDEN]
 - 7: Marksman - [EDEN]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [EDEN]

Bratwurst 6
 - 1: Squad Leader - [GH]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [GH]
 - 3: Team Leader - [GH]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [GH]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [GH]
 - 6: Team Leader - [GH]
 - 7: Marksman - [GH]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [GH]

Bratwurst 7
 - 1: Squad Leader - [FAWR]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [FAWR]
 - 3: Team Leader - [FAWR]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [FAWR]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [FAWR]
 - 6: Team Leader - [FAWR]
 - 7: Marksman - [FAWR]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [FAWR]

Bratwurst 8
 - 1: Squad Leader - [FAWR]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [FAWR]
 - 3: Team Leader - [FAWR]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [FAWR]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [FAWR]
 - 6: Team Leader - [FAWR]
 - 7: Marksman - [FAWR]
 - 8: Missile Specialist (AT) - [FAWR]

Leop 1
 - 1: Crewman - [FJB49]
 - 2: Crewman - [FJB49]
 - 3: Crewman - [FJB49]

Leop 2
 - 1: Crewman - [19th]
 - 2: Crewman - [19th]
 - 3: Crewman - [19th]
Armáda České republiky
Krtek Command
 - Side Lead - [CZ/SK] Tklama
 - 2iC

Krtek 1
 - 1: Squad Leader - [JZS]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [JZS]
 - 3: Team Leader - [JZS]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [JZS]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [JZS]
 - 6: Team Leader - [JZS]
 - 7: Marksman - [JZS]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [JZS]

Krtek 2
 - 1: Squad Leader - [OFCRA]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [OFCRA]
 - 3: Team Leader - [OFCRA]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [OFCRA]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [OFCRA]
 - 6: Team Leader - [OFCRA]
 - 7: Marksman - [OFCRA]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [OFCRA]

Krtek 3
 - 1: Squad Leader - [CZ/SK]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [CZ/SK]
 - 3: Team Leader - [CZ/SK]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [CZ/SK]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [CZ/SK]
 - 6: Team Leader - [CZ/SK]
 - 7: Marksman - [CZ/SK]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [CZ/SK]

Krtek 4
 - 1: Squad Leader - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 3: Team Leader - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 6: Team Leader - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 7: Marksman - [Comando Épsilon]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [Comando Épsilon]

Krtek 5
 - 1: Squad Leader - [BG]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [BG]
 - 3: Team Leader - [BG]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [BG]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [BG]
 - 6: Team Leader - [BG]
 - 7: Marksman - [BG]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [BG]

Krtek 6
 - 1: Squad Leader - [FE]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [FE]
 - 3: Team Leader - [FE]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [FE]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [FE]
 - 6: Team Leader - [FE]
 - 7: Marksman - [FE]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [FE]

Krtek 7 (West spawn)
 - 1: Squad Leader - [IBC]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [IBC]
 - 3: Team Leader - [IBC]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [IBC]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [IBC]
 - 6: Team Leader - [IBC]
 - 7: Marksman - [IBC]
 - 8: Rifleman - (AT) - [IBC]

Krtek 8 (West spawn)
 - 1: Squad Leader - [OFCRA]
 - 2: Combat Life Saver - [OFCRA]
 - 3: Team Leader - [OFCRA]
 - 4: Autorifleman - [OFCRA]
 - 5: Asst. Autorifleman - [OFCRA]
 - 6: Team Leader - [OFCRA]
 - 7: Marksman - [OFCRA]
 - 8: Rifleman (AT) - [OFCRA]

Panda 1
 - 1: Crewman - [IBC]
 - 2: Crewman - [IBC]
 - 3: Crewman - [IBC]

Panda 2
 - 1: Crewman - [IBC]
 - 2: Crewman - [IBC]
 - 3: Crewman - [IBC]


3x Dingo 2 (MG3)
14x Eagle IV
2x Leopard 2
1x M1277 (CROWS/M2)
1x T815
4x Offroad
2x Land Rover (M2)
2x Pandur II