Topic des vidéos / photos / images militaires et/ou d'Arma

Démarré par Cirav, 03 Avril 2012 à 10:30:04

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Fuch, supers intéressant, mais pourquoi ils sont passé sur des voix pré enregistré  ??? C'est pas comme si ils ne parlaient pas en anglais, je trouve ca assez troublant.




Citation de: CiravPetit aperçu du prochain training Bluefor.
Les training ayant pour but d'améliorer constament une technique qu'on maitrise déjà à la perfection en opération:

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Petit court-métrage très sympa, pas trop réaliste mais néanmoins sympa. (pegi-16)

An elite team of U.S. Navy SEALs is trapped deep in hostile territory amongst an international crisis that has spun out of control in the Caucasus region. Russia is at war with Georgia and several other break-away republics in the region.
The U.S. has publicly declared a neutral stance on the unfolding crisis, but the situation has recently become more complicated. U.S. intel has confirmed that WMDs from an unknown source have fallen into the hands of separatist rebels fighting in the war in support of the Russian army. In the public eye, Russia has formally denied any affiliation with these terrorist regimes. However, intel has suggested the contrary. The KGB has strategically been aiding and supplying these separatist rebels in hopes that their various attacks on civilian targets will strike fear deep into the enemies of Russia, depleting what is left of their morale.
Operation Red Rover: The U.S. has secretly sent in a small Elite SEAL unit to disable any WMDs that are in the possession of separatist rebel fighters, as well as collect intel that could provide evidence to the world that the Russian Government has been directly financing terrorism against its adversaries. This would surely lead to a United Nations' War-Crime investigation on the KGB.
After some major complications with the mission, the SEAL team is now stuck deep in war-torn Russia, unable to be extracted as planned. They are tasked to hike through the Caucasus mountains and over the border into Georgia, where they can safely be extracted out to complete their mission. It is essential they keep a low profile and are not detected or captured. Not only would this mean that the vital intel they are carrying would never be retrieved, but the knowledge of their very presence on Russian soil could be seen as an act of war, bringing the U.S. into a conflict they do not seek..

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