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Topic des vidéos / photos / images militaires et/ou d'Arma

Démarré par Cirav, 03 Avril 2012 à 10:30:04

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0 Membres et 2 Invités sur ce sujet


T-99 MBT Chinease




c'tune merde le b52 et je le prouve
B-52 Crash at Fairchild Air Force Base

un V bomber ça à quasiment le même âge mais ça a de la gueule !

et pi le vulcan a tourné dans un Jame Bond lui !


Battle of Bulge 1944-1945

CiterAmerican infrantry from the 290th Regiment crouch in snowy woods near Amonines, Belgium, January 1945.

CiterHitler and his General Staff review plans in late 1944.
For the offensive to succeed, Germany needed four factors to work in its favor: catching the Allies off-guard; poor weather that would neutralize air support for Allied troops; dealing devastating blows early in the offensive; and capturing Allied fuel supplies intact. (Indeed, Germany originally intended to attack on November 27, but had to delay due to fuel shortages). On December 16, 1944, the German attack began: the Wehrmacht (the Third Reich's unified armed forces) struck with 250,000 soldiers along an 85-mile stretch of Allied front, stretching from southern Belgium to Luxembourg.

CiterAmerican soldiers in a snowy ditch in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge in 1945. Before the attack, some German troops who were able to speak English disguised themselves as Allied soldiers. They made a point of changing road signs and generally spreading misinformation. (Germans captured engaging in the subterfuge were executed by firing squad.)

American troops man trenches along a snowy hedgerow in the northern Ardennes Forest during the Battle of the Bulge. Other German efforts at sabotage proved largely ineffective, including attempts to bribe port and railroad workers to impede Allied supply operations.

CiterAn American tank moves past another gun carriage which slid off an icy road in the Ardennes Forest, 1945.

CiterUnpublished. Troops at the front in Belgium. When the Battle of the Bulge began, American forces had been feeling triumphant (Paris had just been liberated in August), and there was a sense among some American and other Allied leaders that Germany was all but defeated. The surprise attack in December 1944 — officially labeled the Ardennes-Alsace campaign by the U.S. Army — showed that any complacency whatsoever in the face of the still-formidable Wehrmacht was sadly and dangerously misplaced.

CiterA German SS Panzer trooper geared up for winter during the Battle of the Bulge — or as the conflict was known to its German planners, Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein, "Operation Watch on the Rhine." Effective as the initial German efforts were, they failed to achieve the complete and early knockout of Allied forces necessary for triumph. Wehrmacht Field Marshal Walter Model had given the attack only a 10 percent chance of success, and ultimately his forces failed to beat those steep odds.

CiterUnpublished. An aerial view of Ardennes in Belgium, showing Allied forces and artillery blast holes in a snowy field. The German attack proved stunningly effective at first, as troops advanced some 50 miles into Allied territory, creating the "bulge" in the American lines that gave the battle its memorable name.

CiterTending to the wounded in the Ardennes. While the Allied forces triumphed, victory came at a heavy price, with nearly 20,000 Americans killed and tens of thousands more wounded, missing, or captured. For American forces, the Bulge was the single bloodiest battle of World War II.

CiterAn American medic transports the wounded.

CiterUnpublished. German losses were even higher, with estimates of at least 67,000 casualties, including this soldier, dead beside a flowing river somewhere in the Ardennes Forest.

CiterA soldier shaves during a lull in battle in the Ardennes Forest in December 1944.

CiterSoldiers dig foxholes in the frozen ground in the Battle of the Bulge.

CiterAn exhausted American soldier just back from the front lines near the town of Murrigen during the Battle of the Bulge. With victory at the Battle of the Bulge on January 25, 1945, the final triumph over Nazi Germany was in reach; Allied forces pressed their advantage and began the last push toward Berlin. On May 7, Germany agreed to an unconditional surrender.



Super je passe mon temps a regarder ce genre de documentaire en ce moment, j'en ai pas mal sur la WWII que je diffuserai ce soir ;)


Ahhh, les hommes de l'ombres, en photos, 13 RDP:
C'est con j'avais quelques photos sympathiques quand j'ai passé une semaine dans le régiment à Dieuze
Faut que je fouille mais je crois qu'il me reste que ma boite souvenirs.... :triste:

EDIT: d'autres albums: http://www.flickr.com/photos/josenicolas/sets/



Citation de: Silly le 02 Juin 2012 à 13:22:26
Super je passe mon temps a regarder ce genre de documentaire en ce moment, j'en ai pas mal sur la WWII que je diffuserai ce soir ;)
up !  ;)


Je vais commencer par la série des grandes batailles de Jean-Louis Guillaud, Henri de Turenne et Daniel Costelle qui sont pour moi simplement géniaux et font partie des meilleurs malgré leurs age. 
D'ailleurs leurs ages permettent les témoignages d'acteurs et de témoins quasi inconnus ou célèbre. On y trouve notamment Clark, Bradley, Montgomery, Rokossovski, Tchouïkov, Montsabert...

la bataille de franceLa bataille d'angleterre.avi
la bataille du desert.aviLa bataille de moscou.avi
La Bataille De Stalingrad.aviLes Grandes Batailles - La Bataille D'italie.avi
Les Grandes Batailles - La bataille de Normandie.aviLa bataille d'allemagne 1943.avi
Les Grandes Batailles - La bataille d'Allemagne - Berlin.aviLes Grandes Batailles - La Bataille Du Pacifique Part1 Banzai.avi
Les Grandes Batailles - La Bataille Du Pacifique Part2 La Reconquete
Les Grandes Batailles La Bataille de l'Atlantique
le proces de nuremberg.avi