
OFCRA is a Swiss association, whose foundations date back to 2007 on Arma. It offers weekly, on Thursday evenings at 9pm, public and invitation-only TvT (team versus team) events, with more than 80 players connected on average, on Arma 3.

Our main features are no respawn, new missions every week and no use of AI.

We have our own Arma3, TS3 & arma3sync servers which we finance through membership fees and donations.


27.11.2020[TvT Publique WWII] Battle of Nikolajewka - 03.12.2020


There is not a single Italian surname that wasn't left lying in the snow in the disastrous winter 1943 retreat.

The Italian Army in Russia (ARMIR) was an under equipped and poorly led army composed by close to a quarter of a million men sent by mussolini as a last ditch attempt to affirm Italy as an "equal partner" to Germany in the Axis, after the failures of the invasion of France over the alps, the East Africa campaign, the Greek campaign and the undecisive 1st battle of El Alamein, stopping the Afrikacorps dead on their tracks.

As part of the northern defence of the Stalingrad salient along the Don river, together with the Romanian and Hungarian armies, the ARMIR was smashed by Russian forces in operation Little Saturn with the objective of further solidifying the encirlement of the German 6th army in Stalingrad.

After holding their front, the three Alpini divisions along the river were encircled. The Julia and the Cuneense divisions were destroyed during the retreat, while only parts of the Tridentina made it to further German defenses, but were unable to continue the fighting, marking the dissolution of the entire army group. In total only 15.000 alpini made it back, out of the ~65.000 deployed on the Don.

The Battle of Nikolajewka is the last hurdle faced by the last few remaining fighting units as they fight their way out of the pocket

More informations and registrations: https://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=6063.0

23.11.2020Cyber Island - campagne no 50


Nous allons commencer notre 50e campagne officielle, Cyber Island!

Nous aurons le plaisir de jouer avec les équipes suivantes : 19th (gb), 4PARA (gb), 6BAP (fr), ANROP (swe), BL (ita), CZ, D/2/506 (us/swe), FJB49 (de) et SIG (ita), durant 5 missions entre l'automne 2020 et l'hiver 2021.

Plus d'informations sur la campagne sur la page dédiée!

06.11.2020[TvT Publique] Operation Pelican - 12.11.2020


21 octobre 2015 - Province d'Al Rayak
Suite à des raisons inexpliquées, un hélicoptère de l'US ARMY s'est écrasé dans les montagnes près de Al Quisa. Au vu de la sensibilité des documents impliquant plusieurs acteurs privés dans cette région très convoitée pour ses ressources naturelles, une opération de récupération est menée, tant par les forces soviétiques que les forces américaines stationnées dans la région.
En outre, une base avancée abandonnées par les forces locales il y a peu, dans la région Bakhdia intéresse très fortement les deux factions, de part son emplacement stratégique.

October 21, 2015 - Al Rayak province
For unexplained reasons, a US ARMY helicopter crashed in the mountains near Al Quisa. In view of the sensitivity of the documents involving several private actors in this region highly coveted for its natural resources, a recovery operation was carried out by both Soviet and US forces stationed in the region.
In addition, a forward base recently abandoned by the local forces in the Bakhdia region is of great interest to both factions because of its strategic location.

More informations and registrations: https://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=6051.0

22.10.2020[TvT Publique WWII] Miracles on the Vistula - 29.10.2020


1944, l'Allemagne est en déroute. En se repliant, ils essaient de s'accrocher à chaque centimètre de terre pour la combat final. Ici, ils vont se battre contre les soviétiques pour quelques fortifications construites en 1940 avant la barbarie. Sur l'aéroport (utilisé également comme dépôt d'épaves), un seul avion a survécu au bombardement précédant l'offensive et est actuellement en préparation pour le vol.

1944, germany is on the retreat. As they fall back, they try holding on onto every inch of land for the endsieg. Here, they will fight against the soviets for some fortifications built in 1940 before barbarossa. On the airport (used also as a wreck depot), a single aircraft survived the bombing preceding the offensive and is currently being prepared for flight.

More informations and registrations: https://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=6047.0

09.10.2020COMMUNITY RADAR #19 - On parle de nous!


Nous avons eu le privilège cette semaine d'avoir été mis en avant dans la newsletter communautaire d'ARMA3!

C'est grâce à vous, membres fidèles, clans amis et joueurs réguliers que nous pouvons toutes les semaines continuer à vous proposer du contenu original et de qualité!

We were privileged this week to be featured in ARMA3's community newsletter!

Thanks to you, loyal members, clans, friends and regular players, we can continue to offer you original and quality content every week!

Community Radar #19

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