28 Avril 2024 à 11:37:32


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N



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Messages - Rigel

[Public TvT] Battle of Nikolajewka - 03/12/2020 - 2100CEST

ARMIR vs Red Army

Date & hour - Timezone CEST (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

SITAC/Historical Context

There is not a single Italian surname that wasn't left lying in the snow in the disastrous winter 1943 retreat.

The Italian Army in Russia (ARMIR) was an under equipped and poorly led army composed by close to a quarter of a million men sent by mussolini as a last ditch attempt to affirm Italy as an "equal partner" to Germany in the Axis, after the failures of the invasion of France over the alps, the East Africa campaign, the Greek campaign and the undecisive 1st battle of El Alamein, stopping the Afrikacorps dead on their tracks.

As part of the northern defence of the Stalingrad salient along the Don river, together with the Romanian and Hungarian armies, the ARMIR was smashed by Russian forces in operation Little Saturn with the objective of further solidifying the encirlement of the German 6th army in Stalingrad.

After holding their front, the three Alpini divisions along the river were encircled. The Julia and the Cuneense divisions were destroyed during the retreat, while only parts of the Tridentina made it to further German defenses, but were unable to continue the fighting, marking the dissolution of the entire army group. In total only 15.000 alpini made it back, out of the ~65.000 deployed on the Don.

The Battle of Nikolajewka is the last hurdle faced by the last few remaining fighting units as they fight their way out of the pocket

Informations générales/General Informations

xx.The german tank ran out of HE ammo
xx.Russians soldiers can't drive das panzer so don't steal it
xx.The "radio" and "supplies" objective are considered permanently completed after anyone uses the "ace action" on the respective object
xx.Both sides will be warned of the completion of one of the objectives (supplies and radio)
xx.For any doubt regarding discrepancies found in the post or the mission don't be afraid to contact me
xx.If you want to request a change in balance, you must commit to the side that gets weaker as a result of such change

Tac Map
Ace option Objs


Capture Zone

Common Objectives
  • Hold Train Station (3 points)

Alpini Objectives
  • Send Radio Message (2pts)
  • Secure the Supplies (2pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (2pts)

Russian Objectives
  • Prevent Both Radio AND Supplies (2pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 bluefor PAX alive (4pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup
  • Comment synchroniser vos addons avec Arma3sync
  • How to sync your addons with Arma3sync

Modset: [OFCRA] Battle of Nikolajewka https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository
  • ace
  • ace_compat_ifa3
  • acex
  • cba_a3
  • cup_terrains_core
  • ofcra
  • fow
  • ifa3_aio_lite
  • ifa3_lite_additional_bagpipes_tracks
  • tfar
  • itarmy_lite_mas

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA

IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours


Adorf - Company HQ
  • Lieutnant - 19th Hippie
  • Second Lieutnant -

Bad Muskau
  • 1. Squad Leader - FJB49
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader - FJB49
  • 3. Machine Gunner - FJB49
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.)  - FJB49
  • 5. Combat Medic - FJB49
  • 6. Rifleman (MP44)  - FJB49
  • 7. Rifleman (Pioneer) - FJB49
  • 8. Rifleman  - FJB49
  • 9. Rifleman - FJB49

  • 1. Squad Leader - 19th
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader - 19th
  • 3. Machine Gunner - 19th
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) - 19th
  • 5. Combat Medic - 19th
  • 6. Rifleman (MP44) - 19th
  • 7. Rifleman (Pioneer) - 19th
  • 8. Rifleman - 19th
  • 9. Rifleman - 19th

  • 1. Squad Leader - 19th
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader - 19th
  • 3. Machine Gunner - 19th
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) - 19th
  • 5. Combat Medic - 19th
  • 6. Rifleman (Pioneer) - 19th
  • 7. Rifleman - 19th
  • 8. Rifleman - 19th
  • 9. Rifleman - 19th

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Rifleman -
  • 7. Rifleman -
  • 8. Rifleman -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Rifleman -
  • 7. Rifleman -
  • 8. Rifleman -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • None
Red Army

Asbest - Company HQ
  • 1. Kapitan -
  • 2. Commisar -

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 8: Rifleman (Bazooka) -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 8: Rifleman (Bazooka) -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Rifleman (Pioneer) -
  • 4. Rifleman -
  • 8: Rifleman -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Rifleman (Pioneer) -
  • 4. Rifleman -
  • 8: Rifleman -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • 1. Squad Leader -
  • 2. Deputy Squad Leader -
  • 3. Machine Gunner -
  • 4. Rifleman (MG Asst.) -
  • 5. Combat Medic -
  • 6. Rifleman -
  • 4. Rifleman -
  • 8: Rifleman -
  • 9. Rifleman -

  • FW190 - Available after 45 minutes

Inscriptions - XX-XX PAX

More "E" squads will be added if needed

  • OFCRA (Fr/English)
    • Rigel
    • Jon Random
    • Flèche
    • Manchot
    • Tackle
    • Merdy
    • Flip4flap
    • PHK4900
  • FJB49 - 6+ PAX
  • LITCON - 1 PAX (with FJB49))
  • 19th - 10-15 PAX
  • 6BAP- 3-4 PAX
  • CZ/SK- 0/1 PAX
  • D/2/506- 3 PAX
  • TON - 2 PAX
  • MISC / Lonewolves
[TvT Publique] Miracles on the Vistula- 29.10.2020 - 2100CET

Wehrmacht vs Red Army

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !


1944, l'Allemagne est en déroute. En se repliant, ils essaient de s'accrocher à chaque centimètre de terre pour la combat final. Ici, ils vont se battre contre les soviétiques pour quelques fortifications construites en 1940 avant la barbarie. Sur l'aéroport (utilisé également comme dépôt d'épaves), un seul avion a survécu au bombardement précédant l'offensive et est actuellement en préparation pour le vol.

1944, germany is on the retreat. As they fall back, they try holding on onto every inch of land for the endsieg. Here, they will fight against the soviets for some fortifications built in 1940 before barbarossa. On the airport (used also as a wreck depot), a single aircraft survived the bombing preceding the offensive and is currently being prepared for flight.

Informations générales/General informations

  • Le FW190 sera prêt au vol 45 minutes après le début de la mission (après le warmup) . The FW190 will be ready to fly after 0:45 hr of gametime (after warmup)
  • Aucun véhicule autre que l'avion n'est disponible No vehicles other than the airplane are accessible
  • Le canon AA sur Border 2 peut être utilisé, mais s'il est déplacé par les redfor, les bluefor auront automatiquement le point. The AA on Border 2 can be used but if it is moved by redfor, bluefor will automatically get the point
  • Il y a un canon AA sur Border 4 en cas de nécessité. There is an emergency AA on Border 4
  • Si le FW190 décole et est détruit, le point ne sera pas compté. If the FW190 takes off and gets destroyed, the point will not count
  • Les bluefor n'auront aucun point si l'avion survit. Bluefor gets no points if the aircraft survives
  • Vous pouvez sceller le bunker de l'officier sur Border 1 via une action ACE. Le scellement est permanent. You can seal the bunker for the officer on Border 1 via an ace option on the sign. The seal is permanent
  • L'officier soviétique est immortel. The russian officer is immortal


Military Base

Anti air

Tac Map


Common Objectives
  • Secure the Military Base(3 points)

BLUEFOR Objectives
  • Destroy the AA on Border (2pts)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 redfor PAX alive (2pts)

REDFOR Objectives
  • The officer is inside the bunker (2pts)
  • Destroy the FW190 (1pt)
  • Supremacy - less than 5 bluefor PAX alive (2pts)

Règles/ Rules

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup

  • Comment synchroniser vos addons avec Arma3sync
  • How to sync your addons with Arma3sync

Modset: [OFCRA WWII Events - Public TvT https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository
  • ace
  • ace_compat_ifa3
  • acex
  • cba_a3
  • cup_terrains_core
  • ofcra
  • fow
  • ifa3_aio_lite
  • ifa3_lite_additional_bagpipes_tracks
  • tfar

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: game.ofcra.org
Port: 2302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours
Server will be UP
Don't forget to test your mods !


3 parties de 30 ou 45 minutes où l'on se tire dessus avec des armes. Des petites armes et des grosses armes, parfois il y a même des véhicules car je suis gentil.

Infos soirées

Passé 21H00 plus aucune aide technique ne sera fournie. Toute personne n'ayant pas ses mods fonctionnels ne sera pas autorisée / ne pourra pas rejoindre le serveur pour le confort & la qualité de jeu des autres.
After 9pm, no technical assistance will be provided. Anyone who does not have his mods functional will not be allowed / will not be able to join the server for the comfort & quality of play of others.

Orga Intel
Times are CET (GMT+1)
21H00: 'rendez-vous'
21H00 - 21H15: Lobby
21H15 - 21H20: Start M01
21H20 - 21H50: End M01
21H50 - 21H55: Start M02
21H55 - 22H25: End M02
22H25 - 22H30: Start M03
22H30 - 23H00: End M03
-> MODSET "[OFCRA WWII Events - Public TvT"
Mission type
- Capture and Hold
- Deathmatch
Game Intel
- 4 x 30 minutes
- 20 players versus 20 players (approx.)
- No respawn(M01/M02/M03/M04) / New Ace Medical System
- No AI in groups
- Role play and fair play are welcome

Des Questions ? Demander au mission maker ==> Rigel

Questions when on map during the launch of the mission should be directed towards the mission maker  ==> Rigel

Mission du jour

M01 - Capture the zone

Map: Montherme (Summer)
Armée: Wehrmacht vs British Army + US Army
Duration: 3 Minutes Briefing In Game + 30 minutes
Info: Plain old meet in the middle on an island
M02 - Deathmatch

Map: Montherme (Summer)
Armée: Wehrmacht vs British Army + US Army
Duration: 3 Minutes Briefing In Game + 30 minutes
Info: Arena-like
M03 - Capture the zone

Map: Montherme (Summer)
Armée: Wehrmacht vs US Army
Duration: 3 Minutes Briefing In Game + 30 minutes
Info: Americans with cars have to pass through a checkpoint held by badies
M04 - Deathmatch

Map: Montherme (Summer)
Armée: Wehrmacht vs British Army
Duration: 3 Minutes Briefing In Game + 30 minutes
Info: Everyone gets pistols and 10 cars each side. Ramps are present.

Nous rejoindre

Comment participer à une publique > http://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=3570.0
How to play with us > http://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=3570.0

[Modset --] Armasync: [OFCRA WWII Events - Public TvT

Serveurs Jeux: game.ofcra.org 2302 MP ofcra

Teamspeak 3 IP : ts.ofcra.org  Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours


Vous pouvez rejoindre en cours de soirée à tous moments pour la M02 ou M03
You can join during the evening at any time for the M02 or M03 no one is going to read this(I read this), if free slots are remaining

    • You
a foreign legion in true french fashion. Also merci a tous :thumbsup: !
Parties publiques / Re : [ Public TvT ] Eternal Clog
16 Septembre 2020 à 17:12:09
absent :(

no scratch that, present
mercy beucup
Demande de recrutement pour le soldat Rigel

Camp souhaité :Redfor
Age du candidat :22 ans
Expérience d'ARMA 3 :I've been playing with you guys since 2016 and through the good and the bad i loved the journey. Time for the next step.

A condensed history would be:
Playing since the alpha, being an active player in the 2rgt since 2015, being squad leader and various other roles since around 2016 and making missions since 2015
And i am top 10 in the stats for kills  :afro:  :afro:
Autre(s) activitée(s) :I'm no longer part of the BL, i'm now a full time 19th retard and play random games.
Pourquoi l'OFCRA :I want to contribute to the ofcra project after playing for all this years, now that I no longer pay into the italian group.

And i kinda want to contribute by creating missions if thats ok
Complément :i love ofcra

J'approuve le règlement intérieur de l'OFCRA.  I approve the ruleset for ofcra bois
J'accepte les conditions d'encadrement en qualité de Stagiaire.  I accept the conditions of something as a training boi