[08 Avril - PvP Publique 3x30 minutes] Back to Basic

Démarré par Ruskoff, 27 Mars 2018 à 12:52:07

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0 Membres et 2 Invités sur ce sujet

Événements liés


Orga Intel
21H00: 'rendez-vous'
21H00 - 21H15: Lobby
21H15 - 21H25: Briefing M01
21H25 - 21H55: End M01
22H00 - 22H10: Briefing M02
22H10 - 22H40: End M02
22H45 - 22H55: Briefing M03
22H55 - 23H25: End M03


Modset --> 3x30

Game Intel
- 3 x 30 minutes
- 20 players versus 20 players
- No respawn / ACE Basic Medical System
- No sh***y AI in groups / Only to shoot'em up
- Role play and fair play are welcome


Altis: 5 mars 1991

Suite à des élections un nouveau gouvernent pro-russe est mis au pouvoir. Les Etats-Unis voient cela d'un très mauvais œil. Ils ne peuvent pas laisser la Russie gagner du terrain en Europe et sur le bassin méditerranéen! Afin de contrer ces élections démocratiques, ils arment et créent une milice d'opposition dans le plus grand secret. Ils ont réussis à renverser le pouvoir en place en tuant le président fraichement élu. Ces milices sont sur le territoire pour créer le désordre et le chaos pendant que les russes de leur part décident d'annexer la région et de prendre le contrôle total de l'ile.

Following elections, a new pro-Russian government is put in power. The United States sees this as a very bad thing. They can not let Russia gain ground in Europe and the Mediterranean! In order to counter these democratic elections, they arm and create an opposition militia in the greatest secrecy. They managed to overthrow the ruling power by killing the newly elected president. These militias are on the territory to create disorder and chaos while the Russians on their part decide to annex the region and take full control.

M01 - Ministre in Paros

Date : 05/03/1991
Heure/Hours : 06H00
Météo/Weather : *** / ***
Vent/Wind :  *** /
Type de partie/ Game Type : *** / ***

Selon un informateur, les russes ont des infos sur la dernière position connue d'un 1er ministre du parti-prorusse. Ils devraient l'extraire en position "safe" afin d'organiser de nouvelle élection. La ville de Paros va connaître un début de journée agitée.

According to an informant, the Russian news about the last known position of a Prime Minister of the party-Prussian. They should extract it to "safe" position to organize a new election. The city of Paros will know a bad morning

Points mission

Points red

Take extraction area
Tenir la zone d'extraction
Enlever le 1er ministre
Remove the Prime Minister
Supremacy Bonus (1pts)
Si il y a moins de 2 personnes dans le camp opposé, l'équipe gagne 1 points.
If less than 2 men are alive, the ennemy team wins 1 points.
Points blue

Take extraction area
Tenir la zone d'extraction
Tuer le 1er ministre
Kill Prime Minister
Truck destroyed
Supremacy Bonus (1pts)
Si il y a moins de 2 personnes dans le camp opposé, l'équipe gagne 1 points.
If less than 2 men are alive, the ennemy team wins 1 points.

M02 - Storage in Charkia

Date : 05/03/1991
Heure/Hours :  09H00
Météo/Weather :  *** /   ***
Vent/Wind : *** / ***
Type de partie/ Game Type :  *** / ***

Un important convoie d'armement russe est en route pour Charkia. Il veulent prendre une ancienne zone d'approvisionnement afin d'établir un QG!

A large convoy of Russian armament is on its way to Charkia. They want to take an old supply area to establish a HQ!

Points mission

Points red

Tenir la zone
Take area
Truck in area
Truck in area
Supremacy Bonus (1pts)
Si il y a moins de 2 personnes dans le camp opposé, l'équipe gagne 1 points.
If less than 2 men are alive, the ennemy team wins 1 points.
Points blue

Tenir la zone
Take area
Détruire le camion d'armement
Destroy ammo truck
Supremacy Bonus (1pts)
Si il y a moins de 2 personnes dans le camp opposé, l'équipe gagne 1 points.
If less than 2 men are alive, the ennemy team wins 1 points.

M03 -  Crash in Limni

Date :  05/03/1991
Heure/Hours : 12:00 PM
Météo/Weather :  *** / ***
Vent/Wind :  *** / ***
Type de partie/ Game Type :  *** / ***

Suite à un crash d'un Blackfoot sur la zone de Limini les force local on sécurisé la zone. Les russes veulent trouver et sécuriser la zone pour prouver l'implication américaine dans le conflit. Les américaine veulent retrouver et sécuriser l'épave en attendant les renforts pour faire disparaître les preuves.

Following a crash of a Blackfoot on the Limini area the local force secured the area. The Russians find and secure the area to prove US involvement in the conflict. The Americans want to find and secure the wreck while waiting for reinforcements to remove the can.

Points mission

Points red

Tenir la zone
Take the area
Trouver le pilot
Find pilot
Supremacy Bonus (1pts)
Si il y a moins de 2 personnes dans le camp opposé, l'équipe gagne 1 points.
If less than 2 men are alive, the ennemy team wins 1 points.
Points blue

Tenir la zone
Take the  area
Trouver le pilote
Find pilot
Supremacy Bonus (1pts)
Si il y a moins de 2 personnes dans le camp opposé, l'équipe gagne 1 points.
If less than 2 men are alive, the ennemy team wins 1 points.

Informations complémentaire

Comment participer à une publique > http://ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=3570.0

Reposite pours les addons: *** 3x30***

Vous pouvez rejoindre en cours de soirée à tout moment pour la MXX ou MXXX s'ils restent des slottes libres

Serveurs: game.ofcra.org 2502 MP ofcra




Les missions sont UP. Nous allons utiliser le minimum de mode ces prochains temps. Alors pofiter d'inviter des amis car les modes ne sont plus un obstacle!

Salutations RSK.


Si je me rappel comment lancer ARMA avec un modset et que j'ai reconfiguré tout le bordel je passerais faire coucou


Tu as tous dans le 1er poste et si tu as des soucis hésite pas à demander!



Jo Le Trembleur




Hello, merci pour la soirée!

21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: loading OMTK v2.4.0...
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check start
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check end
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills start
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills end.
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger start
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger end
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging start
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging end
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up start
21:27:37 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up end
21:32:37 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards start
21:32:37 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards end
21:34:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_34' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:34:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_34' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:34:06 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_34' killed by 'bot_34'
21:34:08 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_35' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:34:08 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_35' killed by 'bot_35'
21:34:10 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_36' hit by 'Bluck'
21:34:10 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_36' killed by 'Bluck'
21:34:12 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_37' hit by 'Bluck'
21:34:12 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_37' killed by 'Bluck'
21:35:07 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Kieran'
21:36:55 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Reinhardt'
21:37:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Mr.cool'
21:38:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_25' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:38:21 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_25' killed by '19th Doritos'
21:38:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
21:38:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
21:38:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
21:38:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'RoydeCamper3'
21:38:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'RoydeCamper3'
21:38:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'RoydeCamper3'
21:38:27 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_38' killed by 'bot_38'
21:38:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'RoydeCamper3'
21:38:31 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_30' killed by 'RoydeCamper3'
21:38:35 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
21:38:35 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_26' killed by 'Demivar'
21:38:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_27' hit by 'Demivar'
21:38:36 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_27' killed by 'Demivar'
21:38:41 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Demivar'
21:38:41 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_24' killed by 'bot_24'
21:38:41 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_28' hit by 'nasa'
21:39:02 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_28' hit by 'Demivar'
21:39:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:39:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:39:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:29 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_33' killed by 'bot_33'
21:39:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_32' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:36 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_32' killed by '19th Rico'
21:39:38 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:38 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by '19th Rico'
21:39:39 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Reinhardt'
21:39:39 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_31' killed by 'bot_31'
21:41:35 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_29' hit by 'Fenrir'
21:41:35 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_29' killed by 'bot_29'
21:44:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Demivar'
21:44:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Demivar'
21:44:14 [OMTK] KILL: 'Jo Le Trembleur' killed by 'Demivar'
21:44:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:44:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:44:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:44:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:44:51 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_46' hit by 'Bluck'
21:44:51 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_46' killed by 'Bluck'
21:44:54 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_47' hit by 'Bluck'
21:44:54 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_47' killed by 'Bluck'
21:44:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Prax'
21:44:57 [OMTK] KILL: 'Demivar' killed by 'Demivar'
21:45:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:45:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:46:35 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:46:45 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'nasa'
21:46:45 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'nasa'
21:46:45 [OMTK] KILL: 'Prax' killed by 'nasa'
21:47:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Fenrir'
21:47:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Fenrir'
21:47:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Kieran'
21:47:05 [OMTK] KILL: 'Fenrir' killed by 'Kieran'
21:47:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Reinhardt'
21:47:14 [OMTK] KILL: 'Risbo' killed by 'Reinhardt'
21:48:48 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_7' hit by 'Reinhardt'
21:50:35 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:52:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:05 [OMTK] KILL: 'RoydeCamper3' killed by 'Islambek'
21:52:47 [OMTK] KILL: 'Norah' killed by 'Norah'
21:52:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:52:47 [OMTK] KILL: 'Norah' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
21:52:55 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:52:55 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:52:55 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:52:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:52:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:52:56 [OMTK] KILL: 'Palladium' killed by 'Palladium'
21:52:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th Doritos'
21:52:57 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:57 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Islambek'
21:52:57 [OMTK] KILL: '19th Doritos' killed by '19th Doritos'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:37 [OMTK] KILL: 'nasa' killed by 'nasa'
21:53:39 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by 'nasa'
21:53:54 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:53:54 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
21:54:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:54:27 [OMTK] KILL: 'RuskOFF' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:54:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_44' hit by 'Alfred'
21:54:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_44' hit by 'Alfred'
21:54:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_44' hit by 'Alfred'
21:54:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_44' hit by 'Alfred'
21:54:37 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_44' killed by 'Alfred'
21:54:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_45' hit by 'Paul Smith'
21:54:57 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_45' killed by 'Paul Smith'
21:55:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Reinhardt'
21:55:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Reinhardt'
21:55:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
21:56:12 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
21:56:12 [OMTK] KILL: 'Steffan' killed by 'Steffan'
21:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mrwhite350' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:56:27 [OMTK] KILL: 'Mrwhite350' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:57:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:57:38 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:57:38 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:57:38 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:57:38 [OMTK] KILL: 'Flip4Flap' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
21:59:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_39' hit by 'Mr.cool'
21:59:33 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_39' killed by 'Mr.cool'
22:00:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:00:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:00:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:00:03 [OMTK] KILL: 'Islambek' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:00:56 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Alfred'
22:00:56 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Alfred'
22:00:56 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Alfred'
22:00:56 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Alfred'
22:01:01 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Alfred'
22:01:01 [OMTK] KILL: '19th The Mr Dave' killed by 'Alfred'
22:01:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Kieran'
22:01:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Kieran'
22:01:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Bluck'
22:01:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Bluck'
22:01:30 [OMTK] KILL: 'Paul Smith' killed by 'Bluck'
22:01:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Kieran'
22:01:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Kieran'
22:01:33 [OMTK] KILL: 'Alfred' killed by 'Kieran'
22:02:36 [OMTK] ERROR: Unit: non comptabilisee pour camp inconnu: GUER
22:02:36 [OMTK] OBJECTIVE: Zone: zone1 BLUE=0 - RED=0
22:02:36 [OMTK] ERROR: Unit: non comptabilisee pour camp inconnu: GUER
22:02:36 [OMTK] OBJECTIVE: Zone: zone1 BLUE=0 - RED=0

22:02:36 [OMTK] [INFO]: scores computed
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: loading OMTK v2.4.0...
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check start
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check end
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills start
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills end.
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger start
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger end
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging start
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging end
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up start
22:08:53 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up end
22:13:54 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards start
22:13:54 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards end
22:16:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:16:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:20:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_47' hit by 'Bluck'
22:20:25 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_47' killed by 'Bluck'
22:20:43 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_49' hit by 'Kieran'
22:20:43 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_49' killed by 'Kieran'
22:21:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_36' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_36' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_36' killed by 'Sons83'
22:21:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'Norah'
22:21:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_37' hit by 'Alfred'
22:21:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_37' hit by 'Alfred'
22:21:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_37' hit by 'Alfred'
22:21:04 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_37' killed by 'Alfred'
22:21:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_39' hit by 'Alfred'
22:21:14 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_39' killed by 'Alfred'
22:21:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_40' hit by 'Norah'
22:21:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_40' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_40' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'Norah'
22:21:26 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_38' killed by 'bot_38'
22:21:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_40' hit by 'Sons83'
22:21:26 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_40' killed by 'Sons83'
22:21:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_46' hit by 'Bluck'
22:21:27 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_46' killed by 'Bluck'
22:22:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_35' hit by 'Prax'
22:22:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_35' hit by 'Prax'
22:22:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_35' hit by 'Prax'
22:22:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_35' killed by 'Prax'
22:22:12 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_34' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:22:12 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_34' killed by 'Fenrir'
22:22:40 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_42' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:40 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_42' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:42 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_41' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:42 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_41' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:43 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_48' hit by 'Bluck'
22:22:43 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_48' killed by 'Bluck'
22:22:46 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_41' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_41' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_50' hit by 'Bluck'
22:22:47 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_50' killed by 'Bluck'
22:22:48 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_41' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:22:48 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_41' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:23:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_44' hit by 'Bluck'
22:23:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_44' hit by 'Bluck'
22:23:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_44' killed by 'Bluck'
22:23:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_45' hit by 'Norah'
22:23:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_45' hit by 'Norah'
22:23:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Bluck'
22:23:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_45' hit by 'Norah'
22:23:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_45' hit by 'Norah'
22:23:57 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_45' killed by 'bot_45'
22:24:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_43' hit by 'Sons83'
22:24:03 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_43' killed by 'bot_43'
22:25:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Risbo'
22:25:05 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_33' killed by 'Risbo'
22:27:12 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:27:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:27:18 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'Paul Smith'
22:27:20 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:27:20 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:27:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:27:21 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:27:21 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:27:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:27:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:27:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:27:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:27:26 [OMTK] KILL: 'Reinhardt' killed by 'Reinhardt'
22:27:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Bluck'
22:27:36 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Sons83'
22:27:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Bluck'
22:27:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'RoydeCamper3' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:28:11 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:28:11 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:28:44 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Palladium'
22:28:44 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_31' killed by 'Palladium'
22:28:51 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'RoydeCamper3'
22:28:59 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'RoydeCamper3'
22:28:59 [OMTK] KILL: 'Norah' killed by 'RoydeCamper3'
22:29:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Islambek'
22:29:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:29:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:29:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:29:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:29:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:29:29 [OMTK] KILL: 'Islambek' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:30:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:32 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'Kieran' hit by 'Sons83'
22:31:03 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:31:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by '19th Rico'
22:31:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by '19th Rico'
22:31:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by '19th Rico'
22:31:49 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Alfred'
22:31:52 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Alfred'
22:32:16 [OMTK] KILL: 'RoydeCamper3' killed by 'RoydeCamper3'
22:32:42 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_29' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:32:42 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_29' killed by 'Fenrir'
22:32:44 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:32:45 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:32:45 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:32:46 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:32:46 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_30' killed by 'Fenrir'
22:32:47 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_28' killed by 'bot_28'
22:32:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_28' hit by 'Prax'
22:32:47 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_28' killed by 'Prax'
22:32:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Sons83'
22:32:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Sons83'
22:32:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Sons83'
22:32:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Sons83'
22:32:57 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Sons83'
22:32:59 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Sons83'
22:33:05 [OMTK] KILL: 'Kieran' killed by 'Kieran'
22:33:38 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mrwhite350' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
22:34:18 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Paul Smith'
22:34:18 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Paul Smith'
22:34:18 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Paul Smith'
22:34:18 [OMTK] KILL: 'Bluck' killed by 'Paul Smith'
22:34:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:34:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:34:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:34:31 [OMTK] KILL: 'Paul Smith' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
22:35:02 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:35:24 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:25 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:25 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:26 [OMTK] KILL: '19th The Mr Dave' killed by 'Palladium'
22:35:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Palladium'
22:35:30 [OMTK] KILL: 'Steffan' killed by 'Palladium'
22:35:31 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:35:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Demivar'
22:35:38 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:35:39 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:35:43 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'RuskOFF'
22:36:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'Sons83' hit by 'nasa'
22:36:04 [OMTK] KILL: 'Sons83' killed by 'nasa'
22:36:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'Alfred'
22:36:15 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'Alfred'
22:36:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Palladium'
22:36:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Palladium'
22:37:36 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Alfred'
22:37:38 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Palladium'
22:37:38 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Palladium'
22:37:38 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Palladium'
22:37:38 [OMTK] KILL: '19th Rico' killed by '19th Rico'
22:37:39 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mr.cool' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
22:37:39 [OMTK] KILL: 'Mr.cool' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
22:37:40 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
22:37:42 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
22:37:42 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
22:37:42 [OMTK] KILL: 'RuskOFF' killed by 'RuskOFF'
22:37:49 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Demivar'
22:37:59 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Alfred'
22:38:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Alfred'
22:38:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_32' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
22:38:03 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_32' killed by 'Mrwhite350'
22:38:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'nasa'
22:38:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'nasa'
22:38:37 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'nasa'
22:38:37 [OMTK] KILL: 'Arthyc' killed by 'Arthyc'
22:38:59 [OMTK] KILL: '19th Doritos' killed by '19th Doritos'
22:39:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'nasa'
22:39:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'nasa'
22:39:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'nasa'
22:39:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Risbo'
22:39:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Risbo'
22:39:28 [OMTK] KILL: 'nasa' killed by 'Risbo'
22:39:43 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Demivar'
22:39:43 [OMTK] KILL: 'Risbo' killed by 'Risbo'
22:39:44 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:39:45 [OMTK] KILL: 'Demivar' killed by 'Demivar'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Prax'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Prax'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Prax'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by 'Prax'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:41:56 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:42:13 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Fenrir'
22:42:13 [OMTK] KILL: 'Jo Le Trembleur' killed by 'Fenrir'
22:42:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Prax'
22:42:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Prax'
22:42:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Prax'
22:42:21 [OMTK] KILL: 'Fenrir' killed by 'Prax'
22:42:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Fenrir'

22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: loading OMTK v2.4.0...
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check start
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check end
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills start
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills end.
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger start
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger end
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging start
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging end
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up start
22:49:54 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up end
22:54:55 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards start
22:54:55 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards end
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] KILL: 'Paul Smith' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Jo Le Trembleur' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] KILL: 'Jo Le Trembleur' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:28 [OMTK] KILL: 'Norah' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] KILL: 'Islambek' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Fenrir' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] KILL: 'Fenrir' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Palladium' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:56:29 [OMTK] KILL: 'Palladium' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:58:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mrwhite350' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:58:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:58:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:58:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:58:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:58:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'Sons83' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
22:59:22 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:22 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:22 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:22 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_27' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:23 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_27' killed by 'bot_27'
22:59:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_28' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:23 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_28' killed by 'bot_28'
22:59:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Mr.cool'
22:59:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_25' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:25 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_25' killed by 'Demivar'
22:59:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Demivar'
22:59:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Steffan'
23:02:44 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by '19th The Mr Dave'
23:02:44 [OMTK] KILL: 'Prax' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
23:03:10 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:03:10 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:03:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:03:19 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_26' killed by 'bot_26'
23:03:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:03:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_29' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_29' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_29' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:04 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_29' killed by 'bot_29'
23:04:05 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_30' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:05 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_30' killed by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:07 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:07 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:07 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:07 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_31' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:07 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_31' killed by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_32' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_32' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:09 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_32' killed by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:14 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:04:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Risbo'
23:04:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Risbo'
23:04:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Risbo'
23:04:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Risbo'
23:04:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Risbo'
23:04:26 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Risbo'
23:04:26 [OMTK] KILL: '19th The Mr Dave' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
23:05:59 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Sons83'
23:05:59 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_24' killed by 'bot_24'
23:06:02 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_38' hit by 'Mrwhite350'
23:07:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Mrwhite350' hit by '19th Rico'
23:07:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'Mrwhite350' killed by 'Mrwhite350'
23:07:12 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by '19th Rico'
23:07:24 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Sons83'
23:07:24 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Sons83'
23:07:25 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Sons83'
23:07:26 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by '19th Rico'
23:07:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by '19th Rico'
23:07:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by '19th Rico'
23:07:32 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Doritos' hit by 'Sons83'
23:07:32 [OMTK] KILL: '19th Doritos' killed by '19th Doritos'
23:08:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'Alfred' hit by 'Risbo'
23:08:59 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:08:59 [OMTK] KILL: 'Arthyc' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:09:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'Bluck'
23:09:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'Bluck'
23:09:31 [OMTK] KILL: 'RuskOFF' killed by 'Bluck'
23:09:48 [OMTK] HIT: 'Sons83' hit by 'Alfred'
23:09:48 [OMTK] KILL: 'Sons83' killed by 'Alfred'
23:09:48 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Alfred'
23:09:48 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:11:03 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:11:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Demivar'
23:11:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Demivar'
23:11:04 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'Demivar'
23:11:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'nasa'
23:11:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Risbo' hit by 'nasa'
23:11:30 [OMTK] KILL: 'Risbo' killed by 'nasa'
23:11:50 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:12:50 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:12:50 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:12:50 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:12:54 [OMTK] KILL: 'Error: No unit' killed by 'Error: No unit'
23:13:29 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Bluck'
23:13:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:13:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:13:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Bluck'
23:13:30 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Bluck'
23:13:40 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Bluck'
23:13:40 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Bluck'
23:13:40 [OMTK] KILL: 'Reinhardt' killed by 'Bluck'
23:13:51 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_4' hit by 'Steffan'
23:13:51 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_4' killed by 'bot_4'

23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: loading OMTK v2.4.0...
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check start
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: difficulty_check end
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills start
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: ia_skills end.
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger start
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: kill_logger end
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging start
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: vehicles_thermalimaging end
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up start
23:24:16 [OMTK] INFO: warm_up end
23:25:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Norah'
23:25:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Norah'
23:25:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Norah'
23:29:17 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards start
23:29:17 [OMTK] INFO: score_boards end
23:30:32 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_33' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:30:32 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_33' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:30:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:33 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:30:37 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:47 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:50 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:50 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:31:58 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:31:58 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:31:59 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_29' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:06 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_29' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:07 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_24' hit by 'Demivar'
23:32:07 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_24' killed by 'Demivar'
23:32:08 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_23' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:09 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_23' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:09 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_23' killed by 'nasa'
23:32:10 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_20' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_22' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:32:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:32:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:32:13 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_21' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:32:13 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_21' hit by 'Reinhardt'
23:32:13 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_21' killed by 'Reinhardt'
23:32:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_32' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:16 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_32' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:32:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_34' hit by 'Arthyc'
23:32:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_34' hit by 'Arthyc'
23:32:18 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_34' killed by 'bot_34'
23:32:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_27' hit by 'bot_27'
23:32:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_27' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:32:24 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_22' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_22' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_22' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:25 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_22' killed by 'bot_22'
23:32:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:25 [OMTK] KILL: 'Reinhardt' killed by 'Norah'
23:32:28 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_20' hit by 'nasa'
23:32:28 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_20' killed by 'nasa'
23:32:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Bluck'
23:32:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:34 [OMTK] KILL: 'Demivar' killed by 'Norah'
23:33:22 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_26' hit by 'Prax'
23:33:22 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_26' killed by 'Prax'
23:33:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Norah'
23:33:27 [OMTK] KILL: 'Bluck' killed by 'Norah'
23:33:39 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Norah'
23:33:41 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_25' hit by 'Prax'
23:33:41 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_25' killed by 'Prax'
23:33:52 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_28' hit by 'RuskOFF'
23:33:58 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Norah'
23:33:59 [OMTK] KILL: '19th The Mr Dave' killed by '19th The Mr Dave'
23:34:15 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:15 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:17 [OMTK] KILL: 'Steffan' killed by 'Norah'
23:34:20 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_28' hit by 'RuskOFF'
23:34:20 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_28' killed by 'RuskOFF'
23:34:45 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Norah'
23:35:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_15' hit by 'RuskOFF'
23:35:19 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_15' killed by 'RuskOFF'
23:36:43 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_27' killed by 'bot_27'
23:37:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'nasa'
23:39:12 [OMTK] KILL: 'Norah' killed by 'Norah'
23:39:12 [OMTK] HIT: 'Norah' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:39:12 [OMTK] KILL: 'Norah' killed by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:40:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
23:40:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
23:40:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
23:40:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
23:40:19 [OMTK] HIT: 'RuskOFF' hit by 'nasa'
23:40:19 [OMTK] KILL: 'RuskOFF' killed by 'RuskOFF'
23:40:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'RuskOFF'
23:40:43 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:44 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:52 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:52 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:52 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:52 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:53 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:53 [OMTK] HIT: 'Islambek' hit by 'Prax'
23:40:53 [OMTK] KILL: 'Islambek' killed by 'Islambek'
23:41:11 [OMTK] HIT: 'nasa' hit by 'Arthyc'
23:41:11 [OMTK] KILL: 'nasa' killed by 'Arthyc'
23:43:44 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by '19th Rico'
23:43:45 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by '19th Rico'
23:44:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'Arthyc'
23:44:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'Arthyc' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:44:48 [OMTK] HIT: '19th Rico' hit by 'Arthyc'
23:44:48 [OMTK] KILL: '19th Rico' killed by 'Arthyc'
23:46:00 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Prax'
23:46:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Prax'
23:46:06 [OMTK] HIT: 'Paul Smith' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:46:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'Prax' hit by 'Prax'
23:46:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'Flip4Flap' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:46:21 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_40' hit by 'Error: No vehicle'
23:47:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_16' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_16' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_18' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_18' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_19' killed by 'bot_19'
23:47:01 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_19' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:01 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_19' killed by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:23 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_17' hit by 'Flip4Flap'
23:47:23 [OMTK] KILL: 'bot_17' killed by 'bot_17'
23:47:37 [OMTK] KILL: 'Paul Smith' killed by 'Paul Smith'
23:47:39 [OMTK] HIT: 'bot_6' hit by 'bot_6'
23:59:16 [OMTK] OBJECTIVE: Zone: zone1 BLUE=0 - RED=0
23:59:16 [OMTK] OBJECTIVE: Zone: zone1 BLUE=0 - RED=0
23:59:16 [OMTK] [INFO]: scores computed

Point d'amélioration et relevé pendant la soirée pour le prochain évent.

- Son intro
- IA détection
- Gps pas dans sac
- OCAP à faire fonctionner
- Simplifier et mieux indiquer les obj dans briefing
- Correction descriptif lodaouts Blue (AK74 et non 47)

Si vous avez des autres retours ou idée merci de les indiquer ici. Je rajouterais quelques screen ce soir.


23:32:25 [OMTK] HIT: 'Reinhardt' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:25 [OMTK] KILL: 'Reinhardt' killed by 'Norah'
23:32:31 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Bluck'
23:32:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:34 [OMTK] HIT: 'Demivar' hit by 'Norah'
23:32:34 [OMTK] KILL: 'Demivar' killed by 'Norah'
23:33:27 [OMTK] HIT: 'Bluck' hit by 'Norah'
23:33:27 [OMTK] KILL: 'Bluck' killed by 'Norah'
23:33:39 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Norah'
23:33:58 [OMTK] HIT: '19th The Mr Dave' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:15 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:15 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:16 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:17 [OMTK] HIT: 'Steffan' hit by 'Norah'
23:34:17 [OMTK] KILL: 'Steffan' killed by 'Norah'

Noraj you've been norked  :-[


Ce fut une bonne soirée avec des missions de kalitay !

Et merci encore à l'orchestre philharmonique pour ses intros musicales épiques!  ;D