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Titre: [Blood Rain] M03 - Pacification - 22.11.2018
Posté par: Ruskoff le 12 Novembre 2018 à 21:52:17

M03 - Pacification


Suite à la guerre qui fait rage en Clafghan les forces en place n'ont plus le soutien de la population. Les armées en place veulent gagner la confiance de la population mais malheureusement la situations actuel et les enjeux géostratégiques rendent la mission très compliqué. Le village de Mandigara au sud-est des récents combats est un passage obligatoir pour toutes âmes vivantes voulant quitter Clafghan. Les chefs de ce village l'ont déserté car ils ont peur pour leur vie suite à leurs appels à résister aux envahisseurs. Les russes voyant cela d'un très mauvais œil veulent profiter de l'occasion pour les faire disparaitre et pourquoi pas imputer cela au américain. Les américains sachant ne pas être les bienvenus dans la zone et ayant la mauvaise réputation de jouer au gendarme du monde ont décider de coopérer avec les chefs et veulent montrer à la population d'être capable de travailler avec eux afin de pacifier et sécuriser le sud est de Clafghan.

Following the war raging in Clafghan, the forces in place no longer have the support of the population. The armies in place want to gain the confidence of the population but unfortunately the current situation and the geostrategic stakes make the mission very complicated. The village of Mandigara in the southeast of recent fights is a compulsory passage for all living souls wanting to leave Clafghan. The leaders of this village have deserted him because they are afraid for their lives as a result of their calls to resist the invaders. The Russians seeing this with a very bad eye want to take the opportunity to make them disappear and why not impute that to the American. Americans know not to be welcome in the area and having the bad reputation of playing the gendarme of the world. We decide to cooperate with the leaders and want to show the population to be able to work with them in order to pacify and secure the south east of Clafghan.

Mission, screen et objectif:

US Navy

-Prendre la zone violette
Take the purple zone: 2pt
-Contact dans la zone violette vivant ou mort
Contact in the living or dead violet zone: 1pt
-Contact dans la zone violette vivant ou mort
Contact in the living or dead violet zone: 1pt
-Contact dans la zone violette vivant ou mort
Contact in the living or dead violet zone: 1pt
-Contact dans la zone violette vivant ou mort
Contact in the living or dead violet zone: 1pt
-Contact dans la zone violette vivant ou mort
Contact in the living or dead violet zone: 1pt
-Supremacy (réduire le camps adverse à moins de 4 player)
Supremacy (reduce the opposing side to less than 4 players):1pt

-Prendre la zone violette
Take the purple zone: 2pt
-Contact mort 
Dead Contact: 1pt
-Contact mort 
Dead Contact: 1pt
-Contact mort 
Dead Contact: 1pt
-Contact mort 
Dead Contact: 1pt
-Contact mort 
Dead Contact: 1pt
-Supremacy (réduire le camps adverse à moins de 4 player)
Supremacy (reduce the opposing side to less than 4 players):1pt

Search area
Spoiler: montrer
Contact (chef)
Spoiler: montrer
Capture area
Spoiler: montrer




Headquarter - 5 PAX
Officier (M16A4/ACOG)
Squad Leader (M16A4/ACOG)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Combat Life Saver (M16A4)
Combat Life Saver (M16A4)

Riflesquad long range - 9 PAX
Squad Leader (M16A4/ACOG)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Autorifleman (M249)
Autorifleman (M249)
Marksman (M14/LEUOLGMK4)
Recon (MK18/COMPM4)
Rifleman AP (M16A4/M136HEDP)

Weapon Squad - 7 PAX
Squad Leader (M16A4/ACOG)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Heavy Auto Rifleman (M240/EOTECH552)
Heavy Auto Rifleman (M240/EOTECH552)
Autorifleman Assist. (M16A4)
Autorifleman Assist. (M16A4)

Riflesquad - 9 PAX
Squad Leader (M16A4/ACOG)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Autorifleman (M249)
Autorifleman (M249)
Rifleman Spé. AT(M16A4/SMAW)
Rifleman AT Assist. (M16A4/M136)
Rifleman AP (M16A4/M136HEDP)

Recon Force spécial - 5 PAX
Squad Leader (M16A4/ACOG)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Marksman (M14/LEUOLGMK4)
Recon (MK18/COMPM4)
Combat Life Saver (M16A4)

Destruction Force spécial - 5 PAX
Squad Leader (M16A4/ACOG)
Team Leader(M16A4/G33/XPS3)
Spé. Demo (M16A4/M136/SATCHEL)
Spé. Demo (M16A4/M136/SATCHEL)
Combat Life Saver (M16A4)

RESERVE- 5 PAX (infantry)
Russian Army

Leader Squad - 8PAX
Officier (AK74/1P29)
Squad Leader (AK74/1P29)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Heavy Gunner (PKP/1P63)
Heavy Gunner (PKP/1P63)
Combat Life Saver (AK74)
Combat Life Saver (AK74)

Recon Squad - 8 PAX
Squad Leader (AK74/1P29)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Autorifleman (RPK)
Autorifleman (RPK)
Rifleman AT (AK74/RPG26)
Rifleman AP(AK74/RHSG2)
Marksman (SVDS/PSO)

Kiev Rifle Squad - 7 PAX
Squad Leader (AK74/1P29)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Autorifleman (RPK)
Autorifleman (RPK)
Rifleman AT (AK74/RPG26)
Rifleman AP(AK74/RHSG2)

Moscou Rifle Squad AT - 7 PAX
Squad Leader (AK74/1P29)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Rifleman Spé. AT (AK74/RPG7)
Rifleman AT Assist. (AK74)
Rifleman AT (AK74/RPG26)
Rifleman AP(AK74/RHSG2)

Recon Force spécial - 5 PAX
Squad Leader (AK74/1P29)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Spotter (AK74/1P29)
Marksman (SVDS/PSO)
Combat Life Saver (AK74)

Destruction Force spécial - 5 PAX
Squad Leader (AK74/1P29)
Team Leader (AK74/G33/XPS3)
Spé. Demo (AK74/RPG26/SATCHEL)
Spé. Demo (AK74/RPG26/SATCHEL)
Combat Life Saver (AK74)

RESERVE- 5 PAX (infantry)

Informations:Interdiction de modifier les skins des chefs. La route est vraiment mauvaise et tout rush et vivement déconseillé.
Attention la population à pu mettre des barrages routiers de dernière minutes.

Information :No change in the skins of the chefs. The road is really bad and all rush and strongly discouraged.
Attention The population has been able to put roadblocks of last minute.

Informations Pratique: SERVER BLUEFOR UP pour reconnaissance
Practical Information :SERVER REDFOR UP for recon (ask Nasa / Pogo / Always for credential).

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