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Project Reality Arma 2

Démarré par Shooter, 03 Avril 2012 à 17:36:16

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0 Membres et 5 Invités sur ce sujet



 ;), Il semblerait et Tsninapah aussi, dommage qu'on ai pas de news mais bon!


Super cool la video ! ça donne envie !



Il y a encore du monde?  Car chaque fois que je passe sur le serveur c'est vide...


On parle du mod PR pour le jeu BF2 :wink29:




Ca me donne envie de réinstaller BF2... j'ai très peu joué à PR sur BF mais du peu que j'en ai vu, j'ai vraiment apprécié.

C'est bon de savoir qu'ils vont sortir un PR sur Arma 3. J'espère qu'ils pourront profiter du physx :)

CiterAs previously announced, we ceased development of PR:ARMA 2 in favour of its natural successor, PR:ARMA 3.

Moving forward, an important decision had to be made. Having listened to community feedback, particularly concerning the complexity of PR:ARMA2, we decided to go back to basics. Our plan is to start small, and build incrementally over time.

Our initial focus will be on the primary gameplay elements of squad based teamwork. This will be using stock ARMA3 assets (units, vehicles etc).

The following post will detail our plans for the initial milestones that we are working towards. However do bear in mind that these may change based on developments that may occur once ARMA3 is released.

PR:ARMA3 Release Plan

Milestone 1

This will our basic gameplay release. It will be distributed to selected servers as a mission pack. Being a mission pack, all players will have to do to play is just jump on the server. No additional download will be necessary. We are hopeful that we will be able to attract a large amount of players this way, some of whom might become interested in our future, mod-based releases. It should also provide us with ample feedback regarding gameplay, the most important thing to nail down. To support this aim, the initial release will be hosted on selected servers only.

Key features

Advance and Secure game mode
Squad system
Infantry respawn system
Rally points
Kit system
Map marker system
Infantry-only missions

Milestone 2

An extension of content provided by Milestone 2, released in the form of a mission pack as well. Its goal will be to address any issues found in the Milestone 1 release, be they bugs or gameplay issues. Transport vehicles will be added to the mix, this will also allow us to create larger missions.

Key features
Vehicle respawn system
Larger missions with transport vehicles

Milestone 3

The last mission-based release. It will focus on two things - medic system and the introduction of Attack and Defend game mode.

Key features

Attack and Defend
Medic system

Following these milestones we will begin to focus on a mod-based (download) release. Here we will begin to develop new functionality, such as:

Insurgency gamemode
Vehicle rearming system
Vehicle repair system
Missions with armed vehicles
Cargo system
Forward outposts
Commander system

As always, we won't be providing timescales on when we're likely to release anything. Rest assured we're working very hard to get our first milestone release out as soon as possible - it's about 50% complete.



C'est nouvelle version de PR est juste une merveille malgré que BF2 est pris un bon coup de vieux.
J'attend avec impatience PR:Arma 3...


Je confirme il on bien bossé!!! la balistique est beaucoup mieux, les effets visuels top!!


mdp: 10iK1aEvmZzcGNBkVS17mCzAHzqU2rPva27p3oxM2Rju7SiVQJ


Moi je vous dis les français je les ai testé ils déchirent!!!!