19 Février 2025 à 02:13:39


Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Mot de passe : mineisbiggerthanyours
Discord: https://discord.gg/bWtGS7N


[Public TvT] Seeking River V

Démarré par wombat, 28 Janvier 2025 à 00:52:26

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0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce sujet

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Seeking River V - 06/02/2025 - 2100CET

Rogue British Special Forces vs Sweden

Date & hour - Timezone CET (Euro)

21h00 -> Meet on our Teamspeak & start slotting
21h15 -> Briefing on map or ingame
21h30 -> Mission start !

Sitac / Backstory
Swedish Coast, 2025

British Raiding Camp
The air's colder tonight, biting through the damp undergrowth where we've holed up. The wind carries the faint tang of salt and smoke—a reminder of last night's work. Two fishing outposts along the coast, neutralised. Their comms towers are down, their docks gutted. A distraction, a warning, and a message all at once. The locals will wake to silence, their connection to the world severed. By the time they realise what's happened, we'll be long gone—or buried in the dirt.

We didn't come this far to fail. The job's clear: take down the two servers hosting a few hundred million in Bitcoin, kill two targets, and—if time allows—cripple the local military base. Simple on paper, deadly in practice.

Hardy Longjohns, our de facto leader, crouches nearby, chewing over the plan one last time. His face is shadowed under his black cap, streaked with mud. "Server farms first," he mutters. "Priority targets are secondary. Base is optional."

He glances at Mack, the quiet one, who's methodically loading magazines beside me. Mack just nods, his hands steady as ever.

The activist and the streamer—two names we've only half-bothered to learn. Both high-profile, both trouble for someone rich enough to hire us. I don't ask questions about politics or vendettas. It's money in the account, same as the Bitcoin we're about to take.

We landed last night, slipping through the surf in Zodiacs under moonless skies. The coastline was desolate, just jagged rocks and dense pines, the perfect cover. Now, our cache is hidden, and we're moving like phantoms, one hit at a time.

A part of me wonders if the Swedes are expecting us. They're not amateurs—well-trained, well-armed, and no strangers to defending their homeland. I feel a twinge of respect for them. It's a rare thing, but it's there. Doesn't mean I'll hesitate when the time comes.

The servers are in two separate locations. They're not flashy and hopefully have minimal security. But we've mapped it out. Breach, plant the devices, pull the Bitcoin. A handful of seconds, and we're out.

Then there's the third site—the military base. It's a tempting target, especially for Hardy. If we take it out, we cripple their response for days. But it's a gamble, and we're not fools. If we hit it, it'll be fast and surgical. In and out, leaving fire and confusion in our wake.

I check my rifle, the weight of it familiar and steady in my hands. There's a strange comfort in this work, in knowing that every movement could be your last. We've all made peace with it. If I die here, on this cold Swedish shore, I'll die with a gun in my hands, facing forward. That's how it should be.

Hardy signals. Time to move.

The forest swallows us as we slip through the shadows, invisible and silent. The targets are close now, the servers, the lives we've been paid to snuff out, the base that may yet burn.

This is who we are—soldiers without a flag, raiders in the modern age. And tonight, the North Sea will carry our legend home.
Swedish Response Group
They struck last night—silent, calculated, merciless. The fishing villages were left burning, their docks in ruins, comms towers obliterated. By the time the smoke cleared, the only thing left was fear. Whoever these raiders are, they didn't come to make demands or leave survivors.

The briefing this morning confirmed our worst suspicions. Former British special forces—mercenaries—have landed on our shores. Their targets: two Bitcoin server farms hidden in the countryside, worth a fortune in digital wealth. They're not just here to steal, though. Two civilians—a political activist and a video streamer—are on their kill list, likely part of some bigger agenda we don't fully understand. And as if that wasn't enough, there's talk they may attempt to cripple our military base on the coast.

We don't have time to ask why. The enemy is here, and it's up to us to stop them.

I stand in the rain on the perimeter of the southern server compound, my rifle in hand, my eyes scanning the blackness of the forest. The night feels alive, every shadow a potential threat. Around me, my comrades—local defence units, most of us lightly armed and trained more for emergencies than full-scale combat. We're not the ones who should be holding this line, but we don't have a choice.

Reinforcements are coming. Somewhere to the north, an elite response unit is mobilising, their helicopters and boats slicing through the storm. They're bringing the kind of firepower and training we'll need to repel these invaders. But they're hours away, and until then, it's just us.

The forest is deathly quiet except for the rain. "How long do we have?" I ask Lindholm, the sergeant beside me.

He glances at his watch. "Maybe an hour. Maybe less. They'll hit before the response team gets here—count on it."

I tighten my grip on the rifle, the weight of it suddenly heavier. We know what we're up against—former professionals, trained for this kind of warfare. They've already killed, and they'll kill again if we let them.

The server compounds are not even fortified, it's not much, but it'll have to hold. The activists and the streamer are under guard at separate locations, though we all know the enemy will find a way to reach them if they aren't stopped here.

Then there's the base. If they strike there, it could cripple our ability to respond for days. The officers have warned us to watch for any signs they're diverting forces that way, but so far, it's quiet. Too quiet.

"Movement!" someone hisses over the comms.

Lindholm is already moving, shouting commands to regroup and hold the line. My heart pounds as I face into the dark, knowing full well that every second we delay them brings the reinforcements closer.

We're outgunned, outmatched, but we'll hold. We have to. Tonight, this land is ours to defend. And until those boats and helicopters arrive, we'll be the shield that keeps these raiders at bay.

Informations générales/ General informations
  • Toutes les informations ne sont pas documentées ici, il appartient à chaque camp de procéder à une reconnaissance. / Not all information is documented here, it is up to each side to make a reconnaissance.
  • Hon. / Swedish Helicopter is locked for 5min at start of mission
  • Hon. / Both sides have many spawns, check what platoon you are part of and you will spawn with them
  • Hon. / British boats have very limited ammo
  • Hon. / The assassination targets are civilian AI. And are not to be moved from their starting locations.


Overview map
Spoiler: montrer
Spoiler: montrer
British Forces
Spoiler: montrer
Swedish Forces
Spoiler: montrer
Bitcoin Server
Spoiler: montrer
Swedish Celebrity
Spoiler: montrer

Objectifs/ Objectives

Common Objectives
  • Control Dalsvingen Military Base at game end (2 pts)
  • Side Leader alive at 70mins (2 pts)

Redfor Objectives
  • Kill Swedish video streamer at Bergsasen harbour by 40 min (1 pts)
  • Raid bitcoin near Dalsbyrd by 50 min (2 pts)
  • Raid bitcoin at Norde Bjune by 60 min (2 pts)
  • Kill Swedish activist at Hoggstoppsvingen by 70 min (1 pts)

Bluefor Objectives
  • Protect Swedish video streamer at Bergsasen harbour by 40 min (1 pts)
  • Protect bitcoin near Dalsbyrd by 50 min (2 pts)
  • Protect bitcoin at Norde Bjune by 60 min (2 pts)
  • Protect Swedish activist at Hoggstoppsvingen by 70 min (1 pts)

Règles/ Rules
  • Hon. / The assassination targets are civilian AI. And are not to be moved from their starting locations.

Règles générales de l'OFCRA / OFCRA generic rules:

Configuration & technical setup

- https://www.ofcrav2.org/fr/participer/repository

Public Server & test mission, will be up 24h-48h prior to the event, to stress/test your mod/addons
Server public: brokengrenade.cz
Port: 3302
Password: ofcra

Teamspeak 3 OFCRA
IP : ts.ofcra.org
Password: mineisbiggerthanyours


Command (North Spawn)
 - Side Leader - Ak 5C - [23rd Neeves]
 - 2iC - Ak 5C - [23rd]

HKP16 (North Spawn)
 - Pilot - MP5 - [23rd]

Strb90 (North Spawn)
 - Captain - Ak 5C - [TAASB]
 - Gunner - Ak 5C - [TAASB]

Húskarl Command (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C
 - Medic - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C

Húskarl Sniper (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Sniper - Ag 90B - [RL]

Húskarl MG1 (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [RL]
 - Machinegunner - KSP 58B - [RL]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [RL]

Húskarl MG2 (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [23rd]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [23rd]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [23rd]
 - Machinegunner - KSP 58B - [23rd]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [23rd]

Húskarl MG3 (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [23rd]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [23rd]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [23rd]
 - Machinegunner - KSP 58B - [23rd]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [23rd]


Ledung A Command (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C
 - Medic - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C

Ledung A1 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [WT]

Ledung A2 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [WT]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [WT]

Ledung A3 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [TAASB]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [TAASB]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [TAASB]

Ledung A4 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [TMF]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [TMF]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [TMF]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [TMF]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [TMF]


Ledung B Command (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [GH]

Ledung B1 (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]

Ledung B2 (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [OFCRA]

Ledung B3 (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Medic - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [GH]
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C - [GH]

Ledung B4 (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - Ak 5C
 - Medic - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C
 - Rifleman - Ak 5C

Command - 2* Spotter Drone (North Spawn)
 - Side Leader - L119A1 - [Squad Ops]
 - 2iC/ Spotter Drone - L119A1 - [Squad Ops]

Household troops Command (North Spawn)
 - Platoon Leader - L119A1 - [RBEP]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [RBEP]

Household troops Sniper (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [NR]
 - Sniper - L135A1 - [NR]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [NR]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [NR]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [NR]

Household troops MG1 (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [NR]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [NR]
 - Gunner - L7A2 - [NR]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [NR]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [NR]

Household troops MG2 (North Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [RBEP]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [RBEP]
 - Gunner - L7A2 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [RBEP]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [RBEP]


Fyrd A Command (South Spawn)
 - Platoon Leader - L119A1
 - Medic - L119A1
 - Rifleman - L119A1
 - Rifleman - L119A1

Fyrd A1  (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [PLH]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [PLH]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PLH]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PLH]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PLH]

Fyrd A2  (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [AFDF]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [AFDF]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [AFDF]

Fyrd A3  (South Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1
 - Medic - L119A1
 - Rifleman - L119A1
 - Rifleman - L119A1
 - Rifleman - L119A1


Fyrd B Command (East Spawn)
 - Platoon Leader - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]

Fyrd B1 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]

Fyrd B2 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]

Fyrd B3 (East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [19th]


Fyrd C Command  (North East Spawn)
 - Platoon Leader - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [FJB49]

Fyrd C1  (North East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [FJB49]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [FJB49]

Fyrd C2  (North East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PPC]

Fyrd C3  (North East Spawn)
 - Squad Leader - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Medic - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PPC]
 - Rifleman - L119A1 - [PPC]