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Exile Mod

Démarré par Iceberg, 25 Août 2015 à 19:56:52

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0 Membres et 2 Invités sur ce sujet


Citation de: galevsky le 29 Août 2015 à 11:49:30
Oui oui j'ai vu mais je ne veux pas en hoster une instance moi-même, je veux voir sur quels types de serveurs jouent les copains pour savoir si je les rejoins ou pas ;)
C'est un serveur 3ème personne, HUD

Citation de: Iceberg le 29 Août 2015 à 12:39:12
Dimanche soir soirée chasse en Littlebird, lootez des MG des magazines et stockez les dans vos bases, on va chier du monde ca vous vas?

Ca marche je viendrais prêter main forte !



C'était Epic hier soir, qqu a t'il filmé ce vol de vehicule??


Ouais, je regarde ce qu'il y a à garder et j'uploaderais sans rien trop toucher je pense.


j'ai notre tour en helico et quand on chasse lautre strider!


Finalement j'ai coupé et gardé 11minutes, jusqu'au crash en hélico, plus le kill à la hache et au pistolet en plus aussi du mec en strider qui nous fais chier.

! No longer available


Excellent c'etait vraiment fun, j'ai trouvé 4 victimes pour les soirées il y a une base pas loin de chez moi ils sont bien actif


MAJ du mod en 0.9.19 le serv est up sous cette version: http://acp-cdn.vilayer.com/exile/@Exile-0.9.19.zip

les codes des lockers sont sauvegardé, plus besoin de les taper 50 fois par partie


ahhhhh ca c'est top


La base enemie pres de chez moi ils semblent etre tous connecté, on leur trous la peau?


ils ont du être un peu énervés pour leurs Quads et leurs 4x4 défoncés :D


TLDR Version
– Two more trader cities
– Boat traders
– Added compatibility with Arma 1.50
– Concurrent building is in
– Corpses wont de-spawn as that fast anymore
– You can send others pop tabs
– Higher stability
– Much wow

– You can now sell empty plastic bottles to collect the deposit
– Implemented a trader "Exile_Trader_Community" for server owners to create custom stores
– The XM8 "remembers" your settings now
The owner of a territory can now give away build rights to other players. You can invite them in the players XM8 app
– Corpses now despawn after 15 minutes. Can be configured in CfgSettings serverside
You can transfer pop tabs to other players in the players XM8 app
– Updated the basic.cfg template for optimal performance and lag-free gaming for 1GBit/s + 100 slot servers
– Added a completely new way of ingame notifications (might need some tweaking, need feedback please)
Hunger and thirst rate decreased by 33%, so you can live longer (Loot a shop, its not that hard!)
– Increased the spawn chance of matches by 500% (civillian lower class + shops)
– Added matches to industrial loot too
– Added a new model + art for the cooking pot
Boat traders are now integrated (there is no boat customs, you can buy skins directly)
– Fixed rounding problems with the XM8 for respect and pop tabs
– Respect and pop tabs will now show the full / real amount as a tooltip
– Added proper vehicle god mode to purchased vehicles so they will not spawn damaged (especially the hellcat)
– Solved the "I cannot get into a vehicle sometimes if someone is already in" problem (Classic Arma problem)
– Bambi Creation Timeout problem fixed
Added a "health monitor" to the XM8. It will show your hitpoints or the ones of the vehicle you are in (community wish)
– Added better BE filters for drones
– Added quad bikes, karts and theirs skins to the traders
– Added two more trader zones on Altis to lower trader camping
– Auto-run does stop immediately now if you press 0 again
– Auto-run will stop if you run into the ocean, shot or if your legs are "broken" (>50% damage)
– You cannot auto-run anymore when you are injured
– Corrected the MAR10 magazine in the traders
Fixed doors spawning in unlocked state after server restart
– Fixed the floating loot in some of the military towers (eg the one on the shore next to the trader city in Altis)
– If stream friendly UI is enabled, the PIN code pad will show **** instead of numbers
Increased server stability. It runs stable even if 70 players connect at the same time
The difficulty level "Exile Hardcore" is now "first person only" by default
Fixed an exploit where creative people could bypass safe locks
– Completely redone notification system (bis_fnc_showNotification)
* Windows 10 style notification
* Stacking Capability (max 10, if you add more they will be displayed when slides are available)
* Uses same config as BIS_fnc_showNotification
* 4 input support
* Coloring from config
* Duration from config
* Subtle sound
Added confirmation option to (move/deconstruct) for buildings
– Safe exploit fixed
– native RCON control of a server for server owners
* Auto Lock on server boot until server is ready
* Auto Lock before restart
* Restart messages in defined period
* Auto Kick before server restart to prevent gear loss
Now you only need to enter a code once to unlock a car/door/safe once per session :) *Community wish
Added a keybind to lock and unlock doors/cars/safes (default disabled, you need to remap UserAction 1 in options to a key thats not used by Exile(altis life U)) *Community wish
– Toggle option for kill feed – Server side
Cant tow locked vehicles
Fixed a bug where initial territory size is wrong
– Approx. 160 other things that take too long to mention here

For servers
Wipe required: No
Database Update required: No
exile_server_config.pbo Modification required: Yes
-> Change CfgSettings >> RCON >> serverPassword
BattleEye Filter Update required: Yes
Key Update required: Yes
extdb.ini Update required: Yes
Mission Update required: Yes


On va enfin pouvoir bâtir une base TOUS ENSEMBLE, sans faire comme la DDE, un qui bosse, les autres qui regardent.


on fait tous notre base, ca fait tjs un point de chute en cas de soucis ;)
Mais oui, pq pas faire une super base :)


Les mecs, je vous conseil des à présent de faire un max de screen ou de filmer vos actions...
certaines personnes sont très mauvais joueurs / perdants et sont prêt à mentir pour vous mettre dedans...
dont.. certains admin (heureusement sans véritables pouvoirs ;)
