Printemps 2012 - ARMA II
La bataille de Celle est une victoire américaine. Le président russe, le chef d’état-major et le ministre de la défense réfléchissent à un subterfuge pour percer à l’Ouest, mais ils sont confrontés aux unités du 75e détachement de Rangers et aux troupes motorisées et mécanisées de la First Armored Division. Par conséquent, les unités aéroportées russes, parachutées sur Celle, la 106 ème division aéroportée de la garde appuyée par la 423 e brigade motorisée est acculée jusqu’à la frontière polonaise. La flotte Nord russe continue son expansion en mer Baltique, les troupes du district Sibérien s’apprêtent à attaquer le Moyen-Orient.
Le groupe d’armée sud en partant de l’Iran atteint l’Irak sans difficulté. Il fonce sur Fallujah ou là une autre bataille va se dérouler. L’armée américaine sur place est balayée. Des opérations de moins grande envergures sont mené également en Italie, ou les Russes tenteront une percer, mais le résultat est décevant. A l’Ouest, le front se dégage et peu à peu les Russes se rapprochent des frontières Françaises. La Chine s’allie avec la Russie et s’occupe principalement du front africain où les entrepreneurs chinois ont créé leurs usines dans la corne de l’Afrique. Le monde est divisé, et l’ampleur des événements est hollywoodienne.
La Russie contrôle l’Europe de l’Ouest sauf la France l’Angleterre, l’Espagne et l’Italie. La Scandinavie résiste, les armées Suédoise s’allies aux Norvégiens et aux Finlandais. La Chine à le control total de l’Asie du Sud Est et de l’Afrique de l’Est. L’Iran aidé par un Hezbollaha suréquipé depuis 2007, se confronte aux Israéliens. Les troupes de l’OTAN se retirent d’Afghanistan.
Les Russes préparent une offensive en Colombie : nom de code Operation Downfall.
- 01 - MARCELLA : Jeudi 1 mars 2012
- 02 - VICTORIN : Mardi 13 mars 2012
- 03 - MORADA : Jeudi 29 mars 2012
- 04 - CHECKPOINT : Mardi 10 avril 2012
- 05 - CALAPEDRO : Jeudi 26 avril 2012
- 06 - MARUKO : Mardi 8 mai 2012
24.05.2024[Public TvT] Battle of Caen - 06.06.2024
June 1944
The Battle of Caen was a pivotal engagement during World War II following the D-Day landings. Caen, a strategically important city in Normandy, France, became the focal point of this battle due to its transport connections, which made it a key objective for both sides. The battle unfolded in several phases, each with its own codename.
Epsom, was an attempt by British forces to outflank Caen, This included the commanding positins around Hill 112.
Charnwood followed, with British and Canadian forces launching a massive offensive to seize Caen's suburbs.
Finally, Operation Goodwood, involving a major British armored thrust aimed to capture the rest of Caen and push beyond
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20.09.2023[Public TvT] Operation Euphrates Fury - 28.09.2023
Sa'hatra, June 1991
Shortly after the end of Operation Desert Storm in Iraq, tensions remained in the region, and US intelligence obtained information that Iraqi troops had hidden a fleet of armoured vehicles, posing a continuing threat to the stability of the region.
The US-led coalition, concerned about this potential threat, decided to launch an operation, dubbed "Euphrates Fury", to locate and destroy these vehicles.
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09.06.2023[Public TvT] WW2 Operation Saber - 15.06.2023
Europe 1944
Germany has been on the retreat. The allies are trying to cut off a separated mechanized group of German Tiger tanks. The German's are trying to get the tanks to safety while engaging in a fighting retreat.
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14.04.2023[Public TvT] Operation Zombie - 20.04.2023
The troubles have waged in Ireland for years, conflict has made the streets battlegrounds. This bloodshed is fed by a constant supply of arms from sympathetic groups outside of Ireland. With the largest shipment to date due, now is the time for the PIRA to show the world how much power they have and take control of an entire town. However, the timing has not worked out and now swift British intervention could show the world how in control they are. Once again this will be decided by battles on the streets. .
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03.06.2022[TvT Publique] European Madness - 09.06.2022
The year is 2025, the global political situation is worse than ever, nonrenewable resources are almost depleted and the global economy is in decline. This left Europe in a state of rapid deterioration. The European Union disintegrated and former member states went into chaos. Something unexpected happened. The Czech Republic found a new, yet unused deposit of coal, crude oil, and uranium. This deposit was found west of Ustí Nad Labem, which is also known as the Chernarus area. A new refinery was built in the city of Chernogorsk. This refinery was supposed to be used to manufacture enough oil for the entire Czech Republic with some to spare which would be sold. Germany intercepted a radio communication about the plans and decided, that they will not let it just be, as now they have the biggest refinery and almost no crude oil to refine. If they managed to capture the refinery, the entire south part of Chernarus would be in their control. This would mean that the newly found deposits would be under their control, with a closeby refinery already built. This is why the Bundeswehr was tasked with the capture of the city of Chernogorsk. The operation is taking place on Monday, 09.06.2025, 0340 hours. The Army of the Czech Republic is however ready for this and sent a considerable part of its soldiers and equipment to protect Chernogorks.
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